Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Yeah that’s the trick, keep seeds of everything along the way, holy shit I could almost make bread with my stash of seeds now lol. I guess as you were saying, heirloom types tend to have developed from smaller populations, or at least relative to vast fields of them.
Pretty much all the SE Asian varieties I have are ones that have been passed around in this area for 30 or 40 years or more, so they have long since passed from being anything remotely landrace, however the very particular climate and general remoteness of the area has meant they have stayed pure sativa of their original heritage, with the various phenos often resembling the various types in whosever crop it was etc So Thai/Cambodia/Vietnamese/PNG Gold all blended into one. So my task currently is to seperate them out a bit, while keeping every step along the way, apart from my vb’s they have been kinda mushed together anyway, I’m just untangling them :joy: I’m an engineer, I can’t just let nature take it’s course lol, I just have to get involved.


Lol. I had 3 tackle boxes and half a dozen ball jars BEFORE joining OG. 25 yrs worth.

Awesome! Your country must be the biggest depository of Southeast Asian genetics outside Asia. There’s some real gems. Have you dealt with Old Mother or Mullumbimby madness before?

The first stage of landrace development. Todays IBL’s are tomorrow’s heirlooms and in turn the heirlooms of today could be the landraces of tomorrow given enough time.


Yeah man, I’ve spent a fair bit of time in a cloud of smoke down in the northern rivers region where Mullumbimby or ‘mullum’ is. The whole area is an the caldera of the tweed volcano, a massive long extinct shield volcano, it’s also a green wet and beautiful part of the world, with miles of awesome surfing right next to it.
I’ve never grown it myself but I’ve seen it grown many times on the mid north coast, around Coffs Harbour. The description on seed finder I’m sure is not right, the examples I’ve seen have been 100% sativa that get to 16-18 feet and are a huge with long branches, it has small buds along the bracts all the way up the the mains colas reminiscent of Thai sticks and it cured really dark with intensely red hairs, the first time I had it back in my youth I ended up sleeping in the back of my truck at my mates place where I got it lol, it’s got a really electric effect, racy as racy gets imho, especially back then it was a whole other level.

The world from the old timers down there that I’ve asked about it say that it’s Cambodian Red/Thai, it definitely has very thin dark leaves and I don’t see any trace of wide leaf genetics in any of the ones I have seen, fact is back then, nobody here even had broad leaf type genetics. I might be able to hunt down some beans of it if you are interested? I’ve still got lots of surfer stoner mates in the mullum area, some of them are bound to have it. It would make a good preservation candidate imho.


Some flowering action :slight_smile:

Broad leaf hybrids in front, some doing better than others with the mould and septoria.

VB… hmm so frosty and dainty and delicious :joy: smells musky, tastes like coffee/cocoa

Impossible to walk down now without coming out sticky… the perfect Xmas tree in the foreground is a cracker.

Herijuana/mango moonshine from @Pedro_Bann, I hope all is well my brother.
The pic does not do this justice at all, it’s frosty and stinky af, most definitely narco meds.

Mashed a purple Thai with a really cool calyx growth habit, and a really stumpy toxic GG and got this…

I hope you all enjoy the pics folks :slight_smile:


That’s a slice of heaven right there.
Just curious, do you have animals that eat your plants like deer do?


Not really here because it’s so green so the wallabies and kangaroos have better things to eat, when they are young the long nosed bandicoots and padimellons will dig under the plant looking for worms, but not once they get to a couple of feet for some reason.

Occasionally a dingo or tree kangaroo or something gets hooked up on a branch on the way through and snaps it off but acceptable loses kinda thing. I’ve shot most of the feral pigs on this place, they are the biggest risk really, thankfully no deer yet, though a number of sightings and road kills of Rusa deer so they are on their way.


“…most landrace is also lacking potency…”
That depends on how you define “potency.” There is much more to potency than THC levels.


Oaxacans are tough :muscle: try as I might they just won’t die…

FUCK YEAH! For @Pigeonman

Started a light 2 4 4 bloom nute yesterday. They aren’t cussing at me anymore but still giving the side eye. :joy:


Should be some trippy weed out of those girls .


I’m hoping so. :crossed_fingers:


these may be good



:fist: :open_mouth:


Pure mexican Sativa from near to Popocatépetl Vulcano area


Wow they have a crazy flower growth habit, the black stems are cool too, they look like they would just about grow under water, no dark and damp places in those flowers for spores to sprout:)


Thank you, they are prettier than I deserve. lol They’ll no doubt look a lot different in better circumstances.


@GMan I just started reading this thread and came across your post about Lemon Thai. How did that strain pan out smoke report wise? I placed an order for some from Europe about a month and a half ago and I’m STILL waiting for my payment to arrive! :joy:


@Yaxu What an awesome thread you’ve got going here hermano. Bad ass link too. I’m hoping to grow something like that. I’m working on it, just a lot of red tape in the process. Lol


A few more pics

This is a pretty common growth habit of SE Asian equatorial type ‘Sativa’.

Thai I think, If don’t get 2lb of this I’ll be surprised, a bit slower to start flowering than some of the others but frosty right from the pre flower calyx, looking like a good flower structure too, imho pheno’s like this are hard to beat. For scale this one is about 11 feet, it will probably stretch out another 2 feet at least.

Check out this VB pheno, I chopped the top off about 3 weeks ago, now it’s flowering on one side and revedging on the other. Bizarre.

Much as I like growing pure strains, there is just something about the sheer will to live you get from a good F1 hybrid… this is a VB/Thai/Malawi X Gorilla Glue. Still weeks away, rest of the patch in the background.

Have an awesome day everyone :slight_smile:


I bet those farmers in Ethiopia would be thinking “White people problems…”

Do you know what “sativa” means? It means cultivated by humans. Cannabis was among the first species domesticated by humans, some 10,000 years ago.