Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

The guy that I get em from says they’re a whole different game compared to the stuff today, lost terps and cannabinoids that were bred out decades ago.

Told a story bout some 69 (I think) Mekong that was like a mild mushroom trip and I was sold :joy: I wanna try every one of these old landraces now and then share as far and wide as possible so we can all experience history that potentially would’ve been lost and I’ve of never gotten to experience it in my life time.

Really is just magical to me, all the history and experiences and everything this plant has gone through over the millennia


I absolutely agree. I’m really getting into these landraces lately. I think a lot of people think that these landrace strains aren’t very potent. I don’t believe that. I don’t know the cannabinoid system very well and I do believe high thc strains are over rated. I guess what I’m trying to say is that a lot of these landraces are bomb! With great buzzes! It’s all magical to me to bud!


These seeds aren’t technically the ones from 1973, their parents were those old seeds and had very erratic and space germination rates, but these are the offspring of those original seeds in a reproduction run and pop just fine with the new life they’ve been given, that’s what he does as his main gig pretty much


thats really cool, landrace is where it all started, love the history of them none stepped on breed out strains, pure is super nice,
but can you imagine the good stuff that could be lost. i like them and i will do my part when i can to keep seed going. they are all beautiful plants that should be shared no doubt, i would love to do a seed run on that Columbian gold or and others. it is really cool for you to share all this


How soon do you think you’d be able to get to the 1970 CG? I wanna say I’ve got 4 or 5 left cause 5 already went to be preserved (hopefully)

These are the last two photos I took before I gave it back to HCG cause it was a male n I couldn’t hold onto it, didn’t want to cull it. Should’ve took good ones before I gave him away


i can start them in December, so let me know so i can make plans , thanks for sure. i would have tried for pollen or got cuts but i do understand sometimes the males may get in the way


Sounds like a great one to preserve! I have a thing for Durban. I’ve got several different Durban’s to run soon looking for the real deal energy weed. Hopefully a thread is started when these seeds are popped! Perhaps I can run the Landrace team version at the same time…


2016 Pakistani Chitral Kush

2017 Highland Nepalese 1973 Durban red pheno


Hola @TestOfOath

How was the Nepalese

is it the same you sent me




It is the same and I will not know until March or so, I will cut down some of the plants in the trellis net this weekend and replace them with the landraces, then it’s anywhere from 12-16 weeks depending on the cultivar and that’s after a 4-8 week flip period.

Real excited about em!


Malana is 10-14 weeks flowering. How’s the smell?

Pretty neat plants. I would say there is high cbd present in some plants. At first I was thinking these were more related to Moroccan than Sinai / Lebanese as Angus of RSC has suggested. After growing them I am inclined to agree with him. There are both indica and sativa phenotypes , with the sativa phenotypes reminding me very much of the Sativa phenos from Lebanon. This strain is going to need a good long cure to release all the potential locked inside. Flavor is good but smokes hot with no cure. Peppery.


What soil amendments did you use when you grew the Malana?


I do have some Durban Poison beans in the vault lol, I plan on growing them next year.


Hopefully I’ll be running some Vietnam black, hoa Bac/Vietnam, Pakistani chitral kush, chocolate Thai f4, and sholgar in my near future. Just have so much stuff to grow don’t know what to start when the time is right.


Wasn’t sure if this is directed at me or G-Man? In Malana the Farmers only use manure…


You. I was wondering which soil amendments you used when you made the F2’s.


As for me I grew mine in ProMix and EWC, with Roots Organics dry nutes with liquid boosters. She’s in a 7 gallon pot and has been very happy since I moved her into that pot early on.

The smell is geting really interesting. It does have a “creamy” sort of smell but now I’m getting a new terp profile I can’t describe. Could just be from the day I sniffed it last. Things can still change a lot.


i used some bone meal, kelp meal, bat guano and horse / chicken manure. All in low amounts, all 30 days before planting if i did it like i normally do. Can’t recall. The plants never made it as far as @GMan has gotten with his. They got nailed by frost early into flower and that stunted them awhile. Here’s the Thai just short of 17 weeks flowering…

@YoBigdaddy what do you think?


I think that’s a damn fine looking plant and I really really want some she looks healthy and happy and I would say you’ve done a great job has them colors just started coming on because of the cold weather you think? and is she going to finish before you get Frost? when do you like chopping yours?


She’s indoors now and has been a couple weeks. Been awful overcast here this past month and I wanted it to finish properly. It gets down in the upper 50’s in the room early in the morning. I was wondering about the yellowing myself. I know some varieties just begin to use nitrogen from the leaves they already have rather than processing new nitrogen and I thought this could be the cause. Stopped giving it any calmag this past month thinking it was going to be done by week 15. So there is that, too. I pull off between 5 and 10 of those little bud leaves each day in the morning and at night.
I usually pick on the earlier side but I’m learning to let these sativas plump up a bit. Takes forever. I just want to Pick when it has Optimum potency while still retaining the energetic side. Oaxaca was just as energetic picked late as it was picked early. Southeast Asian sound similar but its new turf for me.