Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I call them “landfriends”. :joy:

I saw him starting up about it in another post the other week, and knew this was coming. Seems like a odd and needless crusade to go on, but whatever. Me and my landfriends gonna hang out and eat cheetos. If I cared more about what people thought of me, maybe I wouldn’t look so funny.


Your use of “crusade” was apt. To me, it seems so odd a stance to take. Seems like a case of creating something from nothing for the purposes of pontificating from atop a very high horse.

I’ve never once considered the “race” portion of the word “Landrace” the same as how it’s used for people. I doubt many have.

I appreciate the light he’s trying to shine on racism but it’s a misguided effort.

It seems to me that many people in the cannabis world (outside of OG) are kooky.


When you have too much time on yours hands and too many thoughts in your head. This is the result. Amazing what some people believe when they’re bored LOL


Oh I didn’t take any of that from that post.

What I took from it was, that a lot of these “landraces” are either already hybridized and not true landraces, and/or that there isn’t really different “races” of cannabis. Like a lot of these area’s could be the same strain or close. So… too much hype…



Sungrownmidz on Instagram does a very good job of responding to this particular RSC post. He does a good job of pointing out the fallacies in RSCs argument while also emphasizing that we can’t overlook how historically, plant breeding philosophies have been used to justify some real shitty stuff (eugenics, racial discrimination, etc). I found it to be a more nuanced and truly academic look at the issue than the original clickbait-y RSC post that started this thread.


I cannot handle this shit at all. Like, I am not political in the slightest (I rarely admit this, but I’ve never voted in my entire life), but these bizarre, pointless semantic, language gentrification crusades are abhorrent–deeply, deeply abhorrent. Political correctness is a disease that quells discourse and reinforces existing issues and divisions. At the end of the day, even if you get rid of the words, the concepts still exist. Those words will be replaced by new words to describe those concepts. Then those new words will eventually become ‘bad’, because we view those very concepts as bad, and be replaced by newer words (see retarded). Retarded was once the politically correct term, now it’s the “R” word. It is a never-ending cycle used to control and limit discourse.

This is very dangerous stuff. This type of rhetoric needs to be combatted at every step of the way. The reasoning they’ve employed to arrive at their position can be used to justify the most extreme and dangerous positions and actions. I know racism is detestable and needs to be fought tooth and nail, but this isn’t the way…


agree with xtra chars


I’ve noticed RSC to be slipping for a long time mentally. Anyone who disagrees with him either gets the comment deleted or he just flat out denies what ever you’re saying and ignores you from then on. Very immature. Sad to see tbh :confused:


I was just reading this site very interesting stuff :slight_smile:

as I am a seed whore I reached out to this guy and ordered


Outdoor flowering: End of September


Eskobar Seeds:

“Pure IBL obtained from the mountains in Oaxaca, South Mexico. 8 to 9 weeks flowering, easy to control semi sativa (70% Sativa). Red and purple colors in the pale lemon green buds, very subtle. Soft fruity blend with spices and wood taste in the background. Very unique. Good trippy high up, funmaker.”



“Purple Satellite is a cross of two inbred lines: Oaxacan Gold kept from 1979 and a high altitude pure Nepalese sativa. The Oaxacan bumps up the potency immensely.



Genetics: Oaxacan Spear pheno x Angola Red (Snowhigh Seeds)

Outdoor flowering: Mid to end of October


Genetics: Oaxacan Gold x Nepalese sativa

Outdoor flowering: Beginning of October

one of each to try and at 20 seeds for 25 bucks and 10 dollars shipping with tracking

for 60 dollars for 40 seeds I will try his work

I will let you all know how it goes

be safe and plant seeds



That Purple Satellite looks very promising! You gonna do indoor or outdoor?


outdoors and I am looking for a good male :slight_smile:


That’s a cool site. He’s like me. I have lots of Bastard seeds and usually know which males were flowering at the time. Usually 2-3 males. I sure like his prices. Do you have a thread they’ll be in or you gonna post about them here? peace


Don’t you dare take away my “Black Friday”!!! I do “most” of my shopping then. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I grabbed several too. Have not run any yet but plan to run a couple of the Cherry Bomb in my next run.


I will be doing them in my outside thread :slight_smile:

works for sometimes just tring to figure out his S1 thing on some of them

he is not getting rich I would say he is being very fair

when you run them tag me would like to fellow along :slight_smile:

all the best and be safe



honestly I think this is kind of alarmist. I think it also may have something to do with him being european, and not actually knowing how americans use the term landrace. It’s just an old fashioned term for native species. People have used this term for other plants, and it is definitely commonly used to refer to animal species, ie landrace pig as a term for american wild pigs.

I’m from San Francisco and spent time in Berkeley, so I have some experience with political correctness (haha)

There are always people who think they are at the forefront of political correctness with new cutting edge ways to be more politically correct. honestly, this level of oversensitivity and alarmism can be offensive in and of itself. Often, people (white people) will create the latest trend in political correctness, and it will take a few years to realize that this new language they have started using is just as offensive, if not worse.


Probably not supposed to call cannabis plants males or females anymore either. It insults them. Especially the ones that identify as something else

Even my nonbinary non gender specific sibling jokes about this, which really goes to show that some people take this stuff too far.

they showed me a trans instagram grower’s herm plants, and we had a good laugh about it. and of course, the instagram grower said the herms identified as females. that grower also said that male plants could change their sex to female if the grower spoke to them positively and built up their self esteem.


angus was also saying this when he spoke on a podcast, so I don’t think people are misinterpreting this.

Definitely agree with this through-

a lot of these “landraces” are either already hybridized and not true landraces, and/or that there isn’t really different “races” of cannabis. Like a lot of these area’s could be the same strain or close. So… too much hype…


Because I’m an OCD German, I felt compelled to research his claim.

The word was coined in 1908 in Germany by a German. For ~100 years, it was used with essentially unchanged meaning across domesticated animals and plants. Relatively speaking, it’s been an archaic term for decades; until the cannabis world adopted it fully.

I’m mighty puzzled by his post and responses. It seems he’s on a one-man crusade to convince people the term has racist connotations and history.

Not only was I unable to find anything whatsoever about its supposed racist uses; I didn’t even find any usage of the term apart from how we use it.

For a variety of reasons, I am sensitive to racial issues. Probably why I noticed the post in the first place. His diatribe rang hollow with me, so I researched it. Racism remains an issue all over the globe and light should be shined on it. But no one should shine light on racism with lies.

Inventing an issue on racial matters in an effort to boost your apparent social conscience is deplorable. I asked him if he could point me to examples. He could not. Rather than supporting his point, he tried to belittle my intellect with circular logic.

There are fundamental ethical and moral problems in his actions. I have ten of their strains I was about to order which I now won’t. I won’t dismiss him or his company because he could just be having a bad day. I will however, tread cautiously before I ever give him any of my money or goodwill.

Kev :call_me_hand:t5:


Well said :ok_hand:


For his S1 they are all regular male/female seeds. He calls it an S1, and calls it a Self 1. He means a F2 of an original pack of seeds. If he makes seeds from his F2, he will call them S2.