Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Don’t worry, when’s the last time you saw a teenager wait six months for ANYTHING


Ahh… The simple pleasures in life are the best. :national_park:


Still hunting for some 70’s chronic you know the stuff that immobilized ya too scared to drive 5 hr roller coaster stuff .


tolerance break in order :wink:




Can you say more about the Swiss landrace you mentioned? I haven’t been able to find any information about old (pre-1960’s) psychoactive landraces from western Europe and would love to learn more.


Dors mes filles chéries…


Beldia blowing up


The bud harvested before seeds formed is probably more potent because the THC hasn’t yet turned into CBN. That’s just a guess, though.


Manipur as landscape material…


That black cover is your make-shift outdoor light dep container? Very interesting. What kind of 24 hour cycle do you have for those?


Whatever the official sunset is, 12 hours later I remove it. I’ll do that til mid September or sooner if they go into flower with a quickness. By the equinox it’ll be enclosed in clear poly for warmth and probably 3ft higher. Come November probably wrapped in the black over the clear and a pair of hps hung inside.


ive heard someone stopped lightdep 3 weeks before 23 September(strain; Zamaldelica).
They went back into Veg, over 4 long periods , like 4 weeks till they started to stretch… And then yet another 2 Weeks to go yet agian into flower. So, he was getting to late with them and they died…

Yes those Zamaldelica wasted 1, 5 Months for a slight floweringstretch…
But i just had a discussion yesterday, that once Seededed and well in flower they sometimes cant revert back.
A very intersting point to study the photoperiod-response. haha, good luck you experimental mouse


Not really. At least not here where Mj has been medically legal for over 20 years now, and rec for over 6 years. Hemp has been quasi legal here for a long time and federally legal for several years now. And weed has been grown here clandestinely since the 1960s. Almost all commercial Cannabis in the west US is grown as females only, and mostly from clones. Very few grow males, and typically in greenhouses. Fewer still grow from seed and in most cases they are almost always fems. As for grows in the wild, if you come across a Cannabis grove here, look for bear traps, old hippies with shotguns or Mexicans with machetes. Seriously. I have never seen a wild stand myself traipsing all over the west. They are always cultivated plots with water supplies and some type of alarm system. Like my neighbor has here. In Oregon at least all commercial Mj growers have to have fencing, video surveillance, alarm systems and armed response security. Also deer here will eat any Cannabis that they come across, as will a lot of bugs and mites. Broad and spider mites can and do decimate any and all outdoor grown Cannabis. Birds also eat the seeds. Gophers and voles will eat cannabis roots. And of course cattle, sheep and goats will also eat any cannabis that they come across before they go into flower.

So as invasives go, Cannabis is not on any state invasive plant lists in the USA. Even in Nebraska where hemp has escaped into the wild. Well, into some ditches anyway.


Well I hope I can manage this for long enough. It’s only 43 days. The plants are changing but it’s been less than a week. I have cuttings going that will go 12/12 indoors in a few days too.

I understood from the beginning I was too late starting to get finished bud off these outdoor plants without heroic efforts. I want to see the plants. Growing the plants is worth doing, for me, whether I get everything my heart desires or I fly them into the ground as long as I learn something.

Believe me, there will be a smoke report. :wink:


That was pure speculation and wishful thinking. I often dream of wild cannabis patches, free for any and all.

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Did someone say stretch?


I’ve heard that William’s Wonder is an Iranian pheno.

Beldia overload! lol



I set this intersex male back here Just in case but fortunately, as I understand is often the case, it is infertile. It’s been growing male flowers for three weeks and no pollen has come from any of them. Not a seed on this plant.