Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

@Upstate I have not run any of the Guatemalan yet. They waiting their turn in cold storage.


I was only thinking of dusting one limb down low. I donā€™t think I got enough pollen from the male ONH. I have that 3 Way Durb, and some 4P(maybe) or lots of hybrid strains. I need to inventory but want to use freshest if I have the right one.

Anyone know the flower time they listed for the ONH? This thing is growing slow and seems like any other plant at 3 weeks.

Another question: think Iā€™d have any luck cloning a limb that is a little woody? I have four perfect size limbs on the bottom that I had planned on cloning but lost track. Iā€™ll be trying anyway but welcome tips about it. I donā€™t want to make many seeds to speak of unless I have clones. Iā€™ve never smoked it before and want some pure bud. peace

Thanks bro. Itā€™s been a beauty so far. Easy to grow. I figured it would go to the long side of flower but just donā€™t know. It may finish in 12.


So, the point in my pollination question was meant for the extreme long flowering sativa situation. Would you still pollinate it early and let the seeds be on that long?

I guess that would be right because the two males were flowering first and it would get hit early in nature.

Iā€™ll add a couple of pics to this post in a few minutes. I need to pic one from earlier.


letting seeds ripe looong doesent hurt,infact that is how it is done propperly. the longer ripen, the better. its hella time to pollinate if you want good ripen seeds. if you wanna gamble on couple more seeds, you can, but at some point you risk them not to finish as nicely, so you end up with some unripe ones probably. i pollinate way earlyer


Nevil harvested seeds multiple time from his first Haze Female plant.


Pollenate early,.but be on the lookout for the calyxes splitting their skins. At first they will split and show the white seed underneath, but when you start to see darker colors go ahead and open one up and see if the seed is done. You actually donā€™t even have to take the seed out of its case . Scratch away a little bit of the husk and look at the seed underneath, if it isnā€™t finished, it will continue to grow in this manner . I harvest seeds as they ripen so they donā€™t drop on the floor or ground. A benefit of pollinating early and getting the seeds as they ripen is you avoid losing your seeds to Rippers if you are an outdoor grower, and if you are an indoor grower, the seeds donā€™t hit the floor and get lost, and if everything is timed perfectly, and your eyes are good, your buds are seedless by harvest. Works very well. I averaged around a hundred and fifty seeds per Malawi plant this summer and by Harvest time there were less than 2o mature seeds left per plant that I had missed. When a seed is done, it is done. There is no over ripe.


i didnt know that cause here in europe i run tropicals, and in that case they finish way slower. i guess never had overripe seed


Some sativas pack on weight quick, and then take forever to ripen. Mr. Nice lists Nevilles Haze at 112 days. Another company at 91 days. if you are truly growing a haze, you should have plenty of time for seeds to finish. I have even pollinated an 8-week variety at the very end of its flower cycle when they were just a few white stigmas left. The seeds did finish a month-and-a-half later, but the bud was no longer smokable.


Itā€™s taking on some nice smells. It reminds me a little of the Ortega I just grew. I sort of donā€™t want to get seeds on it the first time but no time like the present.

I grew a Golden Wedding (Colombian Gold x Malawi Gold afropip) last summer and it stayed seed free until late. It got hit by a male I left in the ground to watch but mis timed it. It was about a 12-13 week finisher and finished inside in front of a window and the seeds finished fine.

I was sort of wondering what others do with sativa as I havenā€™t grown many. So, Iā€™ll decide whether to dust a small limb maybe. Itā€™s sure getting sexy thatā€™s for sure !


Thatā€™s a really nice plantā€¦ I think it wants a little pollen dusted on itšŸ˜


man that is an amazing selection, the angola red x oaxacan is something ive been trying to read up about. the angolan strains have really caught my eye, but sadly there isnā€™t anything publicly available that I could find.


that pure guatemalan is supposed to excellent, alot of guys always ask him to do another run.


Snowhigh definitely has some nice and rare landrace and heirloom strains from all over the globe!



Colombian Gold 1972 (not a nice Bud but a nice repro)



Good to see ya @Cristalin . Howā€™ve you been?

If anyone was wondering, USC is official af. Thereā€™s gold in them hills, if you know what I mean.


Hi @Worcestershire_Farms

Thx a lot for your comment, much appreciated

Hum ā€¦ AT home ā€¦ with two arms broken, thatā€™s life ā€¦

Thx again, stay safe

Best regards


:hushed::hushed::hushed: well I hope someone is there to be a designated roller for you


Itā€™s the only thing i can do ā€¦ Hardly :sweat:

Thx :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @Cristalin, man, Iā€™m sorry to hear about your arms. I havenā€™t been online much but as it gets colder Iā€™ll get on more. Hope you heal fast bro. Prayers and vibes sent! peace