Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Wow, @Cristalin.

I bitch about my knees and my back, but I can still use them. DAMN!!! Get well soon. Good thoughts coming your way.

BTW - Never looked at USC before. Like what I see. Am going to put in an order soon. Any chance of you getting your hands on some Mazar any time soon?


Pretty fair prices, too, especially given market! That Colombian Gold is super tempting.

@Cristalin that bud looks pretty beautiful to meā€¦


Hi guys

@GMan thx, itā€™s difficult but iā€™m holding on ā€¦ Thx bro, see u soon

@WMoon518 thx too, lol the knee was last year, too much ICE hockey when i was young ā€¦

We have Black Afghani from Kandahar and i have 4 others afghan lines to work

A hash plant is planned but not now to much work

I must finish pure paki and make sativa repro ā€¦

Thx for your comment

@Eudaemon thx, yes Price are corrects, i donā€™t understand when one pack of 10 seeds cost 200$/300$ or more ā€¦

Thx a lot , stay safe and take care

Best regards



@Cristalin ,get well soon!


Exotic Alchemy on IG has them. Open pollenation preservation. I picked up two packs. If he wonā€™t sell them to you, Johnny Appleseedz will be able to get them for you from Exotic.
BUT, if you are interested in making some seeds, you can have mine.


Hey, great link. What show is this?


Hello @Cristalin, good to see you here again. Sorry to hear about the broken arms. I hope you heal quickly. That Colombian looks beautiful! Just like old high times magazine photos. Was there enough seed free to try it out?


Future cannabis project on yootoob


Hello all, Iā€™m new to overgrow and just introducing myself on here, I have a passion for landrace and heirloom cannabis and I am currently growing some Afghan Mix plants from The Real Seed Company. I have just ordered the Congolese from them as well and I am very excited about working with the African genetics. Excited to find a place where people have a passion for the plant like this!


hey @RuamadraTheBard welcome to og!


Nice choices! I have a few of those Congolese as well. Iā€™ve been curious about them.


Welcome to Overgrow @RuamadraTheBard. Youā€™ve come to the right place. Lots of good landrace related things happening here on OG . That Afghan mix promises to be interesting. As does the Congolese. Dont think Iā€™ve seen a Congo landrace grow on OGā€¦the RSC Congo should be a good one. Itā€™s been worked a couple of generations already.


Those genetics look like something Iā€™d like to consider in the future. Where does the Real Seed Company ship out of?

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I had 2 Congo males and after 10 days they became ladyboys when they went outdoors

I pollinized my 3 girls with 2 THH males. Indoors the girls dont hermie
They have a huge stretch. I sent them to the flower room with 30 cms and they are all well over 2 meters. It makes huge branches. I have branches more than a meter long. It has long internodes
They showed sex at different times and are producing accordingly, meaning the 3 of them will have different finnishing times. They look very similar
This is Congo 1 and 3 at 54 days. At this moment they are 68 days in the flowering room


Kwik seeds (rsc affiliate)will ship RSC gear to the USā€¦ The real seed company is based in Britain, but Iā€™m not sure about Kwik seeds. For some reason I was thinking Spain, but it must be Britain because I pay in pounds?


Nice looking plants! Looks to me like they deserve their own thread. Of course keep posting here as well)Iā€™d love to follow the progress. Most of the real Seed Company seeds donā€™t have any flowering times listed. You have to use an educated guess I suppose. Looks like theyā€™ll go at least 130 daysā€¦ what kind of smells are you getting?


These Congos have no resin at all. Same like Mango Thai. No resin, not even in the seed coat both strains produce. Seeds are mature

These Congo have been kept at a gene bank in Germany. I dont know how they will make it outdoors
I have Tom Hill Haze coming a few days behind Congo and you touch it and is sticky
I dont find any special smell on these
This is the most advanced Congo today they are 73 days in flowering. TRSC Malawi Gold I cut at 10 weeks. Upstate, you had some Malawi Gold too, did you like it? I dont see any smoke reports nor anyone hyping it.
Congo 1, behind Congo 3


alot of the 60 and 70 strains i had had none to very little resin, same with terpenesā€¦but they were killer


hah, i lately heard franco loja actually brought seeds he collected on the congo trip to german seedbankā€¦ those could be his collection,


Interesting. Maybe the resin comes on late, tho youā€™d think a mature seed should have some on the bractsā€¦

The Malawi is still curing, at around 3 months now, but far enough along to judge potency. There were 5 females total, and i gave out seeds from 4 of them. Two of them have average potency, with ok taste. One has average potency with great taste. One has hybrid type potency, and good taste. The last one is a bit of an enigma for me, and i didnt give seeds from this one.
All of them went 141/2-16 weeks floweringā€¦but the longest flowering individual was a hermaphrodite, and very odd. Almost looked Pickable at 10 or 12 weeks of flowering, but a sample taken at that time had week potency. It kept flowering and flowering, and was still going strong when i picked it at 16 weeks. It has heavier buds than the rest, and knocks me out 20 minutes after i smoke it, every time. Super baked for 20 minutes. But cant keep my eyes open any longer. Very strange. Like a 16 week Indica.
Maybe this is the pheno you pulled at week 10?
Except for this one, nothing looked even close to done at 10 weeksā€¦at first I was thinking it was contamination, but not after it kept flowering and flowering. I bet it could have gone 18 weeks, but i didnt have the weather for it. Maybe its loaded with myrcene, which is a sedativeā€¦
Iā€™d recommend this Malawi. Great work weed. Very motivating. If you grew 10 females, i think something really special could be found.