Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I chopped it last night as it was supposed to be 25°, which it was. It’s all in the basement in a huge fragrant pile. The entire house smells like it this morning and I don’t mind.

I don’t know if it’s cold “stress” necessarily causing more terp production so much as the cleaner cold air from which most aromatics are now absent. This makes what we do smell stand out more. The cold air does pull more moisture from the plant, I actually watered it more the last month. I suppose anything that drives transpiration might increase accumulation and constant drying might help. Freezing probably wouldn’t hurt the end product but when it thawed it would be nasty to handle if it wasn’t already dry.

Edit: So after rereading your question, yes! :joy: I think it’s just sublimating moisture.


Thanks Shiska! :blush:

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Truly. It’s intriguing it possesses such a remarkable trait it had no developmental need for in either Thailand or Vietnam. Certainly supports the high altitude origin theories. This plant lasted as long as the Manipuri last year.


Yeah makes sense, I’ve seen one go a full flower cycle with only 4 days of sunshine, like in cloud! It didn’t get very big but it’s still had flower and viable seed on it and it didn’t rot either. Some of the seeds germinated in the flowers! lol.

No rot/pm issues with yours?

Trim jail for a while brother, one of life’s love/hate things. At least a it’s not seed shucking🤪


No rot or PM and the PM is all over everything still alive out here. PM is one reason I took down the Friesland a little early.

Yeah I’ve got the alcohol and trimmers ready. :joy:

Looking forward to scissor hash.


That’s great, generally hardy by the looks, I’ve seen it baked to death in the dry here and it took weeks of bone dry before it finally gave up the ghost. It outlasted various hash plant types in dry conditions. Not something I would have expected either!

Lol. That’s the way, a drink, a bit of finger hash; some good music and before you know it it’s done. Good times :grin:


Hey @slain, what’s was the average flower time on the VB?

I’m looking forward to running it. I may get them going early spring for outside. I’m enjoying the pics and reports of her! :v:


Columbian Gold and Squirrel Tail Thai, with a leaning Panama Red between.

Close up of another ST Thai

Close up of the Panama Red.

Everything is at 15 wks under 11/13


Hey bro, about 90-100 days, it will frost up a lot in the last couple of weeks. About the only thing to keep an eye on is that it’s a bit sensitive to being over fed, but that’s not uncommon for SE Asian varieties

Looking forward to seeing how it goes!


Peshawar Afghani


Tall and lanky!


Unfortunately not the greatest - they got hit hard by aphids, my bad for letting too many weeds grow near them and not tackling the problem quicker. After maybe 4+ soaps/rinses during the rainy part of the year it looks like all three got at least a little mold in every jar (I warned my buddy to look out for it when him and his friend trimmed them up but oh well what can you do :man_shrugging:). Definitely getting a hypochlorous acid generator next year

They could have finished by mid october but because of the aphids and the soaping they didn’t end up getting taken down until around halloween.

I still searched for a few unmoldy buds from each plant to roll up for a test, and my overall impression is that they’re ok. Big dense moderately frosty buds, can’t go wrong there, faint aroma but when ground up gives a familiar “gassy” sort of nose. High is ok, not too strong, I don’t ‘‘think’’ it’s very indica-ish, not sensing any “seriously acid trippy profoundness” but it can be hard to tell with a high tolerance. Not bad, but not worth smoking mold over to say the least :joy: Smoke is slightly harsh, needs a bit of a cure to smooth out methinks. If it wasn’t moldy I’d give samples to friends a little more sensitive to psychedelics and drowsy effects to get their opinions but I don’t wanna give anyone the ol’ dusty lung


Popping some malana x black afghani over on the right side of the aurora unit


Great looking Vietnamese Black. Who is DVG (Dungeon Vault Genetics)? I have a treasured pack of V.B. from Billy Goat that I plan to get to next year some time. Also several from Snowhigh and V.B. Hybrids to work into that run.


I like that seed starter try. Did you make that? It looks European, lol. In the US everything has to be BIG. A heat mat is overkill to sprout 6 seeds, ha. Is that powered via USB?

I’d love to have the plans if it’s a DIY unit. If not, maybe where I could find one?

EDIT: I found it online. I should have known… something so simple would have to be so expensive, DAMN! I thought maybe it was a 3D printed home version. lol


Thanks, yes Dungeons Vault genetics from a friend in AK. Came with a pile of Durban crosses my buddy sent.

A look at his Jack’s Poison. Cheers


Damn beautiful plants. Obviously he makes some solid crosses


Lol sorry for the late reply, glad you found it. I got this unit through Instagram sponsorship from root nerds I wish I could make something like that myself. They do work quite well though usually have Taproot in 16-24 hrs


I bet it does. But, man, $125? wow. At first I thought you had made it with a 3D printer. And, $50 for a small extension piece of plastic? I’m not sure I understand why it’s so pricey. Oh yeah!, marijuana users are rich cause they sell so much pot… :roll_eyes: :smile:


:joy: if only lol it’s actually metal though and has a decent weight to it with a magnetic lid. The heat unit inside of it that has 2 heat settings that hold constant likely have something to do with cost but I’m not exactly sure what all goes into these things I just know it works real well