Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

That Uttarkhand wants to be a giant!

All beautiful plants.


I feel like I just watched one of the most awesome fireworks displays I have ever witnessed - starting out small, but watching those buds develop to the point where they EXPLODE in size and beautiful structure. Great looking plants! Thanks for sharing! :+1:


Paris 1910 with Felix the cat


Nice looking females!

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Chumkiri Roi


Punto Rojo, aka, “lost cause”, due to how long it takes to get rolling.


Just got a couple orders of Kalifa Genetics.

Chellakutti Landrace. They are Kerala. 18-25 weeks flowering. It will be a while until theyre grown. They say it is their most energetic strain.
HUGE stretch.
Afghan Lemon, were freebies.


Wow almost 3/4 of a year for that one better be good! They both sound delicious happy growing!


How many seeds did they sent on the package?


12 seeds per vial.

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Viet from @slain

Outdoors right now believe it or not. Has survived two 28° nights and smells f*cking amazing. LOL

Ideal? No. Is it happy? Hell no. Will it get smoked? No doubt!


@GREANDAL She’s a beautiful beast! Hey how did that tester bud smoke from that 70’s VB from YBD?


I think that’s the one he sent me. I’ll be getting it going early in the year I think. That and some Thai stuff from @Tlander is gonna be fun. Plus the Mazar-i-Sharif from @Roms.

I’m finishing up some stuff from @Roms and @Motaco. I have a Swazi Red and Lambsbread from @Roms and two Ace of Haze x Purple Zacatecas from @Motaco via Hyp3rids Seeds.

The Sawazi is all but finished I think. It got some Lambsbread pollen and had some weird aphids so it sort of struggled with me being really hands ff for a while due to health crap.

I broke off a small bud a couple of days ago from the Swazi Red and it dried on the desk enough to smoke it today for the hell of it. It was a really different flavor. It started out tasting a lot like the Malana Cream but as that taste fades away it started turning into a very distinct Clove flavor that starts tingling the tongue a little, ha. Really freaky stuff. So cool. I want to run it again to master it a little better next time. It starts flowering fast and finishes pretty fast, too, I guess. Supposed to be about 12 weeks. I have to look at my records.

Fun stuff. I’m really looking forward to 3 really different sativa varieties. :yum: :v:


Total giggle juice. Chopped the next day and smoking some now.

Pretty long lasting 2 hour grin and some joint pain relief which for me I’ve discovered is an effect of thcv and one of the reasons I dig SEA strains. Doesn’t take much, good for a bowl. I’ll be honest, it fucked me up non stop all day. LOL

Next time I’ll be sure to get some immature bud off it and see what that’s about. It’s gonna bring some holiday cheer no question.


Wow. I know it’s tough from my own experience growing it, but surviving those kind of temperatures is a bonus!

I see a little bit of colour and lots of frost, same smells as indoor? Nice plant huh?


Nice plant and your giggle weed description sounds like my kinda smoke .


hey guys lots of beautiful plants in this thread here is my first and only attempt at a vietnamese black. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see her through but I look forward to getting more landrace in the future and taking another shot at it


There’s more to the smell and SO MUCH more of it. I go out that door early in the morning and the entire area smells just beautiful. This plant wants to be big.

I was certain I would be looking at a dead plant the first 28° night I couldn’t be home to cover it. It did look unhappy but it kept right on. Almost chopped it then but it was still improving. Still is. Next season I mean to do things right. Light dep etc. I didn’t expect this to survive to this point but I enjoy the plant so much I left it alone and I’m glad I did.


Just took down a Vietnamese Black preservation project from DVG


Man these vietnamese blacks are some sic ass plants man! Nicely done beautiful plants all day. Definitely something that is going to have to go on my shopping list.,:joy:


Amazing, well I can say for sure it never got that cold where I had it outside, the coldest I saw it was probably 45, 28° is below freezing! I wonder if the cold stress brings out the terps like dry stress does sometimes?
So are you thinking of chopping it soon? I’ve never seen them freeze, but I assume they just turn the mush the next day?

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