Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

yes thats true.

This problem is also the same for Food Landraces…
I googled this stuff a bit how theyre doing the preservation. And Seedbanks told me, that not the State, and neither some single Persons are really preserving them. Neither the Farmers want to grow them…

And therefore the couple Seedbanks have to preserve them with private Funds. They said thats a reality , and it has to be done privately…

They will die otherwise…
Cause at origin imho, they cant survive just like that… They get polluted, the culture dies of growing Landraces…


I cant remember his name, but he is like the American Sepp Holzer- big fat guy who alweays wears jeans overalls.
Anyway, he gave a good talk about apples and how the whole market is based on just a few clones that are centuries old. He advises people to grow their own apple trees from seed and the crowd gasped. He responded 'Im sure youve heard that a great apple tree is only 1 in 10,000, but I can assure you that you will find really good apples in 1 in 10.
That always stuck with how even the food market is dominated by ‘elite clones’ and saw the same eventually happen in cannabis since 2014 when I saw the video


Yes - you pick the food - scratch the surface and find similar problems…
e.g. Bananas - Similar to humans, bananas are facing a pandemic. Nearly all of the bananas sold globally are just one kind called the Cavendish, which is susceptible to a deadly fungus called Tropical Race 4, or Panama Disease .


Australian bush weed - pure sativa
Pics from Oz


I’m grabbing some more old beans!

god I love old beans

these were just recently sourced in… Australia!!
and they’re from the 90’s
I have no clue what was being grown in Australia in the 90’s tho… any aussies here??
They look gigantic


I have some old Aussie Blue beans from the early 2000’s can’t remember exactly who we got them from it was on an old forum that no longer exists. He was an Aussie… I’m not sure if it member named Wally Duck or Potty or another Aussie member of Celtic Stone, a short lived seed co. Don’t know if that’s what you have…but it’s a very nice sativa from what I’ve been told, however we’ve never grown her out always on the back burner.


If those are from Wally that’d be sweet
Sweet either way
I think I remember Celtic

These are from an offline source

I have no clue what they are, however an Aussie homie gave me some good insights into what they might be


@Shamus Yeah, I’m not sure…however I do remember Wally and his Duck’s Foot and wanting those beans…if memory serves correctly… He was working on other sativa strains . The more I think about it and read old threads, however I don’t see him working with Aussie Blue :thinking:
Anyway… we gave away some but we have 8 seeds left if you’re welcome to them if you are interested.


It’s a buzzword. Racial tension and that whole argument is beneath us cannabis enthusiasts ("Cannabists?), or at least I like to think so. Political correctness is censorship, and censorship is wrong. Period.


Yeah man, it’s likely SE Asian types, maybe some haze, or a blend of both, we didn’t really get indica types here until the 00’s.

Funny I used to keep my seeds is a capstan tin, it was one of the last brands along with log cabin to have a steel tin, I’d say there will be some keepers among that lot, what’s there probably 2-3,000 seeds?


I have no idea looks like quite a few
Here’s what another Aussie homie had to say on the matter
“ all sorts of sativas , but there were hybrids too based on what i know now and thinking back to the stuff we grew and how it behaved ,
i lived in the far south , and i grew indoor in the early 90s as well as outdoor, and found somethings did not too badly indoors,
some were obviously sativa and some must have had indica in them , and the odd one was indica or indica dominant ,
skunk started being spotted around those early 90s , and northern lights ,
a little bit of compressed , brick that i have since assumed came from thailand , or laos as its the same as stuff they still have there today , exactly the same , smell , look , high,
if any seeds were to be viable among them , you may find some decent stuff and some stuff well worth holding onto as it may not be around any longer ,
could be a nice score , hard to strike though i bet …”


Matori (Indian) - starting its journey


Mulanje to the front/left, Oaxaca behind/right


I have one of those Oaxacans that is kind of shorter and squat and is a deep emerald green that is I want to say the toughest out of the bunch very piney frankincense smell that brightens your day smelling it wierd.I was all amazed by how they grew ,and sounded like grass in a samurai film when my fans wiggled them I forgot to top them and was like shit these things are almost all 14 inches or better and I topped them all at the 7th node and kept them in the same small square pots I popped one out and was amazed also that pot was barely filled with roots still and I got all that plant out of it it was like magic they also take drought stress like champions .The bottom leaves are just starting to yellow on some of them.I broke up a handful of some Miracle grow total organics bagged soil(always stayed away from anything miracle grow testing thier organic line to see if they ever caught up with everyone else) and took 2 as testers and put 2 tbs of soil at a top micro top dressing to gauge to level of what they can take as far as not gorging them on nutes.This stocky one also has way thicker branch structure and thicker auxiliary branches.That old silverside one is that biggest fastest thickest one out of the bunch.


Are you from Arkansas? If so, which part?

Matori (indian) - who loves NLD sativa :slight_smile:


Seems silly to grow so many plants to find a few that are contaminated when all you have to do is outcross an actual landrace and hunt thru the offspring. I have grown hundreds of landrace plants and I have NEVER found one that is more than a week or two at most faster than its sisters.( and this with 16 weeks flowering) That’s because I grow real landraces…not hybrids😁.


Every apple seed is genetically different from its parent. I wish more people would start apples from seed. Locally we had some apple trees that tasted like strawberries. Unfortunately nobody ever got cuttings and the trees died. Imagine all the interesting flavors and looks we are missing out on! I have wild apple trees on my property and there are some really good ones and some that are not so good for eating but they always make great cider. I always thought it would be neat to start my own strain of Apple


Remember when they used to sell cuttings of Johnny apple seeds “last known living tree” in magazine clips?I always wondered how true that one was as to what that one actually was.I remember my brother getting one of those when I was a kid and fast forward 14 years later got apples that he said we’re not fit for eating but made the best farmers cider.


imho, its not true… I heard from DJ short that Congo Black made people even have outofbodyeperiences…

To date i have never heard a case that happend with a Hybrid, besides ONE person tells me his weed does that, and when i asked if his outofbodyexperience was seen with bare eyes, then i got confusing anwser… For durban i heard of a hallucionogenic Durban, and Congoblack shortflowering outofbody.

I am again not claiming wether they were outcrosses or not, those short landraces.
I dont know the anwser to @wachumas idea… I dont know if its possible, but thats how educated Breeders work in foodindustry, that way they just get a stronger expression of a Trait inherited in a Strain…

So, if you take your pure Landraces, if there IS a variation, even so small, why not get more out of it.

To this day im dreaming of highly intelligent Flowertimereduction so i can have a hint of tropical landrace in the north…
We grow palm-trees in mid europe, we really do… how did they do this? Is there a magical sibirian Palm species, or was it selection?

again, you have never presented so much evidence that a 13 weeker SE Asain is Hybrid per example, you didnt, im strict sorry…

I smoke my Hoabac 13 weeker Vietnamese and get some Joy out of it, i smoke Kalimyst (Cambodain Thai x Afghani, and get less joy out of it… ITs slightly worse.)

I find wuachaums idea great and interesting. just gotta do it, lol