Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

@District_Flora and @US3RNAM3 ( I think)or @PineTarBastard
Here’s the Yoruba Nigerian somewhere around week 8 of flowering. I’ve had to keep the plants small because too many seeds germinated( a good problem to have) for me. Some are double planted in 1 gallon pots… I soaked every seed I got from you 2. District_Flora gave me a bunch and i got 2 seeds from someone else…I think they must be the same yoruba strain because I don’t see any differences anywhere…

Great resin starting on some of these. They appear to be relatively fast flowering too… maybe 14-16 weeks if I had to guess.


This is Malawi from Dankest Africa ( nick), from South Africa @Guitarzan. He had told me twelve weeks flowering But ensured me it was a landrace. So I figured it must be twelve weeks of actual flower making, not including the stretch… and it looks like i was right. These are a hundred percent sativa all the way😁. Some hit three foot in a six inch container lol. Also at week 8 flowering or so. Just up potted to 1 gallon a week ago.
I had the same situation as with Nigerian, with too many seeds germinating. Some of the containers hold four females. I wanted to make sure this line stuck around. Nick hasn’t been heard from since Covid unfortunately.
He showed me a picture of a 1.2 KILOGRAM top bud… the size of a man’s leg and just as wide as the thigh. Epic!
I don’t think I’ll be achieving that in these little pots😁


Looking good @Upstate but those Nigerian were not from me. I believe @District_Flora sent you those.


Are those flowering outside currently?



@Upstate Those are all from me. I gave you seeds from the original release via Hartigear (might be the two you’re referring to as I had less than 10 I recall), seeds from the repro (done by another grower I met on IG), and some of the crosses the breeder that repro’d these made. Glad they’re turning out well! What kind of profile you getting on them? I was told they range from sweet carrot/spice to woody/musk


Sounds like they’ll have a nice effect with those aromas


Oh shit. My bad, that’s right. I’ll edit, thanks. The funny thing is I was thinking about you and I typed his name instead. Dang Oaxaca :rofl:
Someone else gave me 2 yoruba seeds separately not long before you gave me more. ( Or did you give me two seeds separate From the others? I think that’s what you’re saying and that makes sense.)
Not too much smell yet, but it’s lemon zest as a base. Sure to morph with age.
I love carrot weed. Carrot terps = energy ime


Not yet. Indoors atm.

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Old Silversides hybrid!


Needs a good cure, but test smokes show promising potency.


The “drugs” will do it to ya! Yeah, I believe those two were from me as well. Actually as I’m typing I remember those were the last two from the original Hartigear drop that were not yet grown out by the breeder that Repro’d them.

Ahh, the ever present lemon terp lol, not surprised. I’m sure you’ll find something “unique” amongst the smells as they progress. I love carrot weed as well, would be nice to get it out of something that is not Zamal


i sent a few along, we may have touched on this last time the Nigerian came up in one of the landrace threads, IIRC the majority came from District :grin:


@DirtySlowToes , I pulled aside a couple of the Mullumbimby Madness x Nevils Haze x Malawi Gold to show structure. They are all very similar with varying degrees of stretch but they are averaging 2½-3 X at close to 4 wks under 11/13.

And a couple that were too embedded to pull out

They are dwarfing the Afghanis behind them, which are coincidentally from are a dwarf line. :sweat_smile:


Gorgeous work. I like the structure and spacing and leaves. I can definitely work with that! Thanks for putting these pictures up.

HLG 420 light giveaway


Gorgeous structure :heart_eyes:

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It’s progressing. I checked one that’s further along than the others and it’s got a musky smell now. I’m looking for that carrott weed too. There’s gotta be at least one in there.
@Budderton nice plants. Stretching for the moon!
What size container?


Thanks @Upstate . They’re in solos, with the bottom cut out, stacked on one gallons. They will get stacked once more into 1 gals, with the bottom cut out , onto 3 of 4 gallons to finish. Trying to keep them small in order to look at a few at once.


Looking good, mate!


Good luck with that​:rofl::joy::rofl: Those look like they want a good view of the upcoming eclipse​:grin:
Gotta love Sativa vigor!


Uganda Pole pheno ready to harvest.

After a decent veg this one went about 103 days or about 15 weeks. Absolutely massive cola that may extend to the plant base with better lighting. As it is, it’s about 2 feet long and wider than a grapefruit. Smells like pine and musky.