Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

The Bodhi Columbian Red is a cross with 88’ G-13 HP, called Aluna, is that allowed…


Absolutely… you mean in addition to all yr other treasure? Lol. Full landraces first choice, crosses if that’s all you have. But if you have both…by all means!
If anyone is sure they would grow all 12, (sadly @MrToast doesn’t think ha will be able to join us for the run. ) it looks like I have a pack of Highland Guerrero up for adoption. Only condition is you have to make seeds, at least a small branch worth,( not full pollenation, maybe 40-50 seeds. I’ll help guide anyone that needs it) on all females. And Mr Toast is to receive some at the end for his honesty and integrity, for passing the seeds back to me. Next time Mr Toast!


Greetings to all fellow cultivators. I’m a longtime grower from Northern California. I just joined the forum here today because I stumbled upon this thread during my ongoing landrace seeds search. I grow indoor, outdoor and greenhouse as we have a great climate for cultivation here. I’ve grown many hybrids throughout the years but only a few landrace/heirloom strains. I had some Chocolate Thai years ago that was original but I didn’t really understand what I had at the time. Now that I do I wish I had that particular cut. Anyhow this is a great thread and I hope to learn from what is going on here as I journey into growing landrace varieties alongside the beautiful hybrids I currently have been working with. I also am looking for some particular varieties so maybe as I get to know some of you, we can share some genetics. Looking forward to plugging in here.


Sincere Greetings!!! Hope you enjoy your time here. Lots of cool people, knowledge and, room for your perspective on “the game”. Be safe/be well.


Welcome to Overgrow! Lots of landrace talk going on here that’s for sure! I look forward to yr perspective. Enjoy!


Welcome @Puddha. You’ll fit right in. We have a good many NorCal peeps around. We’ll look forward to seeing your work. You should like it here. peace


I might have mentioned I’d heard of it but not looking. My basement needs more money thrown at it to grow through winter. It has dirt floors that kept plants roots too cold. I may use my spare bedroom upstairs again this year. I just need a ventilation fan and filter for it.


I couldn’t remember. I dont know what this is for sure, but some of.the buds are getting a purple tinge to them. Flowering times aren’t right for Bahia. So maybe its Bahia f2 (or actually Cabeca.) Good luck with that room…Seedling heatmats could do the trick for you,. although a spare bedroom sounds great. I hope you get it going soon. You have me thinking of starting earlier too, and taking clones to flower more mature plants.


hey guys and gals. got a few questions if you feel like weighing in. first off my intent is to do some inbreeding for awhile to get to know the girls, learn their characteristics, narrow the traits, etc. that being said I’m looking for reg seeds of original Lambs bread, lambs breath, or just a as close to a real Jamaican landrace as I can acquire. I’ve spent time in Jamaica throughout the years taking several trips and I like the mostly sativa bush weed most villagers get in the parishes. I’m aware of the hybridization that’s happened there, some of which myself and a few other characters in my area are most definitely responsible for helping along. I’ve not been successful finding seeds yet but wasn’t looking when I was down there. so I’ve turned my attention towards Ethiopian and the two companies that carry them are TLT and Ace Seeds which looks like its been hybridized although they don’t supply that info. Any experience would be appreciated. Thanks


@Puddha Cannibiogen’s Caribe may be a good starting point. It is:

A first rate backcross (Jamaica x Jamaica/NL5/Haze) between our best female from the Blue Mountains in Jamaica and a champion NL/Haze bring us a great yielding sativa that can be grown indoors. Yield and quality are complemented by its resistancy to plagues, especially those brought about by humid climates.

Time seems to stop as the senses sharpen, this sativa hybrid is a gem sativa lovers love to own.

Bodhi also released a Jamacian Bush Hash Plant if you can find it. He described the smells as tropical fruit and spiced rum aromas


thanks, I will look into the caribe. prob not interested in the hash plant as a breeding point but may be worth checking for personal : )


I know @Cristalin with Underground Seed Collective had one I believe and he created his ColJam (Colombian x Jamaican) with it…???

He was around here recently. Seems like he was bringing that back. Good luck.


ok cool thanks. I reached out to them tonight and I await their response.


Here’s 3 hand collected by @Swe-can, samples from both sides of the island. We have had the discussion of Jamaican landrace as far as pooling money to find a true landrace of lambs breath or Collie To work. I have pollen from some BM x LB x CG I’ll be hitting the Swe-can with. If you do find anything we would love to hear about it.


nice. yeah I’d be down to throw in on pool if it ever materializes. just let me know : )


Jamacain Blue Mt by Cannabiogen.


killer thread! plenty of longseason, rare gnetics here. WOW!
Im personally seeking out pollen to hit to my RebelGrowns’ Double OG Sour females… Its been IX’d and BX’d(cubed) back to the original ECSD mom.
Im running it outdoors, so I need something compatable that will keep flowering times down around 60 days, if possible. Would prefer pollen from a worked,stabilized line
Im doing a preservation run on Rebels Double OG Chem x 5G’s Purple BX. 4 Males, 5 females. Im good on that one…
If anyone knows of some pollen from a worked line that finishes around 60 days, would be ideal. Please hit me up via msg here.
Killer thread, thank you.


would love to work with some of the JBM (once I know I like it) but sadly everyone is out of it. given that it’s a hybrid of 2 Jamaican landraces it seems it would be a nice starting point and knock off a little of the time towards stability.


Sad Jamacain landraces are going the way of the dinosaur. Steve Dando aka mr.rabbit(instagram) has a lambsbread growing now in cambodia. Look him up on instagram. Dont ask for that one. I dont know that he’s selling them.(Lambsbread) Get to know him and if he likes you he may offer seeds, which, reading his post on IG, he does have. Nice guy.


Thanks Upstate. I appreciate the info. Yeah the whole eradication programs carried out by governments across the world since the early 1900’s is a sad affair, as well as just people’s taste wanting the newest shiniest strains and letting the originals go by the wayside was just a natural shortsightedness. That being said I do believe there is hope for restoration and repopulation of at least some of the traditional landrace and heirlooms in the near future. Enough people now are on board I believe.