Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

makes absolute sense


Hermaphroditism is more pronounced if there are light leaks, but it is an undesirable genetic trait so the clones still hold those genetics.


@Zolorp yeah i have several plant inside the tent no problems or light leaks, i did think of that as well and looked over the other lasies with no herm signs, just the 2 landrace tropical sativa had hermed on me, one being the shahsmane (Ethiopian sativa) that turned balls into a new word, and the Jamaican only had a few but was saved.


yeah i vegged for 5 weeks because i wanted a nice root system.
i was prepared for the stretch, i run leds, i have several that i use.
i start all of whatever under a 300 watt, then i put them under the next, which is a par600, this is the veg, flower, then i have a 800 watt one that i put them in when in full flower and hit them until the end unless i have to use the par600 as i have so many like i am now. i grew punto roja under it with no problems, and many others, i would prefer all get the bigger one but sometimes you do have to run others.
yeah i have had plants in the past, like 15 years ago that i would put them outside and then bring them in and they would get mad, this was way back though. i am inside for everything right now as i dont have the outside to use, not yet anyways.
yeah i usually have my daytime temps at around 77 but with the heat its been 80 inside, still good but like all of us i want those perfect conditions, or try. i even play music for the garden, yes they are my babies


I find sativas that have vegged longer tend to herm less, too. If you keep a mother plant and take clones, the clones will usually have less of a herm rate. Over a year or two, it can get less and less depending on the genetics.


The Thai plants I am growing are very stable. Somehow my lights got turned on at night in my dark room, making for a 36-hour lightcycle total. Plants haven’t skipped a beat!

day 89 flower


Sudan. Seeds germinated mid may. Has been flowering naturally since end of june.


A couple Sudan are getting close…very strong smells of pine, some mint/ catnip and funkey armpit lol.
Thai…day 101. Calyxes are starting to swell on my favorite plant. Maybe two or three weeks left on that one… hanging out indoors for a rainy day…
Looks like that first indoor picture is another Sudan shot
Turns out my cousin is growing some of the midget variety I got from my uncle. Here’s some pictures. ![20210928_183050|666x500] Thai start of week 17 flowering(upload://hPfGChBFAedCsTa3XGL5bGp8OF9.jpeg)


Which Thai is that? Never seen Sudan before. It looks pretty bad ass. Let me run outside and grab some pics of the Malana…


Malana from @Upstate’s vault. Looks like it’ll have to come inside and finish next to the window and or lights. Buds are small but always growing. They should actually fill out a little I think. It’s still very green and not affected by the cold nights we had this last week. She’s just as happy as can be. So much easier to deal with compared to polyhybrids. What is the flower period? 11- weeks maybe?

Sorry for the photo background. I bought this place really cheap and I have my hands full just getting rid of things. The lady I bought it from had stuff all over the yard and I’m slowly cleaning it all out. It won’t be overnight, though, lol.



Anyone interested in preserving some 1973 Durban in the near future? Putting feelers out as I try n get all my landraces from this guy preserved

This is the red pheno in veg


I hope somebody does. I already have a seed run promised for another strain. Otherwise I’d jump at that. What’s that flowering time say? 15-18 weeks?


Yessir, they’re from the source in Africa in 73, his pops spent his career collecting everything he could for a few decades n passed away and his son is carrying on the legacy, preserving what his father had collected.

Real cool shit and an even cooler dude, happens to live right by me


yep, thats a good Idea preserving those.


I could help with preservation but it would be around January/ February after I finish what’s already lined up .


Who knows @JohnnyPotseed ?


I wouldn’t be opposed to it, if you wanna hit me up closer to when you’ve got time? @Greyfox wanted the other half to run with the red pheno I gave him and other Durbans he’s collected.

They’ll be in the fridge whenever you’re ready bud.

Have 1970 Colombian Gold I need preserved too!


Not a problem at all , hopefully I don’t forget by then lol
I don’t mind to help anyone with preservation.


I have never seen packets that old. So cool. I have been wanting that strain for ever. I always read antitrust in High Times. One of the picks from around the world. The red hairs where always amazing. Loved by surfers. I’m sure. Any other old seed pack pictures? Thanks for sharing.


That’s a hell of a donation! I read multiple times that the original durban not durian poison is one of the best drought tolerant strains you can find. Supposedly has high thc levels as well