Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Holy shizzle! I’d absolutely LOVE it if you tried. Sounds like a unicorn strain for me. Racy is perfect for me. I’ve been looking for racy pot for half a dozen years now. I’ve gotten close…I’d run that one myself for preservation. Great candidate. Australia’s most epic Sativa imo. Tell your friends I have some fresh Cambodian red I could trade😁 I’d be curious to see it grown near to the MM.
Looking at all your beautiful pictures makes me long for springtime. Beautiful!
What a crazy Viet Black plant. I had this happen before and it baffled me. I thought my house like effected the branch that didn’t flower, but I disproved my own Theory Last Summer. My buddy had just broken a branch off. Sounds like stress must have something to do with it. I’m curious to see what happens with the half that is still vegetating


It was someone else that I was quoting. I’m quite happy with landrace potency.

I’ve been preaching this very fact😁
@Elchischas 12 for 12 with your seeds buddy. I’m stoked! 10 for 10 with 68 Lambsbread too! Gotta love the power of a full moon! If you ( everyone) aren’t using moon cycles for optimal germination you are missing out. Start germnation about 7 days before full moon. Its made a difference for me. Also like to thank @Astrodude for his tip…placing seeds IN a living chunk of aloe until germination occurs. I put them in for 24 hrs. I would have to use a new chunk to go longer. Aloe Softens the seed shell, and has gibberellic acid and other grown hormones( right?) that aid germination. Anything to add @Astrodude? Did i get the info right?


Hola bro… I’m really happy for that! Please keep us update about this one its from very rare location called Huixtepec, i’m really exciting about it


It is wonderful at starting stubborn seeds. I found info in 1968 Grow It Journal.
We named our seed company after Grow IT Series of books.


It was landraces that brought me here, as well. Anymore, I’m kicking myself for not saving more bag seed. You’d be surprised by the genetics one can get from brick weed.


I’m looking forward to what breeders will do, once cannabis is made legal on the federal level here in the States. Being able to operate in the open, breeders will be able to preserve landraces, improve existing strains and develop new ones. We’ll be in a golden age of cannabis before you know it.


We are almost there! OVERGROW THE WORLD


Some more pics of the ‘happy place’ :laughing:
Flowering is progressing nicely, Though I lost a few branches and also a few split down the middle under their own weight in the heavy rain but nothing a stake and some gaff tape won’t fix…

Reaching for the sky

A bit inbred now so growth vigour is a little reduced but it’s a bit special imho.

Some general pics…

Goruka/png gold….

Trunks are getting sizeable, I broke my own rules and left the bottoms branches on, and they split; so they got a splint and some tape and hopefully it’s holds together.


11 feet… Nice.


A landrace is basically an heirloom adapted to a certain terroir. It really is only a matter of time until some heirlooms escape and go feral. Such a thing has probably happened in legal states already, or anywhere they can get enough sunlight and water and be left alone. It’s happened with hemp.


You doing a Repro with that lambsbread :eyes:? I’m excited to see how they turn out, not even sure I’ve had legit lambs bread (I’ve had strains with the name but didn’t match the terp profile I’ve read about)


These the same you sent me?


Have 2 of the 6 old MTF seeds shooting a second node. Had 2 duds, one small tail with no growth and one wet off in soil.

Hoping for a female and male to make a seed run. Either way it will be used for x’s otherwise.


Is this the old Matanuska Thunderf*ck? @Instg8ter?

I’m sure its happened. Mine came up wild the following season before. By the second wild generation it was already reverting to a feral state. Much more leafy and surprisingly short…choked out by weeds that next year.
Without selection by man Northern strains go cbd dominant from what I have seen. Still searching though.

Yessir. Freaker’s preservation thread starting shortly.

Will do. They look vigorous😁. updates will be here and Central American Landrace thread. Pics coming soon.
@Astrodude the aloe trick is great. Can I ask how long you use the same piece of Aloe? Do you swap it out as soon as it browns a bit? I had mine above my wood stove so it was warmer than room temp. Also is there a size you prefer?


I cut a fresh piece each seed. I hold cut pieces in water while getting set up, 15 min, this allows most of “latex” to leave skin from cut. Cut slit to push in seed. Seed has previously been soaked 12 hrs in one cup water w/ one 320 mg aspirin dissolved in water and a squeeze of aloe gel. Once “rear” of seed swells, shes coming out. Into worm castings, JPS Style.

aloe6 aloe7


Yes its the unknow Sativa from Huixtepec area


OH this thread is so amazing! Happy I’ve found it. Y’all are awesome and some really beautiful things in here.
These are some things I finished this past season:

Northeastern India, Manipuri

Golden Triangle Laotian, Bokeo

All those from The Real Seed Co


How did the Manipur rate smoke wise ? I have some going now but it will be awhile before there done.


Nice! Do you know which years those Lao seeds came from? I have beans from two rsc Lao types but they gave no names.