Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)



There goes the neighborhood! They Are passing out hybrids. Get your pure Thai genetics now before itā€™s harder to find them. This really sucks


Iā€™m in on old school genetics ,Thaiistick tyvm

@HumblePie420 thanks for the new news ,hopes we could be so kind , Thai Stick even just good high quality Buds. Bub over grow growers, long Life ,calmanā€¦

Im sure the thai government now has a number of native pure strains protected under some national heritage thing. Things like squirrel tail ect. So they defiantly wonā€™t be disappearing under their current forms for many many years.


i wouldnt count on the Gverment. Goverment doesent even preserve old Food Strains, only the new improoved stuff.
The only ones that do such things are private financed Organisations.
And not even those organisation can do 2000 plants per strain sometimesā€¦


The ones that are around have been doing ok in a illegal scenario like squirrel tail. Though i too would be interested in seeing how their maintained an if the guys who have maintained them for years have much input. Im guessing under national heritage like buildings an certain heirlooms ect they have to be kept in their current state
Their being protected under UNESCO national world heritage by the ministry of culture under historic culture an medical laws. And under Medicinal Plant Research Institute under the Department of Medical Sciences approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
These ones are already protected (maybe more now) an they plan to take that number upto 30 different strains

  • Hang Kra Rog Phu Phan ST1
  • Hang Suea Sakon Nakhon TT1
  • Tanao Si Kan Khaw WA1
  • Tanao Si Kan Dang RD1

If there willing to grow an give out a million plants things should be interesting to see.


humans havent really figured how to maintain a Line in its current state i think IMHO. it would be definitly good , done in thailandā€¦ but who knows maybe its even indoorsā€¦ The unesco badge is nice, but, again, nature is the most complex science that existsā€¦ thats why many experts even fail to get the basics of preservation right imhoā€¦ have seen it too often in other complex science fields aswellā€¦ Lets hope, for shure, nice infos.

Are those old lines? Ive seen one line "goverment line " that even looked old on first glance


Im not a 100% sure on how old the lines are but the guys who grow them swear theyve had them in their curent form for over 70-80 years an longer. Claims of going back to i think king rama the 5th since like 1870 an such stories. But they all say that there.


Youā€™re right. But will we have access and will the Thai people have access? Thatā€™s my worry. I think the goal is that if a tourist wants to smoke some Thai weed they will have to get it from a person with a permit and not from the black market. Seeds? We may be screwed there shortly.


The university at Bangkock ran 10,000 Mango Thaiā€¦a VERY good number. But like you say, what will happen to diversity in the future? I think the most native strains Thailand will ever have is now.


It is a worry . Under the national heritage procedures there supposed to include an support the farmers these lines came from an protect an use the methods those guys have used to maintain an keep the lines. I can see the way its been all set up there are some major loopholes an not in the little mans benefit. Once things get under the medical banner which they have already there, contracts with private companies an big money starts coming in to play. Iā€™m not sure how much protection the actual farmers have an how much in reality they are actually being included in things. It would be nice if someone over there could let us know about this. But i donā€™t see it going well for them, an even if the farmers who owned these strains still kept growing there lines it will start becoming more an more difficult to get any value from them as they may be out there flooded commercially on a much much bigger scale too.


Imho tā€™s difficult to grow Thai type Sativa that competes with hybrids in terms of yield, ease of trimming and what the market is looking for outside those of us who prefer the racy stuff.

Donā€™t get me wrong, there are Thai varieties that are as potent as anything out there, but practically they can be challenging to grow and very time consuming to trim.

I know myself that if I was looking at it commercially I would probably use the best of the Thai varieties and hybridise them to make them more manageable, faster and bigger yield for the amount of space used. I suspect thatā€™s what most farmers will do if it becomes a full blown legit market. There are fantastic Thai genetics for producing F1 hybrids with phenomenal vigour, yield and disease resistance. I think itā€™s difficult to see how any pure Sativa type varieties can survive commercialisation unfortunately, other than for boutique. Skunk is where it all went wrong brother lol.


Thatā€™s the truthā€¦I remember when it went from a functional buzz that would just make things brighter and shine then to fucking couch lock and I could feel every scratching piece on my wardrobe. I would sit and think about all the shit I needed to get done ā€¦thatā€™s when i quit. I thought I was meā€¦it was the hybrids. Still not a fan but I can make it work if I donā€™t have sativas


Maybe not. There are almost certainly some rural areas where the genetics have and will remain completely unchanged. There are almost certainly people just like us there who wish to see the old landraces preserved, and can now operate in the open. Iā€™ll take having to be more discerning, and having to pay closer attention to detail over risking incarceration any day of the week.
You take the good with the bad, and legalization is worth it to me.


Good luck finding anything that doesnā€™t have immediately obvious Afghan genetics anymore. Breeding strains with super strong skunky smells seems counter-intuitive, considering it was illegal when they did that. Youā€™d think that low odor would be the order of the day.


Unfortunately, there is far more money in growing for smokers than for seed collectors. There are people who would pay decent money for the genetics, but thatā€™s just a drop in the bucket compared to those who just want to smoke it and donā€™t care what the genetics are.


Iā€™m sure some people will hold onto the pure stuff but it will be harder to find it for people like us. Some hillbilly family that never goes to town will still grow the old stuff type of thing. Ny legalized this year and everyone is clamoring for hybrids, leaving their old strains behind. Local strain diversity will shrink rapidly. Seeds canā€™t last more than a few years in the tropics. A couple seasons growing hybrids and that will be it. The old seeds will be no good. Its been the same story everywhere. In East Africa corporate farms have started up. All the local growers are switching to skunk and kush as fast as they can in an effort to compete.


Those hillbillies are good people :grin:


Yes they are but one must learn to distinguish between the good old hillbillies and the god dam redneck mtn tweakers. Iā€™m currently trying to explain to one why installing his irrigation in my yard is unacceptable. This turd bucket of a neighbor has caused my weed consumption to triple the last couple days lol