Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I completely agree with you on this, when I see things like Durban Poison being called 100% Sativa when it is very clearly obviously not it shits me no end. I don’t even get why they do it tbh.


Viking 1980s Dutch bld hybrid with Afghan genes and probably Lebanese too.


That`s a really nice looking plant!


Variety from Positronics at the time.


from left to right
Punto rojo- Red phenotype, Punto Rojo -Gold phenotype, trimbak y uttarkhand the least advanced in flowering


I believe that we should transform this great community of landrace seed collectors into a community of preservationists. Over the years I have seen landrace and heirloom varieties being lost. What I have seen is that more landrace varieties have been lost in the private collections of seed collectors than in any other way. I have also seen how lines are distorted, due to the lack of study on paper of the lines that work. Each reproduction is exposed to contamination because pollen can fly up to two kilometers, therefore you must always be aware that any specimen distant from the line of a reproduction must be eliminated from it.


I agree with “What I have seen is that more landrace varieties have been lost in the private collections of seed collectors than in any other way.” Why? Improper seed storage. Put them in something sealable with some rice and put them in another sealable container in the frig. Only take them out when you are actually going to sprout some.

Save them before they are gone.


That is a great looking cross! Well done man!

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And I’ll keep tearing the sons of bitches up until they do😁
You wouldn’t sell a cracker that had nut Products in it without putting it on the label lol.


Don’t forget the hoarding. Varieties that spend eternity in a freezer may as well be lost. When the collector dies the seed stash is probably tossed. Share your rare genetics, Or you are part of the problem.

The Freakers don’t have a south american connection yet… You’d be a great fit.


@deeez99 and @US3RNAM3
Nigerian Yoruba. Potent looking plants. Seems to be both faster flowering and shorter flowering phenotypes, With the plants looking similar regardless if they are faster or slower. Nice land race

New addition to the family,last photo. She’s a cutey.
Faster Yoruba plants pictured


Don’t forget the hoarding. Varieties that spend eternity in a freezer may as well be lost. When the collector dies the seed stash is probably tossed. Share your rare genetics, Or you are part of the problem.

I recently had a sort of revelation similar to this. I contacted someone here on Overgrow about a trade and when asking what they prefer it was shared to me that they prefer landraces or heirlooms. Great taste of course!

I noticed something while looking over my list of seeds for what to send for my part of the trade. I would have these internal dialogues about what to send or not send, because of this or that reason. Can’t send this because it might not be good enough, or, can’t send that because it’s some of my rarest and most treasured. After sort of finding myself a balance of those two extremes, I still didn’t feel great about the choices of what to send. And then it hit me, of course, it’s so simple! Send the best stuff I have. The rarest. The stuff I desire most. The stuff I cherish and treasure the most. So I did just that, I sent out some of my most exclusive seeds. Putting an abundance mindset into the universe and sharing them into the universe so that they can have more chance at survival and continuation. Preservation. Instantly I felt at peace and relieved of the decision of what to choose to send as my part of the trade. Many blessings and much love


That’s awesome and inspiring. I promise to follow your example.


Thats totally the way to go about it, great choice,


100%. I’ve grown and loved herb since 1992 and have been burned in every single venture that involved cannabis and money, so about 10 years ago I swore never to combine the two. Sacred and profane. I get the biggest kick out of sending people seeds they’re looking for and stoking them. I’m a collector and uber nerd myself, but it feels better to make someone’s day. If they want something that I really value and want for myself, I send it to them and have faith the universe will send me what I need to grow rather than want and it’s made life and growing better. I have more seeds than time left on this earth like most of us, so I’d rather they be in someone’s garden than rotting in my fridge, and I’ve gotten more rare and amazing stuff from giving without expecting than I ever did buying, bartering and begging. Weed is for the people and doesn’t respect human greed.


Amen brother. Well done.


I wanted to crack a joke :rofl:, but honestly, that is an awesome thing you did. :facepunch:


I’ve got about 20 seeds of this from a Derg Cora release, Nice to see what I am in for! though on a smaller scale indoors.


One of the phenos, with characteristics of the red pheno and the gold pheno, is a pheno that began to flower a month before the others, it is the mountain genes that speed up its slow flowering a little. It is full of seeds, from the gold male and a few less from the red male. It has a beautiful resin, very small, but they look like mini petiolate glandular trichomes. very happy with this repro, thank you very much @motaco for the seeds brother, they are reproducing just as I promised. to reproduce and distribute this beautiful line among good-hearted people, so that many can enjoy and treasure it. I’m really fascinated with these punto rojo. Hopefully someone who has seeds from other reproductions will be encouraged and the red dot from it will germinate. or send the seeds to another brother who loves them and germinates them. I am here willing to receive another batch of seeds to continue reproducing them with various breeding groups and thus not reduce their genetic pool so much. This red dot seems authentic and full of magic to me, as one of the most beloved sativas in Hispanic America should be.

She is pregnant, but she has some resin, she has hehehehehehe


@District_Flora and @US3RNAM3
Yorubas getting greasy​:yum::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:
Week 11 or start of 12.