Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)


In order, 3-2-1, Corintos, Punto Rojos, Hindu Kush x Maruf Afghani.

The Punto Rojos take the longest of any variety I’ve grown. I only had 4 girls, only 1 seemed to get “close enough” to being done with natural light. Even with being kept warm in a greenhouse, two of them didn’t fully start flowering before the light deprivation stalled them out and ultimately killed them. Probably best for those with a good indoor set up, or those living closer to the equator.

Love everyone’s contributions, would like to like all posts, but time is not with me right now.


Could be mutually beneficial endophytic relationships in the soil or air in the spot you replanted, that’d be my first guess. Many blessings and much love


I think they collect from several different terraces, some a thousand feet altitude in difference. When you are among millions of plants, a good spread of what you find seems logical to me. Huge difference in just 1,000 feet altitude here where i live. Generally speaking it’s about a 3 degrees temp difference every thousand feet in altitude in the tropics, but around 7 degrees here in NY at 42 north…so i’m thinking around 5 degrees difference per thousand feet at 30 north in Parvati. That’s a big enough change for plants to show some huge differences, such as cold resistance, plant and bud size, and date of maturation. Like with Grapes, minute differences are appreciated too.
1,000 feet lower around here means an extra month of growing season.


Absolutely could be purely a microbial difference. The test would be to take pm infested plants and use the same soil, but with half the plants grown in ground and the others with the same soil in a container that sits awhile before use…and see if there is a difference.
@SF0 beautiful hindu x maruf. Must be pretty cool at night in your greenhouse. I love the purple calyx tips. Are you saying the Corinto and Punto Rojo are no longer going?


Yields increase up to 8x’s. Some magic of some sort happening. I’m building one of these beds this summer, and we’ll see if it works. I’ll start a thread when I do. It would be a shame if the worms left, and you’re right…they may leave. Depends on the amount of current I’d suppose.


I’ve read u can put a ring of copper wire around base of plant and lead going into ground will keep slugs of plants.


@420noob You just need the copper. It needs to contact the soil to gain a charge is all. I push copper in about a half inch, being careful not to sever the roots when doing so. I only add the copper once the plant is tall enough for the canopy to clear the height of the copper. A 3 inch by 6 inch strip coiled up into a circle or triangle works great.
Make sure no debris makes a bridge for slugs or snails to bypass the copper and you are golden.


Agreed. I live 2200 feet higher than a city five miles away by crow and we’re pretty consistently 10 degrees cooler most of the time.


@rasterman For sure, they are milking it a little too, lol.


Hey dudes, I’m flowering a reveg which is a first for me and I have a quick question. Does a plant flower and finish faster on reveg? I feel like this plant is at least two weeks ahead of the first time it flowered. Anyone else experience the same? Thanks.


They take a while longer to start flowering but take the same time to flower once they start. when I do revegs which is quite often , sometimes the clones die but a reveg can save the day


Yeah, none of them are alive anymore. The Hindu kush maruf was chopped probably in November, and the Corintos and Punto Rojos were cut around two weeks ago. Still waiting to try those… should be good in another week or two. Should be better in about a month.


Some Pondorilla’s - Transkei x Jarillla getting ready for repotting


They are different collections by different people. I guess the similar watermelon terpenes are just what’s comon around Nepal.

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How’s the smoke on that one?
Sounds interesting

These are first time popping , the Jarilla I had is very similar to the Transkei it’s crossed with should be good , will update here


I got jarilla seeds (a k.a “cola de borrego” )
From 1993 and from the past year
Buy will be interesting see the yours


That’s it “lambs breath” Mine I got from a Spanish dude in a trade 10 yrs or so ago

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This is Punto Rojo , from same guy, I dont have a Jarilla photo ,
This was my Sativa room , lots of effort to try keep them happy . I think the punto I had to top 3 times in a 2.4m roof height limit


Saying 6mo so casually is crazy.
Great work so far.