Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Is that assam what they call assam hashplant @Upstate ? Thanks


Whatā€™s this?

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No this one is from @Shiv9545 aka Indianseeds97. Its a ganja strain.

Assam green pheno smelling wonderful


Lolab Valley ladies.


Looks like some delicate buds but I bet it smokes fire.


Pencil stick Durban, held by the elders in kwazulu.
I got the seeds last Fall.


Are ya sure it wasnā€™t called pencil dick? Either way small buds is the message.


Damn! Missed that picture. Nice narrow leaves on that plant. The bud pictured is Durban? Looks just like Malawi. Looks awesome! The legendary pencil stick Durban. My Holy Grail! Didnā€™t realize it could fill out like that. @lefthandseeds found a similar beauty. How many weeks flowering for that one? His went 14.
Those last picturesā€¦ Iā€™d recognize those leaves anywhere. If those are your pics weā€™ve met. Going to get into that 80ā€™s Durban next summer. May have to try growing a kwazulu tree in a 5 gallon too. Hope to find me some narrow leaves like that onešŸ˜‰


There is one that is pure lemons. Luckily a nice resiny one too from the looks of it. Been dreaming of Lolab Kashmir Lemon Hash for several years now. Luckily Iā€™m stubborn and donā€™t give up easy. After failing twice, come this fall Iā€™ll be smoking me some lemony goodness courtesy of a kind soul from IG.


No, not grown by me, pics and seeds sent to me from africa.


We got them from the same person.
Durbanā€¦the speedy Durbanā€¦is THE heirloom Iā€™ve been hunting longer than any other. From the pictures, this one we have is what Iā€™m looking for. The Durban I have going now looks promising some days and other days not so much. The top half of the plants all ripened 2-4 weeks ago best i can tell. They all have those funky pitcher plant calyxes and nothing looks too appetizing. Nothing bigger than a thumbnail in size. But the bottom half of the plants are looking completely different On a couple in particular. Starting to look like normal buds and producing normal calyxes, flowering heavy atm. Iā€™m pretty clueless on this one. Never seen anything like it before. I did forget them outdoors one night. Maybe it messed them up and the tops ripened premature and now the bottom is kicking It full steam :thinking: this still does not explain the strange calyxes. Still thinking this one is wild.
Suffice to say Iā€™m very much looking forward to getting into the same strains you have. Iā€™ll probably crack mine sometime in February Iā€™m thinking. What about you?
Now were you told this was pencil stick Durban? Or is it kwazulu?


Fucking awesome
Yeah, Iā€™ve been looking for this pure Durban (not Durban Poison) since I started making seeds.
Thatā€™s cool we both have the same line.

Yeah, he said it was Kwazulu. I put the Pencil Stick on there just because its the same region African Seeds got theirs, and same morphology - well maybe even better.

I havent grown these yet, but I did talk with C.B. extensively and asked him to ask the elders a few questions for me. The non-uniform maturing sounds spot on.
He did say its a mix of ā€œDurbanā€ so it will require you and I to do selections and line breeding. But, thatā€™s to be expected from a landrace project.

I dont have a stable living nor growing situation yet, so Im not sure when I will pop these.
Right now, Im during a tree-line grow in my buddyā€™s yard just to quench my addiction for popping seeds, but its more of a bumper crop for local-acclimated seeds more than anything since they are only a few nodes tall.

ā€¦just another thought about the non-uniform maturityā€¦ C.B. got these from villagers who dont have street lights. Then he grew them out by his house, where there are lights. Im not sure if he knows about light pollution. IM also not sure if these seeds we got are F2ā€™s by C.B. or if they are straight from the elders in the hills


A couple Colombians


Some sativas grow like that @Upstate, ripen bottom up. On some what happens is the very tops will keep reflowering and shooting out new growth so you have to pick them when you feel youve reached the stage were you have mostly ripe bud vs the re growing tops.


Yeah I knew the tops were ripening but the flowering time was supposed to be 12 to 16 weeks and theyā€™ve only been flowering since July 8th. This one is Landrace Team Durban. The tops have been this way at least 2 weeks. So Iā€™m only at week 10 and they were done at week 8. For fuck sake does any Durban available flower as long as the sellers claim? I was looking at the plants last night and I think they are all done. The couple of samples I took were not speedy even 2 weeks ago. Not looking very promising. My last hope is Love of Landrace. If I donā€™t find what Iā€™m looking for there I donā€™t know what Iā€™m going to do. Cry maybe. :cry:


I did have a durban i couldnt get to finish, i had it flowering for a crazy crazy long amount of time and had to pick off ripe bud while the plant just suddenly extend out and start the cycle again. Pest an viruses killed that.

Does anyone know what the original strain introduced as durban is ? The first plants i seen coming out of the pencil sticks in holland were squat purple/blueish type plants. Some with those purple/blueish stems too. What ive seen sold nowdays as landrace durban from many different sources none of them look at all like what was originaly labelled durban.



Is that your durban ? Looks abit like what i had, same stem colour but the buds were smaller on mine. Had all resin growing on the stems aswell. When ripe the crystals would go a yellow colour. Used to give a weird high, kind of speedy.


Yeah thatā€™s my durban. Thatā€™s number four, my favorite. There are three of them that look nice enough to try again knowing what the actual flowering time is. Really throws your game off when they finish in half the time you are expecting. I would have vegged them another month had I known. Itā€™s possible itā€™s my flowering schedule that sped them up because they have been going in with the other girls. About 12 and a half hours of Darkness for the Durban. I put them in last.