Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

And this is not what I meant at all, I think he has multiple hoops going to keep things separate I was only speaking towards the herms which if he(Gary) is like many of us and has a lot going on and he just can’t check them as much as he would like ( just my own assumption) it is possible and for the record I’m not hating or casting shade on him just rationalizing it


Sounds like multiple people are having issues with multiple strains. @YoBigdaddy, @Zanzibar and @drgreensleeves here on OG. All 3 are good growers. Just something to keep an Eye on.


I cull them too, except Old Silversides, which so far has proven a wise move.

I didn’t see where I said you had high nitrogen. I wasn’t implying you used too much nitrogen, but rather I was implying I might use too little. Nitrogen is known to cause hermaphrodites if used in any quantity. Maybe that’s why I don’t get them…or as I said above, " I wonder if that makes a difference."
Look how low Nitrogen is here on these. This is what made me wonder.


This is where conclusions can begin to be drawn IMO. Multiple observed data points reveal patterns.


Now that I can believe, I’ll be keeping an eye out for late nanners but I’ve always heard that was more of an indoor issue so we’ll see.

Will be for sure :face_with_monocle:


I can only comment on my own experience with Colorado Sativas and so far I’ve completed grows on 7 different varieties from him without any herm issues and they all turned out as expected based on their original descriptions. Mine were all long season outdoor grows though and were started in the spring. I have two more varieties going now so I hope I don’t break the herm-free streak!

I don’t have as much experience as others here but the herms I have experienced from other landrace/heirlooms were grown indoors and the few herms that I did have outdoors were males.


That seems to be the case. Given that they come from outdoor settings, it may take some time and effort to stabilize for indoor use


Ciskey from Tropical seeds (old release)

8 feet tall atm (at least), still stretching, reaching the roof of the greenhouse already. She’s beating me. We’ll see, challenge accepted.

Poor photographer talents do not honor her beauty, my bad, but let’s call that a documentation effort :grinning:

Can’t wait to see her flowering!

on the right (left is amnesia (HY-PRO) x Jamaica Blue Mountain (JGL) from viudiv)


That’s beautiful. Have you grown any of these before @funkyfunk? Getting any smell yet?
@deeez99 That’s good information about colorado sativas. I picked up a couple strains from him last Winter. Do you know anyone that has tried his Oaxaca?
@drgreensleeves When I was looking at Colorado sativa’s website I noticed plants that he used for his photos. For other strains were sitting right next to different strains Definitely in the same greenhouse. It’s not impossible To keep everything separate these days with those pollen isolation chambers they have now, but it still makes me wonder… I’m glad @deeez99 Has found everything to be as advertised. I won’t be so shy about dipping in now


For sure that’s a huge part of it… chemical fertilizer is another part, soil less growing mediums another, too much N…erratic light cycles…
It sure would be nice to figure out exactly what it is That causes them most often.


Thanks @Upstate and much more for your love of sharing sativas. Salivating on some of your grows and happy to get another jamaican historic line thanks to you and a few others.

I’ve stocked this beans in the fridge for a while and did not grow them before.

On 3 beans all were stinky and sticky right on the first few weeks from seeds. Had a dwarf, selected one of the remaining two for this outdoor.

Smell is evolving, and difficult to nail. First it was something like very cream/sweet/milky, with floral/spicy undertones. Now the creamy side seems to fade a bit away. I guess it’s too soon yet to get a taste of what kind of smoke it will be. Pure sativa still for sure.

I’m sure it will be very fine smoke. Crossing my fingers it will resist this shitty summer and upcoming shitty fall.


That Ciskei should be spitting out stigmas in a week or so. That’s an eight week strain is that right? There’s been lots of discussion As to whether this could be a pure sativa or not. I have to say it looks all sativa. She’s a stretchy one. That’s great you have an old version. I hope you can keep it going. I was gifted some fresh seeds From a fellow member here( brainfart… Who did I get them from?) @District_Flora ? . I sure hope they grow like yours


Yeah I think stretch is ending. 7/10 days left at most. Indeed, should be a fast sativa. That’s why I choose it, short possibly wet summers with falls that can become quickly even wetter depending on the year. Can’t really manage a very long flowering sativa outdoor here.

Do you have pointers about the discussions you’re talking about? So far all I’ve seen was pretty legit. Worked and inbreed for sure. They distribute it as “P7” now, it was" P3" or “P4” when I got them. Didn’t hear about polemics around hybrid at that time. It was rather welcomed as a worked line that could bring fast flowering in crosses and still remain true sativa. I see potential there anyway :grinning:


So he said that the plants are separated during pollination. I’m assuming that means they are planted in the ground after fertilization. That is something other people were asking about too.


YES SIR @Upstate , if you’re willing to wait and you remember to remind…
Beautiful planys ,fellow Ogers ,OverGrow the World with Love , many thanks master Overgrowers , Peace…good


I know there was just speculation on one or more different forums or It might even have been the right up tropical seed company gave. The gist of it was this. There is no way to know if the Swiss breeders before( Tropicall)added( or happened by accident) Indica genes and then did a bunch of backcrosses to the sativa, or if it was actually naturally that fast. Speculation centered only around the flowering time being so quick, with general agreement that it looked pure. I agree she looks like a vigorous sativa. I thought these were real short from what i read. They like that greenhouse don’t they? Looking good.
That one was one of the first landraces that caught my attention years ago. It’s on the bucket list for sure.


I was wondering if he planted them after washing off pollen… There are ways for sure.


Wow I didn’t know that males could hermie! Makes sense though being you usually need 2 different parents to make seed. Usually in nature well not plants only females can Hermie and produce male sperm to self fertilize. Amphibians certain bugs can’t remember rest off hand. Cool shit learn something new everyday.


I have one make ww f2 ,needs pollen saved ,on my bucket List a long line of landraces ,kwick seeds …it all good , thanks for helping me learn bud. Pot ,herbs ,smoke hit me one more time ,Overgrow the world…Peace…

And mine as well no issues with the female

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