Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Yea I saw that post you made mentioning them. I went to check them out, may have to give them a try since my buddy says I can put some out on his property. Its on the side of a small mountain in York County. Problem is, there’s no nearby water source, Though it’s heavily wooded, and I see black and blue berries growing sporadically everywhere, so it can’t be that Dry lol.
Other problem is the deer and rabbits… and bears lol.


get yourself some floor dri from napa. its coarse de and holds a lot of water. mix that and some good compost like coast of maine lobster in the hole. plant it it then put some heavy 2’’ x4’’ mesh wire around them staking them to the ground with tent pegs. that should keep most critters out. mulch heavily with chunky wood chips, not shavings. that will conserve water in between rains.


I’m very interested in how that turns out. I’ve been on the hunt for it for ages. I am starting to wonder if the old Acapulco Gold, as it was in the 70s, might be gone. It’s kind of an obsession of mine, trying to find this one. I’ve just heard too much about it. It’s seared into my psyche.

I’ve heard Bodhis is the closest, but I’ve also read grow and smoke reports and I just don’t feel it matches up with the myth and legend of the old Acapulco Gold. But maybe the myth and legend is just that–myth and legend. It’s driving me mad.


Some of that old weed that got people so twisted up had been sprayed with paraquat…
That is one article but Google paraquat cannabis and read some of the disturbing things that come up. I’m nit saying the real acupulco gold wasn’t great just that the paraquat is something to consider.
I think part of the problem with finding any strain from cartel land in pure form is that they are constantly hybridizing to grow the most productive crops and there is not alot of focus if any on keeping things pure. Last I heard they were calling weed from down there eldorado


Are you growing those again for the Mexican run? @Instg8ter…same question. I can’t recall offhand and it’s good to mention the Mexican run so more people hear about it.


Perhaps it was a fresh hybrid at the time and is now an old ibl? It’s also a strong possibility a bunch of Acapulco needs to be grown and the best plants selected to breed with. Landraces can be excellent, but it’s not common for all of the plants to be excellent. Those killer plants may have to be found out of thousands and thousands of other plants. This is one of the reasons I want to get a bunch of people involved in the Mexican run. Maybe we have a chance at finding something special. I’m sure there was a lot of work involved maintaining Acapulco Gold as the legend it was


Perhaps growing AG seeded would shorten the flower time and allow a seeded bud to finish earlier? Seems like it could finish properly 6 weeks after the males flower. All of it seeded back then

But no @lefthandseeds were seeded


growing seeded weed is supposed to shorten flowering time, no doubt. That’s one of the ways Northeast Growers were able to grow some of these Mexican varieties to maturity. Granted, not all of them. Interesting lie enough, with my own variety I’ve noticed no difference whether it is seated or not. Perhaps due to the short flowering time anyway?


I seeded the small AG clone With the Vietnam Black as soon as it showed pistils then again a week later. Most of my clones (selectively pollinated) are finishing a week Quicker than their mothers. I’ll let the big plant finish and ripen properly under 2500 watts HPS, need be I’ll kick it back to 11 hours for the last few weeks.

@upstate, I will probably drop the last three seeds I have in search for a male for my breeding. I doubt I would run a female again right now…I’m on a trip to see strains grow natural, with minimal manipulation for yield. It helps me understand a plant better before crossing with another. Not to fear I have a few specials (chapita De Michoacan, Zacasteca Tribute, Columbian Gold, Bodhi Aluna, ) in my box that may be just as crazy as this, been saving them just for you…


Mexican run ?


No, I won’t be running those this go. I’ve been thinking about cracking my seeds from Costa Rica brick. But possibly red snake (punto rojo x oaxacan), cryptic labs stuff, Honduras or Panama gold as well.


Yea I was thinking about munching with wood chips, even thought to maybe burry some old logs to act as a sponge. As for the DE, I’ve only ever used the food grade stuff, is the floor dry at least a freshwater diatom source?
Edit: I’m read thing that people use this stuff for plants all the time, didn’t realize it’s pellets too like perlite. The stuff I’m use to is like flour.


Anyone run any old timers haze or the purple haze ibl that ACE used to sell? Found this from snowhigh regarding the purple Zacatecas and wouldn’t mind some feedback.

excerpt from a Snowhigh post

"I hope that the Mexican cultivars of old will return again. So much was lost, many family generations of growing family cannabis lines. I believe a lot of the mythical cannabis lines like Haze were comprised of mainly Mexican lines. Like the Purple Haze phenos, well it could be Colombian purple phenos but from my research and talking to people in the know. Some of the Purple phenos in say Old Timers Haze I believe is actually genetics from Zihuatanejo Purple which seeds were brought to the areas around the Big Sur Mountains which is below Santa Cruz down the coast of California.

Coincidentally the strain called Big Sur Holy Weed had Zacatecas Purple or Torreon Violet in its genetics. So the Delores Purple could have also been what people were calling now, Zacatecas Purple or Torreon Violet. "


That’s what I call a “house plant”!


Potato chips taste much better LOL. Damn autocorrect.


A bunch of us are running Mexican landrace’s, and landrace’s from Central and South America Christmas time. Mexican varieties are preferable if you have them, what South American and Central American are fine too. I’m hoping as many people as possible join in, so there will be lots of pollen swapping going on. If somebody strikes out on a male, there will be a male of a similar or other special variety lying in wait. I have never grown or seen Grown any Mexican landrace, so for me this will be educational as well as fun. It will be nice to see what seed stock today is still very potent. do you have any Mexican landrace varieties or landrace hybrids you would want to grow at that time?
@Instg8ter, I can’t wait to see all the different varieties you and @lefthandseeds bring to the table!


Hey @Upstate,

Anything on those Malawi? Did you have any extras?


Sure do. Send me a PM

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yes its coarse DE, has no salt and PH neutral. mostly silica so strengthens plants cell walls. got the idea from a guy on also works like perlite. love it in my raised beds/ potted plants as i don’t have to water as often. the buried rotten woods a great idea also. theres a clay version of floor dri so make sure you get the DE one.


Does anyone have any Mazar seeds they wouldn’t mind getting rid of? Had a buddy who brought some home with him, a few years back (well more than a few), when he was on a “fact finding mission” in the region :rofl: but I wasn’t growing at the time and he ran out from being extra generous to folks.