Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Was just looking at those!:point_up_2:t3:


and they have been super to deal with :slight_smile:

maybe a group buy?


the fruity pebbles was what caught my eye; but f3 too ā€¦I dunno Iā€™m already in a couple and need to trade some crosses out as I canā€™t get to everything now. :cry:

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I have enough beans right now to grow until 2030 at the least :slight_smile:

and never trade away my future children :frowning:


Those are looking nice man. I put 10 of the old Mexi seeds I have down and 0 germ so far. The good news is that the seeds that were given to me are in a film can and probably have a better chance. These were taken out and put into a small plastic zip. So, I imagine it didnā€™t improve my chances since itā€™s been two years.

I havenā€™t tried the Panama Red I have either but figure Iā€™ll try them when I try another batch of mexi seeds from the film can source this time. I got a PR to grow once so Iā€™m looking forward to something. My last one was lost to insects.

I really hope I can coax a Mexican seed to sprout. I know my friend got one to grow and said it smelled like skunk all around his place, I saw it when it was about 5- 6 feet high but not when it had matured.

Those plants of yours look so good. Got me ready to start that next batch to try.

Edit: oh, and welcome to OG @ShivamGrover! I hope you enjoy the site. Iā€™m looking forward to your grows. peace


Too bad none of those old seeds germinated. Did you try popping them as a last resort? I was able to germ a couple ā€œdeadā€ kullu seeds this summer by popping the shell. Itā€™s a little scary, but if youā€™re ready to throw the seeds out anyway itā€™s worth a shot . Within a day or two of cracking the shell I had tails . How long have those old seeds been soaking? Fingers crossed you can coax them to live! Try some more. No time like the presentšŸ˜.


Weā€™re those seeds large and light brown in color. I have old oaxca seeds and they are rather large for a central american strain, the Punto seeds I have in comparison are very tiny.


I took a picture of the ones I sprouted and put it in the beginning of the Central American landrace thread. They were decent sized seedsā€™ but not massive. Iā€™m wondering if seeds from this guy arenā€™t the same seeds as the ones from cryptic labs that Iā€™m growing. $35 is very reasonable for such a rare landrace. From your description, I would say your oaxacan could be pure. Have you grown them? They are supposed to be bigger than Colombian seeds for sure.


Who was looking for roadkill skunk?

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If you start bringing it inside for 12 hours a night in mid-july, by mid August you can leave them out to keep flowering. You could get 12 week phenos to finish this way. For the longest flowering of them to finish, Iā€™d start early July. If we had the spring weather for it you could start them flowering indoors and place them outside in the spring and they would probably continue flowering but you would need some serious cover for them. We have much better weather in the several months after our Solstice then before it. Frostā€™s are way more common early in the season as you know, but where thereā€™s a will thereā€™s a way! Rather than flipping to a 12/12 cycle, start at 14 hours light, 10 hours dark, and reduce it 30 minutes every week or so until the plants begin to flower. In this manner youā€™ll know what day length you need to have them out in to keep them flowering. @Comacus read something on snow highs website about finishing sativas in the spring. He can point you in the right direction if you want to try that route.


I expected them to be a problem and started with that batch. They didnā€™t get any more viable in that little zip that was out in the low humidity here. But, the bulk of them are in a film canister, the old black ones. I know he got one to grow but he did have troubles, too. I think I can get one from the other batch to crack. Iā€™ll scuff it, soak it, and basically try any number of methods if I think will help. I left the other seeds in a mixture of Promix in the humidity dome after I soaked them in H2O2 and trace elements, but no sign of any germing.

I hope I get at least a few to open. peace


They could take weeks. Sounds like you wonā€™t give up easy and have some aces up the sleeve. @YoBigdaddy recently had a seed germinate weeks after he thought it was dead. You never knowā€¦


I havenā€™t grown them yet but have had them from two different places and they both were large light tan seeds. I wouldnā€™t doubt yours just based on my descriptions but itā€™s always interesting to compare notes.


Has anyone seen the IG post by Real Seed Company today?

They are opining that use of the word ā€œLandraceā€ in cannabis should be eradicated; that itā€™s usage prolongs racial abuse in humans.

Maybe Iā€™m missing something but I donā€™t get it. I have never heard the term used by anyone in the cannabis community in a manner that is remotely analogous to the concept of race in humans.

What do you think?

Kev :call_me_hand:t5:


Just some more politically correct BS. Pretty soon we wonā€™t be able to use the colors red, yellow, black, white, and brown because they will be deemed racist.

Really sad were some fringe elements are pushing our society.


Or black Friday, lol


How tf does one make the leap that the use of the term Landrace is tantamount to overt racism. Wtf?!!!

I have no problem with someone drawing attention to a world problem of racism but that is a leap of Evel Knievel size.

I hope he doesnā€™t get hurt climbing down from his high horse.


See it starts small and developes into.its own pandemic.


Sounds like more bullshit propaganda to me. Probably not supposed to call cannabis plants males or females anymore either. It insults them. Especially the ones that identify as something else


Amen to that! Er uh, awoman i mean lol.