Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

The problem with tlt isn’t if they sell real or pure landraces
The problem is that all the Strains are stolen work from others. :-1:t5:


they look amazing, how many weeks did that one flower? what are the scents/aromas and effects like?

ACE Malawi was/is hybridized


Is it the CentralAfrican…?

They say its a…

P4 landrace from Malawi, Central Africa. Old Malawi Killer x 3rd generation Malawis.

Its a breeding project probably one of their oldest…Its out of African Seeds

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Yeah, people get crazy that its too resinous and potent

These are the breeding goals over there!

Its not too stable probably otherwise without a bit of breeding

I do think it would be cool if they came out with an earlier version closer to original

Ace is big focus on being practical and in Spain theres big demand for easy to grow sativa producers

Those old phenos have seen people growing Ace malawi…but its been bred way out in favor of resin and power

Some of these old African strains can be hit and miss like anything good…Thats why they locked down the resin

Ive only had the old African seeds version…have old pack Ace

Its very devastated…but yet not

Like youre drunk …but youre not… color enhancement

Its great if you need to not drink…Its actually great…

Yeah, wish they had original…not sure its “better” one way or another…Find the plant thats good

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Hempy, your lips to God’s Ear about Arjan.

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In case you want to count that is 336 sprouts. yeah, everyone has that room.

I feel like i’m beating a dead horse but i suppose its helpful to make sure others don’t get fooled by the fake Malawi from ACE. AfricanSeeds/SOA is likely not a pure Malawi Gold line either from the effects described for that line. The narcotic effect, resinous quality, squat plants, dense buds, flowering fast relative to “gold” varieties should all be warning signs that ACE is fake. They say a lot of things but ACE is not known for their integrity. I do believe they design most of their offering for the indoor community fixated on commercial production and modern metrics like resin production/bag appeal.

I will give kudos for the lab testing they’ve done.


SOA seeds of Africa is new!

African Seeds is old…marc emery old

I can agree its not what youre after for pure experimental strain…People in Spain dont want that…They want practical sativas that finish outdoor

They did a bunch of work to make it that way…not every plant is like that

They cant sell seeds to something wild like real old Malawi plants…they would be out of business in Spain

Why bother beating up on Ace

They started landrace preservation in the mainstream…And they will be heckled forever

Its like a new paradigm…where feral crazy hay and wacky hemis are a sign of quality and genuine pureness

Its not fake That’s funny…These guys were here doin’ this in like 2008?

Its just not the exact emphasis we would all like

African Seeds was the oldest African company …

…but Ace is good company Its not easy to keep going…and keep people happy…Its impossible

They are not for indoor …these are for outdoor in Spain

People want to grow and finish outdoor

They are designed that way…engineered to perform a certain way

This is breeding in essence

There’s no sense even thinking about calling them ‘fake’

come on! :smiley:


…people need let go the politics

Ace/CBG made some great things

It is what it is…find the plants you like

Its really that simple… :slightly_smiling_face:


We’ve gone from plants that yield so low that they get bred out to calling them the pearl pheno.

I really need to start selling something by just renaming it to something more marketable.

Liver & Onions will now be “Inside’s best.”


That was 14wks from a seed pop, very vigorous , good yielder ,
Hard for some to believe but the right African sativa in the right conditions and they can get pretty dense
This one was a bit fuely strawberry woody herbal
Very smooth to smoke gets you motivated after one puff , but to much and feel a bit “drunk” and spacey

I will say for myself if i
sit and smoke to long
it can change the vibe to mellow even sleepy with any sativa
but if I hit a few while I’m busy then i can be busy all day with a few top ups and no ceiling

Kinda need to be in the gear you want to be when you hit that bong , if that make sense


I don’t have quality Picts , need an upgrade
This is just before chop


And Arjan will NEVER share a single seed of those landraces with anyone. He wants you to buy his feminized hybrids.


Do they work together with Puregene AG in Switzerland?

I read that the seedbank in whatever nordic country has refused to store cannabis seeds. They are Illegal.

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@CocoaCoir when you go to sprout the U x gh x m let them dry out like upstate mentions with some sativas I have had multiple come up 4-6 weeks after I plant in a budding plants pot.


It really is, when you put it that way. Find what you like and clone it or pollinate it.




Here’s a picture of the TLT Malawi Gold.