Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Fascinating that you find something of such excitement in the 7 week flowers that most would call premature. I’ve read of antiquated Africa where they would supposedly harvest prematurely in earlier weeks as well, timeframe wise. I believe I read a paper or it may have been from a book that detailed African varieties earlier in flower having uniquely different cannabinoid arrays. Similarly I remember reading that Dr. Jay used to take one of his choice BOG ( I can’t remember which variety possibly Lifesaver) cuttings early for a specific and favored effect. He said it was not so much going after a psychoactive effect but rather a pain reducing effect. This sort of harvesting early for choice effects is something I’d love to learn more about. Becoming intimate with the plants on this sort of level is inspiring @Upstate. Much love


Right. Or nearly so. I honestly don’t know how it works. Your plant is from a selfed seed from off my plant. ( YoBigdaddy’s plant) Does that mean all plants are exactly like momma or is there still some variation? :thinking:
@YoBigdaddy Have you gotten into any of those selfed seeds you made? Anyone else?
No matter Greandal. Whatever it is, it’s going to be excellent. Seems like I read about people finding better plants thn momma in the s1 generation and I read one guys claim that selfed lines are their best at s4, but i don’t know in what way… Info was in an Iranian Thread on icmag i think.
Does it smell like white grape juice?


Haha Colombian Gold Hashplant!


Was it selfed? I thought this was that 70 Viet x Slain’s Viet by pollen I sent you.


@GREANDAL Oh! Then we are growing the same thing atm😁. I thought I must have given you some 1970 fem seed, too, and that you were growing that.
For anyone confused, My harvested plant ( bud above) Is the 1970 viet black from the original group purchase that spawned the Freakers. My memory is rusty, but I recall only one vb seed from that purchase popped, so @YoBigdaddy made us fem seeds. The plants Greandal and I have in flower currently are 1970 viet black clone x Southeast Asian Viet Black from @slain .
First time these have been grown, and is the first male/ female line of vb stemming from that group buy. My vb clone from ybd x slains vb male, pollen from Greandal. Gotta love a group effort!
It was $400 or $500 for those 10 seeds. So it was a 4-500 dollar vb seed!!!


Yikes !!!


Ya mon

I would say a combo of smooth, rich and tasty.

This pheno will be advancing for inbreeding of the line. I think most “colombian” available are actually crossed with sk1. I want a pure. Relatively faster finishing powder coated pure line :slight_smile: esp skunky pheno too



that is quite a genetic marker! was that a freak stem or the whole plant? curious bout the effects on that one!


Yo Upstate! I’m also growing out some of @slain ‘s SE Asian and his Thai x VN Black. The latter have been just a blast to grow! ( :joy: …well, with monsoon rollin’ in, there’s only one left growing now actually!)

During the chop! Decided to head off any mold upon seeing the weather forecast and the proximity of the black clouds so took down the top half.

Here’s a series shot backing away from my favorite of the Thai x VM Black …

Tried my hand at making a few beans for my buddies! I’ll definitely be planting more of these too!



How did Nanaan Bouclou turn out? Still going?
@Tlander pretty plant. Nice job growing her.
@islandpreservation it was the whole plant. Most of it was pictured. It grew under the big one. Buds turned black too, but I never did pick it. It wasn’t anything special aside from the color. This is the good one…I hope! Its dry now, just need time to process into hash.

I think new york qualifies for monsoon climate now, lol. What a soaker this year!


Hot damn I’m going to have to get into those next year! Awesome plants @Tlander :ok_hand:

@Upstate our monsoon doesn’t drop coconuts :palm_tree: like his though huh? LOL



@CocoaCoir I saw that one from Bodhi. Looks like a Thai landrace called snake tooth, though maybe all the seeds stunted its flower formation. Neat plant.

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Colombian Black
Viet Black( last 3 photos)
@GREANDAL I had left a couple buds behind to allow some seeds to finish, and it looks like they purpled up at week fourteen to fifteen.


Here’s the blackstem lolab now…way past done.

This one wasn’t a keeper, or even worthy of being bred, but the blackstem traits are in this line, and I’m bound to find one worthy of breeding over the next couple years.


1970s Australian marijuana grower’s guide


Here is a cross I did of Hopar Valley Selection #2 from 2021 and DJ Short Blueberry F5. It very much leans Hopar Valley. I’m hoping the plant fills out more. Temps have now started to hit 68 day time highs and 44 night lows. I’m gonna let her go as long as possible. She smells like cold green onions! Which is awesome.


Oaxacan Gold from @Upstate
This beauty is crossed with Kanak Balochistan now.

Here’s a Hoper valley Gilgit type 1 x Mexican death sativa
A fruity Skunk this phenotype.


Love the coloring on that hopar x Mexican looking good brother :v:


Good looking Oaxacan Gold! It looks easy to trim.

The buds looks pretty dense, do you have any mold/fungus problems with it?

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