Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

None, only in the last weeks did the fan leaves develop an issue outdoors, mainly rain and high humidity nights. Overall they could be grown indoors and in lower humidity harvest areas without issues.

The buds are all rot free, very good news. I’m still going through F1s of the MDS x HVG. I’ll have an IBL line in a couple years. These will do great in longer flowering seasons with low humidity.
I’ve not tested the MDSG indoors yet. As good as they did outdoors this year, I’m sure they’ll love indoors.

Smoke test will be soon as it’s dried and cured.
I’m letting the whole plant dry. It has a thick wide fat main bud. Not much to trim either.
The buzz will determine its fate from here. :100::dove:

Here’s a Durban Thai Highflyer x Ortega.
Love these wild looking pistils. I hit it with a Male Kanak Balochistan… Can’t wait to smoke this stuff when it’s dried and cured. :thinking:


You got a great one. It’s not quite as euphoric/uppity as the best pearls, but I think for production sake that’s the best phenotype. It certainly is as powerful as the pearls btw, just in a more psychedelic way. More red eye high to it. I love seeing it grown big. Next summer i’m going to do the same. One with big buds and my keeper from this year. Congratulations on finding such a beauty your first go!
Here’s some Turkish pics for you. These plants have taken an absolute pounding this year. I hadn’t even looked at them in about two weeks, til yesterday, and we had easily another half of foot of rain during that time. One storm gave us five inches if I recall correctly. Anyway, I didn’t really expect to see anything I’d be able to harvest when I went to look. I had pretty much accepted that I had grown for seed only this year. Much to my pleasant surprise there is some bud to salvage. While the fan leaves look terrible with septoria, the buds are pretty resistant to mold. Some plants were a total loss, but half a dozen pulled through. These will be smoked to see which ones are t h c dominant, and seeds From them will birth the next generation for next summer. I’ve decided to make an ibl of this Turkish. With that goal in mind I couldn’t have asked for a better summer really. The memory of this shit year is imprinted in those little seeds. A good start for making a NY tough line. :muscle:
Make sure you zoom in on the photos. It looks like there is nothing there at first with some of them.

They survived several frosts, the most recent one severe. Here’s a frosted Peshawar a couple days ago.
The most important news though, is that the Turkish finished ripening over the last couple weeks. High temps were 40-53 during that time, til just a few days ago. Not many plants will ripen under those conditions.


What a beautiful plant. I have an unopened pack of Mexican Death Sativa from a buddy who did a preservation run.


I have F2’s of MDS preserved by @lambchopedd from Bodhi’s MDS F1s.

I can’t wait to run them I just want to make sure I have adequate space…

The same reason I haven’t started the FBSC lambsbread, Bodhi Zipolite Oaxacan, Upstates Peshawar work, and those MDS F2s seeds I have, but I’ll be starting 2-3 of those sativas this year coming up if all goes as planned.


It smells insane in here. LOL


Many outdoor plants look like that this year, I never seen septoria so wide-spread in all gardens outdoors, as it was… @Upstate

The Turk cross to Ancestral Skunk was the only plant that was septoria resistance and resistance from everything this year.
The Ancestral Skunk did get issues,
rust fungus last year, adding Turk added the resistance to septoria and any fungal issues.

Breeding plants to Turk proved to be a great all around stran. I called it Ancient Hash plant after putting them together.
Here’s a couple pics of AHP.
It stood up to all weather conditions and even septoria plants near it did not affect them.
I put some Kanak Balochistan into them this year.


I have fierce issues with septoria too most years @GregOG , great to see your selections working out for you. How’s the effect with the Turk, any sativa effects?


The Turk is a grassy , takes a long time to dry and cure. The buzz is heavily felt in the body. If you do a long long cold cure it will be very strong. I got a cheese when it was 6 months later lol

It’s a couch lock effect, pain relief, it’s relaxing properties are high. I did get stoned several times testing it. Grassy sucks but it can be cold dried cured a long time to fix that.

The hash is where it stands out the most. An unusual waxy resin, tasted like blonde Lebanese hash big time from finger wax. They would beat Turks against the wall to remove the trichomes. I’m sure that would work the way its resin feels.

@Upstate says the key is looking for low CBD plants, this should raise your THC levels.
I think Turk is built for breeding and hash production. A long cure will make Turk very strong and it will lose its grassy terp.

One was a killer hashy smell, so you can find a killer tssting one too. It was a dwarf compared to the others.

I’m gonna send Upstate more Turks. Plus I may do a big run of a few thousand and find the strongest septoria resistance ones.

Here’s some Turk pics. The buds were like rocks.
Solid performer for a landrace.
8795 19889 19883 19884 19870 19861


Chumkiri Roi-

These were from Steve Dando, a Cambodian heirloom, with possible ties to Vietnam. Has anyone here heard from Steve recently? He was telling me one of his sources was arrested and serving a two year sentence around a year ago, I’m hoping he didn’t also get busted…


Iran x Afghan-



Punto Rojo still only barely starting it’s pistil stage…


Ancestral Hash Plant clone I threw outside 6 1/2 weeks ago just to see what she does outside and I got purple.

Oaxacan clone same time line same reason


Oh nice! You’re a couple weeks ahead of me from the looks of it.
@GregOG I see Turks potential for outcrossing, but I’ve always wanted a pure Middle Eastern line that can survive NY. I can work with this one. Any other year they’d have performed better. They sure got tested! Standing water all around them. No sun til 10 or 11, rain by the foot, and sunny days that can be counted on 2 hands. Give me a few years and I’ll have a line that is septoria free. I look forward to another batch of beans from you to mix with the ones that made it thru this summers shitstorm.
@SF0 Massive resin heads On those chumkiri roi! Is that the local name?
I saw steve is posting on instagram but he is getting too political.
@420noob I see that pollen took well! Lots of beans 🫘 looking good!


Nice pics , @GregOG , you have some fantastic genes ,your looking good…
I have Outside ,Thai highlands. And AC from Ogers seed run. I’m try to naturalization of cannabis to local climate for seven years. Thank You @ReikoX for the durban seed im still learning…
OverGrow The World with love of life …Peace…


Namkading mini-scrog day 45 everyone…

Just gave her a bikini wax…


Pretty fancy rope work in there…
Looks like you’ve had some… practice… :vulcan_salute: :wink:



Ex scoutmasters make good scrognests I guess. :rofl:


Hey man, yeah I assume it comes from Chumkiri, which is in Southern Cambodia. I don’t know what the Roi means though, but that’s how it was labeled. Steve said it comes from a village elder he met at a gathering he was invited to, and he was allowed to personally get some seeds from his plants that he kept in his home, that he grew for medicinal purposes for a long time. The man was supposedly ex-Khmer Rogue, so there might be some bad juju with it, but if nothing else it’s quite unique. The seeds were smaller than most of the other Cambodians Steve has sourced, so he thought it may have originated in Vietnam. I’ll try to dig up the whole bit Steve sent to me on it… Whatever it is, I’m liking it! The stem rubs are very tropical fruit, but with a bamboo, lemongrass, tea smell, and an intense other thing, that almost pops your eyes open just at the smell of it. I haven’t cut any buds yet, but just by accidentally brushing up on them, they have a more savory, chili, lime chicken kind of thing… … I’m happy I bought them… Anyway, thanks for letting me know Steve’s not in jail… he does have a hot-head, but overall I think he’s a pretty good guy.


very interesting vid. This plant looks insane for guerrilla grows


Can you describe insane what kind of aroma it is?