Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

That knockout Malawi sounds super interesting. I’m smoking my freakshow right now which is an energetic strain with a ton of myrcene in it, and its the weirdest “sativa” I’ve experienced so far.


Any reason you didn’t pass out the seeds from the enigma mother?

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The plant the seeds would have come from was the only hermaphrodite I had. I was able to keep it mostly seedless by pulling off male flowers. They were fairly consistent though. I had to go out every day or two and pull them off. Didn’t want to give any seeds out from a hermaphrodite plant and have someone ruin their crop. If you’re interested I could send you some… I’ve heard of some strains, like Bubba Kush for example, that will have different bursts of flowerings. They are called flushes. It could be a good trait to have. The plant looks like it’s slowing down on flowering, and then re flowers with a another burst of stigmas . Who knows how long that plant would have kept budding for… grown properly( in a big container,) you could probably get some massive buds off of it, but the hermaphrodite trait would have to be bred out.
Myrcene is an interesting terpene. I didn’t know the freak show had a lot of it. Was it a Spacey Buzz?


Bk is slow as frozen bull piss on a rock.
Takes a long veg to get anything.


I am very interested in those seeds! the herm trait doesn’t bother me. I’ve heard of DJ Shorts Flo having that “flo” of buds if you harvest the bud and let the plant continue to grow, really unique trait for say a greenhouse grower to take advantage of.

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Maybe I’m wrong about the myrcene being responsible for the couchlock. I was basing it off the ace Malawi, which is loaded with myrcene, and will make you stare off into space a couple hours. It’s supposed to be a strong painkiller( myrcene). Sounds like your experiences were different. When you say freak Show Buzz is strange, what do you mean?

Lmmfao! You’ve got some powerful country wisdom there LOL! Reminds me of some of my dad’s expressions😄


Good luck on this one, finding decent stock for one, ya won’t find it buying recent release stuff.
You’re actually gonna have to pound the brush to find something good in another direction.

I wouldnt suggest getting anything from him anymore.
Back in the 90’s most definitely.

The freakshow buzz starts with a really light cerebral feeling and and a nice rush that settles after 5-10 minutes into a sort of focus mixed with a light spaced-out feeling. There are some light physical effects like skin tingles and appetite enhancement. Where it really stands out is outside. The strain is mildly trippy in how you space in and out while being completely able to go about your day. Almost like a mushroom microdose. You kind of forget you smoked it until something visual or sensation wise makes you remember you’re still “stoned”. Effects last a really long time for me, 3-5 hours and no comedown. The taste and smell are just really great, like lick the jar good. Almost like pine needle jelly. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a stealth strain because the smell is just fill the house kind of strong. Really good smoke as a mood stabilizer, but not very good strain for pain. She did yield really nice and was extremely easy to grow. Overall a nice strain but I doubt most growers would find it worth their time and effort.


One of these days i want to do a Mac, Bubka and Bog Bubble run.
I’ve got the 2 best bubka you can find, had a line on the Mac but aint seen The Homie round and I got some Bubble coming soon.
Anybody else help out on a certified Mac?


Bubba kush or at least the original does not do any second round of hairs , just thought I’d throw that out there to help clear up any confusion. I have seen many strains that do though, my Platinum pineapple tends to do this and so does the ghost og.


:thinking: I didn’t realize Exotic was a seed seller :sweat_smile:


Hmm, the banana kush bag seeds didn’t do any second round of hairs either, based on hairs and crystals being all cloudy, it was read in 6-7 weeks.

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The bubba kush makes you want to pull it at 7 weeks and you totally could but its way better at 9


I’ll keep that in mind the next time I run a clone, there was almost no amber on the buds, just a few on the leaves.

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I’m sure all sorts of stuff is called something it isn’t. I didnt grow it myself, but it was from near Petrolia. A good grower outside Garberville called it Bubba Kush. 3 flushes, but you have to time your nutrients well. Maybe grown from seed, but pretty sure it was a clone.Sorry if that was bad info. Repeating what i was told in Humbolt.

Yea there’s a few members that said I’d get it from them then kinda went quiet just before holidays. Now I have two more people I’m getting it from in trades for other clones.

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No worries was just throwing out my observations, everybodys grow is different and some times it can realy change the outward expression of a plant.


I got more info on the Bubba. These are my cousins words. " It was pre98 Bubba from Humbolt. We picked it up around 2001 in Humbolt. There were several cuts going around at the time. This one would stop flowering for a week at around week 7 or 8, and then kick back up and pump out stigmas until week 12, but we pulled it at week 11." He and friends grew it for a decade, and he regrets letting it go. He wondered if maybe you grew a later version? He says it was legit, and I have to believe him. All he has ever known is weed. Perhaps you each had different cuts.


Those were all the keeper buds, that takes me back a piece.
Used to pick thru a batch and hoard those, then break em out in the dry spells.

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