Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

That’s too bad but thank you for sharing.


They are different so far as I know, but could be relatives. Mangobiche, which tastes like green mangoes from what I’ve read due to its popularity can still be found, whereas the Santa Marta…I fear is gone or nearly gone. Not sure of the santa Marta ancestry or smell but it isn’t Mango.


Santa Maria is in along the c 99 lines I believe.


The MangoBiche x G-13 from Bodhi - had a bright citrus/fruity smell - certainly uncommon terp profile :slight_smile:


Damn bro! What a bad luck…
He respond me yestarday and told me that he was on India… And that he will be sending soon
But i’m not wont wait something for him,if he send me is ok… Sadly that elusive strain from Terai isn’t on my hands yet.


Sorry man, I had not heard of Terai, but did find some pics of lowland Nepali from the Terai region. Very pretty. Hope the beans come through for you.


Mangobiche is also known as lemon verde Santa Marta gold is a taller spicier plant. I’d love to find some pure Zapotec purple.
Anybody got any relatives in the south ?


Yeah bro its the same that i was looking for… I hope that at the end he send the seeds

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this ?


He has several that sound great but I won’t order unless you get your seeds. Fingers crossed. It is a very pretty strain.


Hi bro…
The one that i want its different its this one


He already answer me but still he didn’t send the seeds yet…


i know I made some BHO a few years ago and then I decarbed it in the oven at around 200f and I rolled up a little ball of it a little bigger than the size of a green pea and ate it, Let me tell you that I have never been higher in my life, My whole body felt numb, I was really paranoid and could not sleep until daylight, But after I woke up that afternoon i was still high ,but felt great after hours of coming down, Me and my friend then went to a Chinese buffet after we got up and feasted, It MUST HAVE BEEN THE WEED AS THE FOOD JUST TASTED GREAT! Anyways my point is perhaps you could try eating some decarbed concentrate in search of that ultimate High… Granted I’m a light weight, but still, I was so high, too high for hours, literally was high for about 12 hours or so … Of course I would never take that much again, though it was what I thought was not much at the time… Sorry to be off topic, just thought of this when you said you were chasing the ultimate high…


I think I’ll try that. That’s why I don’t mind bud rot. Once I asked my buddy how much he wanted for the stuff with bud rot, and he looked at me like I had a dick growing out of my forehead. He just gave it to me, and I did an alcohol extract. Alcohol sterilizes it, so it’s safe.

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Hello @Elchischas , are you sure all those pictures of that cannatrek guy are his ? From the screen shot you put up some of those pictures look very familiar . I will have a check but some of those look similar to some pics put up by guys i know of who live in nepal.


MM may be a PNG x Thai or PNG x Haze.

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Good remark, I think you’re right … ejem|nullxnull


It’s a very interesting story for sure. Have you smoked it?

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Hi nighmare
No all those didn’t are his photos,just two of it
I’m just want to share what are what i looking for
One of that photos are from Bodhi Nepal trip many years ago. The others two photos he sent to me


Hold on guys do not try to make a show here…
I never never told about something About the photos
I’m just looking to show/identify what strain is that i was looking for, thats all ! As we said in my country:
“No hagan chisme cabrones”.