Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

What!??! Clones of Afropips? Any plans to grow it? Where did you get them? I remember very well that malawi/ colombian you grew. Nice and manageable size. That was 1/2 Afropips?

Your somewhere in South America right? You always show pictures of beautiful sativas, must be some good weather. You have quite the Afropips collection. Any plans for reproduction?


Mine came from a friend on another forum. He lives in Germany I think. I was thinking trying them along with these other haze I have going. I need to be able to make seeds if a male pops out. Seems like I have less than 10 seeds and it could be 5. Itā€™s the same guy that hooked me up with the Golden Wedding (Colombian gold x Malawi gold), @smilestyle, from somewhere else. Same place I got a few Lemon Thai from. I have to make seeds with it first time I grow it. Itā€™s another limited amount of f2 seeds and two f1. Seems like 5-f2 and 2-f1. I may hold off until next run since Iā€™m sort of filled up atmā€¦ for a few months and even more time to finish some late planted sativa inside.


What were those north Malawi seeds? Iā€™ll check out that thread now. I believe that region hasnā€™t had Dutch contamination yet, Nkhotakota area, Iā€™m guessing the traditional hot spot for growing in Malawi, has had contamination from Dutch growers setting up shop there, according to the Landrace Team, who recently went there collecting.


What are your local varieties? Any landraces? Do you have Pictures ? A thread with pics you can point me to? Or are there pictures here?


This is my thread, I started it from the first message lol


I know lol. I was short on time, and wanted to see a picture while I was thinking of it. Iā€™m going thru the thread again shortlyā€¦


Yaxu has a lot of exotic mix. Never seen so many landrace I hadnā€™t heard of. He does have some great pics in here.


I just saw those oaxacan buds. And the rainbow oaxacan plant where the bud arches for like 3 ft. I cannot wait to grow oaxacan! Both plants look wonderful.


I thought they were N. Malawiā€¦


Upstate, I just finished some Malawi Gold from Seeds of Africa on 12/12 from seed. I ran it in a small 1/2 gallon pot so the plant was really small. Really flowered pretty quickly for a pure satty. 4 months start to finish on 12/12. Had it been in a 3-5 gallon pot sure it would have done much better or with a short veg.

Here is a picture. In the cure jar now so have not tried it yet. I like the looks of it though!


Oooh, that looks really good. 1/2 gallon pot? Soil? You could pack alot in that way. Good to pheno hunt. Is this one pineapple? Iā€™ve seen seeds of Africa before. Who did you order through?


I grew that Golden Wedding (ā€˜72 Colombian Gold x Malawi Gold afropipā€™s hack) and it got seeded by a Sannies Jack x Silverfields (Sannieā€™s).

Iā€™m gonna go back and try that again as well as the Malawi and try for no seeds. I get too much going for my own good sometimes. Iā€™ll try and cull seeds pretty soon. I had lots from that Golden Wedding. It grew really easy and friendly. Seems like it finished in like 12 weeks. Itā€™s a pretty plant.

Iā€™ll see if I have it on this dumb-phone.


@Upstate I thought I bought them direct but looking at their site I donā€™t see the US. Iā€™ll need to think about it now. I know I bought that pack but donā€™t remember right now :slight_smile:

No pinapple smell on mine. Very unique smell I canā€™t quite put my finger on. When I get some out to sample, Iā€™ll get a better idea when I break it up.

You are right about the pheno hunt potential of the 1/2 gallon. I did keep the plants a bit too small thought so I would probably use at least a 1 gallon if I was going to run several.


Very cool. I havenā€™t seen many grows of this company anywhere online. I bought a few packs way back in 2016 and still havenā€™t gotten around to them yet. I believe I got the malawi gold as well and the coffee gold. I saw a grow of durban magic on another forum and I could be mistaken but someone got one that smelled of clove/cinnamon which sounded super interesting to me. They seem to have doubled in price since then though.

Hereā€™s a link to the old thread on IC mag, has a decent amount of info on them. Seeds of Africa seedbank??? | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums


Have a pack of them Oaxican along with a lot of other gems for the Xmas Mexican run., keep looking at the MEX cubical every time I drop seedsā€¦2 AG going will have to do for now, think Iā€™m 6 strains deep nowā€¦canā€™t waitā€¦:metal::sunglasses:


Sorry it was chapeta De Michoacanā€¦ one of the other Cheech and Chong strainsā€¦:joy::rofl::joy::rofl::metal::sunglasses:


I was just getting ready to send a PM to you. Iā€™m really stoked too! I was looking @Yaxuā€™s Oaxacan picture. It looks so good! I canā€™t wait to try it! I think alot of people will end up joining us. Thatā€™s my hope, at least!


What a killer line up!


I need to start trying now. Mine are old Mexi seeds in a film canister, but I know some have popped. I may ought to start now just in case I have troubles. I need a better grow space. I may move it back upstairs but itā€™s on now.


Do you mean your room downstairs is up and running? When you say itā€™s on? I remember you saying you had those old Mexi seeds. You must be awfully excited about those. I know I am. Donā€™t forget to look into vermicompost. Study up on all the other stuff, but if you can Source some of this online, it may be the best bet out of everything. Seeds go right into it. Maybe you could convert your downstairs room into a small clone room, in case you find some rare gem from the past? When we originally spoke of the Cabeza de negro, did you say you were looking for Bahia black head?