Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Amazing good info there . Cannabis really adjusts itself to the growing environment in whatever way it can. It is one amazing plant for sure. Great thread people, thank you so much. I am really learning a ton!


I would say thatā€™s a very good possibility looks like normal late flowering fade. Is she using more water than usual howā€™s the soil and what size pot she in.She might just be thirsty Iā€™ve seen them double in water intake towards the end. All in all I said sheā€™s looking pretty good


Cut all nutrients 4 weeks from finish, just only give it water. The smoke will be smooth and the ash will turn bone white when smoked in a bowl. If you can keep the ground/roots warm indoors for the plant with Thai genes, it helps to mimic the warm ground in Thailand. It will also prevent stressing which might bring on hermie issues.


I learned that in a basement room I made. The dirt floor alone caused roots to be too cold and the herm problems followed.


My favorite Thai is getting very close to picking time. I can hardly stand itšŸ˜ All the scraggly inner buds have been picked and smoked lol. Just a few bowls really, but one of them had me good and fried, so I know this plant is special. One more plant of this same pheno is a few weeks behind. Iā€™m hoping it will swell up like this one.

I crossed this strain to Old Silversides Oaxacan and I am looking for two volunteers to grow a few plants. Any takers?( 13-20 weeks flowering is my best guess)


Hello everyone, taking advantage of the moment, I would like to preserve these Brazilian sativas. They donā€™t want to be in the fridge. I can send several seeds for distribution. I can send it in bulk for another user to distribute. I donā€™t want to trade, just donate and exchange.

@Upstate If youā€™re not in a hurry with these Oaxacan. I can pop when they arrive. I would also like to send my seeds to you.


Highland Nepalese left, PCK, right, red pheno Durban on the bottom (and ice cream cake finishing up in the back but donā€™t mind that)

All 3 of these have been given out for preservation runs, all three from Hippie Cannabis Genetics


Iā€™m about to start your Oaxacan this weekend, I can slip some in! Which Thai is this?

How many?


What Brazilian strain did you find? Thatā€™s great you found one ! You are one of a couple people I still have to send a package to. I always get nervous sending to a new countryā€¦especially one so strict with cannabis laws. Iā€™m still in trim jail but will send soon. Iā€™d love to see Oaxaca grown in Brazil. Letā€™s make it happenšŸ˜!


The Thai is a secret for now but its definitely a good one. Great size, structure and fluffy but very large buds with incredible resin for a pure sativa. Out of all the landrace plants Iā€™ve grown, only Old Silversides has as much resin. I think this hybrid of the two will be fantastic. I can send half a dozen seeds if that works for you. They will be very vigorousšŸ˜


Thatā€™s wonderful! PM incoming


Anyone wanna give some insight? Iā€™ve got a female of Highland Nepalese, PCK, and Durban and want to make seeds with them.

Unfortunately the only pollen I possess is Nature Essence, JOTI black cookies, and black candyland. POSSIBLY ice cream cake #5 and ATF fem pollen if my reversals go well.

Question is WHAT should I hit them with?

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im shure the durban will be superb open pollinated.


I donā€™t have any males to run though, these are the females that came out of me testing seed viability so I could give everything out for reproduction, all of the landraces I bought got sent out for reproduction so this is all I have to work with for the time being.


hmm, i know some different Durbans are on the market. One is the Diet Durban - Seedsman . Or just the Durban by dutch passion.

I havent analysed researched the Diet Durban yet, but bouth look good to me.

Some people will preffere Cannabiogens Durban, but i tend thowards the mentioned ones. Buy them and outcross to those. definitly worth it. Anything else is loss of genetics. IMHO

I was unshure if yours is actually the dutchflowers version? cause it uses a Dutch Seedpackcover?


All of mine were sourced at their natural location by Hippie Cannabis Geneticsā€™ father or the people he knew in each region, theyā€™re not from any modern seed company. The F2s (?) that I gave out were the offspring of 50 year old seeds in the case of the Durban, not quite so long for the highland and PCK.

Also like I said, HOPEFULLY every one of them will be reproduced by the members I sent them all to so there technically wonā€™t be any loss of genetics, although I am attempting to get more of everything from HCG on the chance none of what I gave out makes it back to me.

Also also, theyā€™re already flowering so Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™d have the time to get seeds, sprout them, get males going etc. in the time frame I want



I do have some Lashgar Gah pollen



Do you think itā€™d be a good fit for the highland Nepalese and Pakistani Chitral Kush? Theyā€™re RELATIVELY in the same region.

Would you be willing to send some my way? Assuming the pollen took I could return the favor with seeds down the road


Sorry, I missed this.

I canā€™t answer that question. I worked for 5 years in the northeast region of Brazil, collected approximately a thousand seeds and made a selection, it was my first diary here. Among hybrids, hermes and weak plants, 3 plants remained. Of these, two were attacked by spider mites. One left over, which I cloned and keep.

Can you imagine how I feel doing this here? It was adrenalizing. But my first shipment arrived in the USA.

[quote=ā€œUpstate, post:1153, topic:13660ā€]
Iā€™d love to see Oaxaca grown in Brazil
[/quote] de

@corey sent 5 seeds of oaxacan highland. I plan to start before December. What do you think? Is it really what you intend to send me? Iā€™ll tag you. If you would like some seeds to test, I can have someone send you from the US. Nice talking to you. hug


Hey buddy. Iā€™m definitely interested in sativas from your region. I wasnā€™t sure if the seeds you had were from your grow last season or are something new. I will wait to get any seeds from you until you are done with the Manga RosašŸ˜.
Iā€™m sending you the following if i can safely package it all. (See the other message)
@corey must have sent some of my oaxaca to you? (I think i sent some to him.) Or was it a different Oaxaca?
Oaxaca held up well to the humidity in New York this summer. It was at or above 90% during the whole flower cycle. It will do well in Brazil. Iā€™m sending you half a dozen different sativas Monday so you will have a selection to choose from. All packed up and ready to go.