Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

From what I have seen and read it’s anaerobic bacterial breakdown of the cellulose. Not too unlike the ammonia brick one would occasionally get from Mexico only not allowed to cook in the sun but buried.

I can see how chemicals might be subtly changed by such a process, water molecules remain longer so the ratio of cannabinoids might change as things break down at different rates. I would expect it to taste like shit though. lol


can i freely bring my points wich imho point thowards inbreeding? ok,:

congo had the least trading in a map he i recall brought up. a map about trading…

so, that no evidence that congo had lesser trading routes, BUT…
Now the secound map the DNA Map, and actually there where i after insane amount of openminded hunting for Tripreports found the most tripreports, namely se Asia, and actually the strongest, by a hair, speaking of out of body experiences and such, there the DNA map shows very few foreign inluences, the very east of SE Asia, there is acording this map strict influence from the absolute Origin, from Tibet himalaya… not any other influence…
Again, then there is the TRIBE thing. In congo some of the most mindblowing came from a Tribe, plus from Vietnam it came from a Tribe, im very firm about vietnam, and, well more sparse data from Congo…
So, and do you consider tribes as rather isolated? i mean like not the personality, the traditions and the things they factual do… These things are ALWAYS THAE SAME OFER CENTURIES, OR MILLENIA.
The things they do are often very spiritual i would say. Means the way they basically do things is strongly out of phylosophical viewpoints, i mean factually i would say. They see The animals and Rainfall as given by something, they show that in their “festive activities”, that all that they want is to get good animals and propper Rainfall…
I just watched a video of The tribes in vietnam, they do a very simlar thing.

So, i see this Tribes as n ot interested ina anything other basically than NAtures gifts… Thats nubero uno.
However there is shure a interest in Phylosopy, i heard phyosopies by the Vietnamese Tribes, quiet good actually…
also they like music…

But what they do is alot this “yealding natures gift”.

Again, in vietnam the non-tribes from vietnam look down on them… i just you know list my findings, and im very shure that it came from a tribe , the best weed… so also here, im not really thinking they would take a foreign strain (i mean from the neibors) . they would for millenia do the same things… moreso than other farmers with probably similar rites, but i see normal nontribe people as just less praising the nature… its the same just softer… they beleive the same… but softer, they also dont have such festivals where they dance for the nature gods or whatever, not in the same extasy as tribes…

Tribes always know every single plant, but the plants in nature i think. they are the nature, lol.

for me calling that sassumtion, in a way that its blin assumtion is i dont know , weird… its all i could find. i told it every time thats so small evidence,. and of corse tribes could have outcrossed weed more than others, but yeah,… with the maps of dna and trading routes… thats what i have… no idea how that should be blind assumtion… thats to the core of what i know… And what i knwo is from openminded reading the net like a beaten dog having tio do what he does… so i had to find out where the best came from…

So the best from africa came from different regios of corse, but only from congo i found the most amzing mindblowing reports, so of corse you can now tell me the BETTER stuff came from Tanzania, MAlawi Congo ,Swazi was good too, Nirgeria… But from what i heard if one had to put the finger on one State: Congo. Thats atleast what i have from research, and again my reserch was more sparse, cause i could tell i did not smoke African, even its also tripweed, … i could tell because my unnamed Tripweed was super duper kind and lovely, AND intense…Thats why , im pretty shure i most perfectly listed the regions where your best weed came from… no? because i care mega much and work on the truth finding since ages. to absolute exhaustion.her one

(and for midamerica, i have so minimal data to say where the best came from… so, from two points where THE BEST came from i have very slight things pointing thowards inbreeding, and it is

  • absense of pointers thowards foreign genes on maps,
  • what tribes do, doesent look like they would likely take foreign things… (strains. atleast aslong as they have the same Plant already, they do , but in a more minimal rate imho… every thing stays so mega same in tribes)

Again dont forget i had another person who smoked Congolese, no black magic, alltho he hadnt told he tripped, he used other words , and literally nonstop told that was so… that was so… it was like highdose cocain, it was so… he coldnt handle it… that was the stongest report i heard, just the way it sounded… it was ultra activating.

and again africa is my leastn known tripweed continent…


i think i unknowingly cobbecured my vietblack 2, 5 years slightly. or cured…

it was wet buds slightly moldy, thats why i picked them , ziplocked them, and forgot em, found em 2, 5 years later.

i thought that the high was like the major compound were broken down more than the secoundary compounds, and thought that this is what, well doesent make it stronger, but kindof kinder. I also believe in kind weed equals strong weed… like, wehn you not get spooked by overwhelming THC rush, one can go deeper, something like that i thought while the 2,5 years vietblack experience.

i have sadly no fresh bud to compare… but i would say, in some cases, if a Strain is to overwhelming, it can become stronger. But not if the Strain is Kind to beginn with.
Thats all my pure specualtion after, 2 3 longcure experiences… thats the direction the curing goes.


The wife and I are doing that with dewberries. We’ve transplanted the best specimens we find in the wild to the garden… We also have a lot of blueberry bushes. Years (decades, I’m sure) ago, someone planted blueberries and their seeds were spread far and wide. They’re spread across 17 acres, and I’m tracking two different phenotypes right now. We harvest at least 4 liters every year.


Yes it makes some sense. If you have a ratio of thca/thcv/cbd…n+1 and they all decay at different rates given their molecular stabilities you will reach points over time where some, let’s say cbd for example, are totally absent. I choose cbd because we know it has a moderating effect on THC in us. So a smoke with high THC and some cbd gets “stronger” when the cbd has denatured. The effects of specific anaerobic bacteria might play a role too, like a sourdough starter.

I believe it to be a reductive process however. Nothing new (complex) is created, larger molecules are simplified.


Entropy at work.


Since we are talking about cob cure, I took some red Lebanese x Royal purple Kush and tried the method. This was cured 4/21/21, maybe time to try.



I fucked up and didn’t do it in time

I wanted to Cobb cure some sour


Looks interesting what’s it like unwrapped? Did it turn black or a blond white color


That sounds like a great mix, really wanted to get some African landraces going myself

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Very exciting wake up call today.The first out of all the Oaxaca’s to show her lady bits and tell us what they are is Old silversides with nice little 2 hairs popping out of conical shaped pistils coming out of 3 areas second node down to tip the others nothing yet I’ve searched high and low3 times a dayThey are starting to get a funk to them.This one has a very almost catpiss lemon smell starting to form different from the frankincense one that’s squat and emerald green.I like all the different shapes and colors coming out of this batch of seeds a lot of variety


Hey all. I hope all is well with you guys. hope this is the right place to ask. Has anyone here ever grow out the Aafghan 90 from The Real Seed Co? The description of the strain sounds fantastic.


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I crack like one of this and two of that up to x5/6 seeds of each cultivar i choose.
I have this big Sativa dominant plant in only a two litres pot - i have to water/feed daily.
It’s all pistils and calyx’s , yet before it started flowering it looked like a normal hybrid - then burst out all these branches within a week or so.

I hit a few pistils with sour bubble pollen.

Happy growing peeps’ …


That sure don’t look like Exodus to me, I’ve grown it for over ten years, that was until Kaliman Seeds did his stuff, then I switched to Rocksters Cheese as my mouth coating favourite then, Kaliman Cheese No1, atm I’m doing a run of Suicide Blond, meant to be the cheesiest of all Kalimans strains and Nitro Express, heard good things about this one too.

Nice plant btw.


It remains a darker green. Has a floral, citrus aroma to it. Have to get back with a smoke report.


Here are some Malawi Gold clones I took. Both parents were similar in structure, but the clones are different. Two form buds similar to a indica hybrid and the other two are stacking fox tails.


Did you bury the Cobb?


Looks excellent I did some buds of formula 50 using a vacuum sealer which turned out quite well . Had a very similar look to them .


@Shamus this whole post is worth repeating. You have some treasure there. The resin modern plants have has changed somehow. I have read that YELLOW resin was considered a mark of high quality back in the day. It is rarely found anymore, even in modern landrace cannabis. Perhaps it was never very common but back then many strains had it at least sometimes. I have a vermicomposting system set up now and will have high quality fresh vermicompost soon. It’s supposed to be the best way to germinate old seeds. I’d be happy to send you some to aid your journey of reviving the yellow resin😁


Wow! Gorgeous! Looks just like Cryptic Labs Oaxaca-Old Silversides type. I thought it was Oaxaca for sure. It behaves the same way. It looks like a normal plant when it’s younger and as soon as flowering begins it explodes with thin branches and thin buds. I’d be interested to see if there is Oaxaca in the lineage. It doesn’t look like much in the photo but that will be nearly all calyxes and no stem at harvest." Grip and strip" harvest method. Grip and squeeze the lower Branch between your thumb and index finger and run it all the way up the branch squeezing the whole time and you will end up with a pile of calyxes and resin at the end. Make sure you use some wax paper or other paper to collect all that nice resin you will knock off when doing so😁