Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I’ve not grown their killer Malawi? But it’s been worked and chosen for expressions they wanted … not seen any complaints about it though , only good reviews

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It’s the only Malawi I have grown and I thought she was great, but I’ve heard there is PCK bred into her.


There’s forums in Spanish where dubi says there is , What did she look like ?

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i speak some spanish

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I don’t have any good pictures.

These were fems
For some reason I only took pics of the one with the tightest structure and most frost.
The other 4 females were a looser structure.

I grew these in 2018 and shut the garden down for the summer, but not before knocking them up with one of my chucks.


Looks potent ? Nice bud how did the cross go :bomb: she took the pollen well , lots of seeds


The cross is nice.
She has the stretch and strong frame of the Malawi adding making long and thick buds.
The high is more interesting and introspective than the polyhybrid pollen donor.

I tested them in 2019 and am currently testing again with a few more weeks left on them to finish.

These are the from the current run.


Pure Malawi , Mulanje area , indoors


@Dope_Heffalump looking really nice be crazy outside …


I bet they would be massive in a hot dry mediterranean climate.

I flipped these early 10 on/14 off at about the 3rd node
and they have stretched to 4 feet.

Here is a leaf shot.
I can see the Malawi influence in it.
Malawi seems very dominant in the cross.


This coment! :metal:
All my respect


Have any of you besides @tejas grown these TLT plants or are you just assuming based on reputation? I’ve had people argue with me on the purity of ACE Moroccan beldias for instance but I grew them and they were the most NLD i’ve seen from all ascensions.

The proof is in the plants.


Well if your reputation is soiled where do you go from there?
Address the problem apologise come clean … yes ?
Not stay In silence when there’s numerous threads on different forums
with their dishonesty
They have been caught out and called out but nothing!
So people being cautious is a wise move they have super shitty ethics

With ace only certain things are worked but like I said above it’s mentioned …


Not Malawi, but I’ve run a few of their strains, and have been pretty impressed. I had two of their Ghana last year, and they were very sativa looking, WAY more than most of these chunked-out, iced-out, Africans I keep seeing people post, and smelled exactly like I’d expect African weed to smell like, like spiced herbs and wet jungle. One notable thing also, was that they did stay shorter than I would have expected. I could see some Africans being short, because those were short. They kind of grew into a weird, branchy, tumbleweed shape.

I’ve been looking into some of their sources, and it seems they have deals with growers from around the globe, but where those growers are getting their seeds is a bit of a question. I’d bet that’s also where most of their descriptions come from- from the people who are giving them the seeds. I’m trying to email a couple of their suppliers, but so far nobody has replied. I did see one thing about a new release of seeds from one source, to tlt, and if that happens, it would seem that that person is completely on board with their stuff being brokered through tlt. No rip off. We’ll see how it turns out though.

I’m sure they are more of exploiters than cannabis enthusiasts, and I’m sure they did do some folks wrong, and probably way over sell their experience and knowledge about their products, but for their strains, especially the ones labelled as coming direct from a specific country, they seem to be pretty legit in terms of genetic authenticity. Well, at least more than most. Just my experience, take it for what you will.


If you’re insinuating me … that’s a heirloom Malawi lol , and the Transkei is selected
Also I don’t think you have grown many Africans indoors i take ? If you have let’s see and I will stand corrected by a few a mean more then 3 different countries at least

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I’m not insulting you. I don’t need to. I wasn’t even talking to you. I’m saying tlt’s stuff looks and smokes legit, more than most. I have plenty of experience with growing various landraces, what you think is irrelevant to me.

Likewise , and learn the difference between insinuating and insulting

I have a TLT Uganda X Ace Green Haze x Malawi that looks very feral.

and 7 TLT Malawi crosses + Malawi Gold F2 thanks to generosity of members here.

I was waiting until I got a bigger tent but shit might have to run these outside just to see sup.

Not sure how any of us can prove each other wrong without going to these places and extensively canvasing the different locales in those countries. Maybe there are members here from those countries like we have with Mexico etc. They can check if the look is right but what about the smoke? Would need to wait on report.


Ace getting getting some lanky sativa plants w/Malawi Nevils Haze

Ace came out with their Malawi thats been getting more potent and resinous but still will put out the long internode tree type of pheno…its still from original African seeds just bred towards potency/resin


My RSC Malawi tasted of pineapple and after 3 hits I would not drive. I grew it twice-one at 16 wks and one at 22 weeks. I wasn’t sleepy but I was too impaired to drive. And when I was younger I often drove on acid. I have seen my share of blue and purple stoplights.