Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

No good descriptions of growth or flavour profiles , is a red flag for me
Means the seller/collecter don’t know and don’t want to say it’s bla bla bla … cos they don’t have first hand experience
So wait for a few grow reports and then say yeah this is the plants profile …


This does bug me quite a bit when ordering seeds… like why wouldn’t they want to provide in depth descriptions and growth habits, etc etc… I love it when breeders have descriptions for all the possible phenos that will pop up and all that.


Then you know they have put the time , but I mean even a quick description is good enough like-

Spicy mango ,tall, bushy and flowering length is good enough , but some have none

Or it’s a secret ….in that case no thanks ,bye!


Just think how sweet the smoke will be once she is chopped and cured.


You ordered seeds from them before? For finding something special in those lines, you will need at least 5 packages, but actually more.

Seedsman pre2010 Mama Thai was very good.


Someone on a discord posted Iranian #3 by RSC. Looks like the leaves could get very large.


Selling seeds like software! LOL

Hard pass.

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Looks like DC OR MB!

The top one is one of the more narrow leaf types that show up. Bottom is the big fat leaf pheno we all know and love. Ha did not realize the top one has 11 :blush:

The :maple_leaf: on the Iranian look a little wider though but beautiful plant :heart:


The soil was in a container? That would help eliminate another factor, As I believe direct earth contact is necessary for the resistance to occur. I had a plant get completely infested with powdery mildew indoors. I threw it outside in the shade of the woods to die, and when other plants began getting pm a few weeks later, I got suspicious and went to visit the plant carcass. The plant was still alive, having rooted through the bottom of the pot and into the ground. All new growth was completely free from PM, yet the rest of the plant was still completely covered in it. Perhaps it is the ionic charge from the earth itself that is providing the resistance. I’ve been looking into this a little bit. Apparently if you use a grounding rod and with some copper wire connected to it, run underneath your bed, and then coming up out of the ground on the far end of the bed to another metal pole tipped in brass, the whole entire bed becomes electromagnified( Did I just make that word up,?) and invisible to insects and impervious to disease.


For the Himalsyes, They arent entirely different strains, but come from different valleys or elevations. Each elevation offers some slightly different traits, each valley a slightly different cultivar. Malana, Waichin, Wailing and others are all the Parvati landrace. Kali ram, for example, Is a malana selection farmed for dark colors by one farmer On a mountain opposite malana village
@Cactus sure does. Like deep chunk.
@GREANDAL The main advantages of membership Are the chance at exclusive genetics, And a guarantee of seeds even if you snooze on the seed drop. Some stuff sells out real quick.


Anyone growing these Watermelon hashplant…?

They put in these pics… Ive never seen grown indoors…

These have very similar description in a way…even use the term “watermelon”

Anyone know if these are direct decendants of the bodhi strain or is this just similar traits/region…??


Yeah so they not really different , just different traits and phenos , till you hit proper differences in altitude …. So they kinda milking it . I mean you only really going to find worthwhile differences in big jumps …
so it’s all just really same same but different
But still paying for same


:watermelon: = soon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


And I think software as a service is a ripoff.


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Thanks for sharing @Yaxu @CocoaCoir .
I. Having a 5 year brain freeze…peace
OVERGROW THE WORLD with Seedsavers green Herbs oldschoolfreakestgrowersusaoutdoors

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It makes sense I wonder if it’ll repel voles :rofl:.


You can get worms electrocuted , does not make sense kills nigjtcrawler. Worms. Biology of a good organic Soil , feed the soil not the plants. Carbon Sesquation keep it green. PEACE.
@Upstate @420noob @ReikoX @HolyAngel

OVERgrow The World with SEEDS of change…


When breeding with long flowering cuts (12 & 14 weeks) does the time needed to create seeds increase? I know lead time in front if male would change but would it still take around 6 weeks after pollination to cook beans or would it be closer to ~60 percent of total flower time?

What’s your thoughts boss? @santero


Seeds will still take approximately 6 weeks.