Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

@Nightmare. Lots of theories but nothing solid. Seems to be a mix of the area landraces.


Didnt knew they were durbans as pencil stick, damn! What could be one of the most key trait to a durban? Im no longer sure this is pure, I guess waiting will be the key, but around how many weeks is the normal durban(not x pheno)? Also is there any legit way of getting seeds from the durban landraces?? Tlt?

My durban(if it is lol)


Even if that’s not Durban, it still looks good. It’s definitely an NLD and looks really happy.
What did you mean by pencil stick?

That looks like brick weed I used to get in Texas. Being a border state, most of what I got was probably from Mexico.

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Ace Seeds is doing a R&D release with a bunch of A5 Haze crosses and other cool genetics!

New A5 Haze hybrids:
A5 Haze x PCK regular
A5 Haze x Zamaldelica regular
Golden Tiger x A5 Haze fem
Zamaldelica x A5 Haze fem
Honduras x A5 Haze fem
Bangi Haze x A5 Haze fem
Congo #3 x A5 Haze fem
Purple Zamal x A5 Haze fem
new ErdPurt hybrids:
Bubba Kush x ErdPurt regular
Bangi Haze x ErdPurt regular
CBD #1 x ErdPurt regular
CBD #5 x ErdPurt regular
Juanita La lagrimosa x ErdPurt regular
Lavender x ErdPurt regular
Golden Tiger x ErdPurt regular
Purple Malawi x ErdPurt regular
New Malawi Killer x ErdPurt regular
Malawi x PCK # 47 purple x ErdPurt regular
Panama Goddess (F10) x ErdPurt regular
Purple Zamal x ErdPurt regular
ErdPurt x Panama Goddess fem
ErdPurt A green x CBD # 1 fem
new hybrids with CBD potential:
CBD #1 x Panama Goddess (F10) fem
CBD #5 x Panama Goddess (F10) fem
Juanita La lagrimosa x Malawi Killer fem
CBD #1 x Malawi Killer fem
CBD #5 x Malawi Killer fem
CBD #1 x purple PCK 2002 fem
CBD #5 x purple PCK 2002 fem
CBD # 1 Bx2 fem

and more pure sativa and sativa/indica hybrids:
Nevil’s Haze x Panama Goddess fem
Amnesia Haze x Panama Goddess fem
Kali China x Panama Goddess fem
Purple Haze #23 x Thai Chiang Mai regular
HashPlant Haze x Malawi regular
Green Haze #19 x Zamaldelica F2 regular
Bangi Congo x Zamaldelica F2 regular
Nepal Annapurna x Nepal Mist F2 regular
Nepal Mist F2 x Nepal Annapurna regular
Moroccan Beldia Beldia II x Beldia I regular
Moroccan Beldia I P1 x Lebanese P3 regular
Green Haze #19 x Bangi Haze F29 fem
Congo #3 x Bangi Haze F29 fem
Malawi x PCK#47 purple x Malawi fem
Lebanese x Hokkaido Japan regular
Bubba Kush x Old Malawi Killer fem


These Sudan look very similar to the RSC Sinai line I F2’ed and played with.

North Africa has a vast Bedouin culture that is nomadic even still and focused on earth medicines, to include cannabis ans trade openly
So it makes sense to see commonality among N. African genetics.


Would love some Ace gear…source in US?

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I’m thinking now that the closest relation the Sudan have is likely Sinai/ Bedouin strain. Moroccan is much more resistant to leaf disease than Sudan is, so maybe some distant relation there… but not a close relation. The Sinai autoflowered as well, correct? I may have to give them a go at some point. Have any seed to trade for sudan seed?
Also the Sudan patch was a total loss this year. Had to pull all the plants early due to septoria and botrytis. They can’t handle the rain and the nightly dew. They have to be brought indoors here in NY if you want a harvest.


Just so people known none of the Ace gear are landraces except for the Moroccan. Purple haze, Annapurna and Thai . Maybe PCK. Not saying they are no good by any means, just not landrace if that is what you seek.


mmh, just those?
The ones you forgot are an endless list. Dont know if you count those from Khalifa geneics, that they list on their ACE website. But there are loads that you forgot.

(i mean under the Assumtion that i think like you, and beeing very suspicious… )
should i start?

  • thaistick- Gypsy Nirvana
  • Balkhonistan (widely known under instagrammers that line, outcrossed? nah, its just sold on ACE)
  • BAlkh
  • Myanmar, i seen these Seeds under collectors, i dont think theyre outcrossed, very much doubt, i give you credit for your suspicion in not listing
  • philipine
  • laos muang sing, i know this line before it came up on the site. So im always doubting all beeing outcrossed, especially when i seen highly praised lines before under collectors… wouldnt the collectors see the outcrossing? hmm. lets place these on the not shure. but really thats a bodhi line bodhi collected like 10 years ago… And RC-Colas showed it off on icmag 10 years ago… everyone could see it side by side… outcrossing would been a dangerous moove.
  • Nepalese. Annapura Comon, oucrossed? those leaves look like nothing but a sativa
  • lao luang prabang - Gypsy Nirvana
  • kashmir lolab, thats so shure just the circulating kashmir lolab valley.
  • Vietnamese - Midvietnam forgot name… thats a line that circulated under collectors

You can have your doubts on Panama and MAlawi.
Good, and ok.

But i rather think that ACE seeds, after the Head of ACE changed, now i think dubi is the chef? Now you can be a bit more suspicious, i think ACE always knew that Sativa landraces dont sell. They knew exactly if they manage to make a short Sativa, that it will sell… See the PAnama (9 Weeks Thread , its 100 Sites long).

So, i think, well its possible some are outcrossed, but i think they did this outcrossing with only a few lines maimally…

The only report where an insider spoke up is in banghi haze where it had somee hidden silverhaze in it… but thats anyway not a Landrace, so im bit… meh…

all is fake, is no conclusion i find fair at all.

With oldtimers haze, thaistick . Gypsy nirvana ACE Seeds has a place in my HEart, even i didnt buy them … some of the greatest ever seeds relased.
And the Thai (its collected in 1985… same storry, this line is a collectors circulating line… i see them relasing collectors insiders lines more often than not, thats the pcture i have…)
So im a bit shocked you place them under “Fake”. Again, they may or may not outcrossed Malawi and PAnama, the others that i havent seen under Collectors before because i cant see everything, those i just kept from my list above. (ethiopian, kerala, new caledonian…) not that they look very outcrossed to me.

Suspicion is ok, and such, but… yeah, i cant imagine thats true, seeing what i see there.


I would say, the only time a guy said “Im an Insider and i know of an hidden Indica” is in Malawi… So, well, who knows if the guys truthful, but thats a statement to consider true

The other case: Banghi haze, but thats mamia a hybrid anyway. its officially a hybrid. … probably they thought it sounds just boring to list a hybrid-list… and just shortend it to make it understandable… the ofiicial description says there is indica in it (congo, and congo is oficially indica outcross)… so, i dunno whats the matter on this one really.

For PAnama you never found an insider for your indica thesis…

So, the only explosive case you have eith the malawi. Wich is ok to point that out, but to conclude everything is fake, besides 4 lines… naha


ACE have the best PR, and they pay the most for it.

Dubi copied all his descriptions from the old Vines forums.
Dubi paid ICMag to ban me and most all the Vibes guys (some have been allowed back) as well as deleting all our posts outing Dubi as a scammer

Dubi is no chef, not a breeder. Hes a businessman.

Nepal, Malawi, Bangi, Congo, Panama, Thai, the list goes on.
ACE seeds do sell stuff from other people that are pure - or close to pure.
And as far as indian landrace exchange, that dude hit me up back in 2015 asking me for SSH to breed with all his ruderalis and sell it as ‘landrace’


nah, he didnt copy.
If i tell you that ive seen most lines under collectors before ACE relased Lines with exact their names (Lao muan sing, and so forth) . then i have given you a reason to think, wait a minute, a guy that has much passion like romano tells me he found most lines UNDER COLLECTORS. then probably i also seen the same look in those lines, the same overall traits as far as i can observe it from here…

When i listed you even icmag threads with those lines…then… you could consider if im right … most of the lines were circulating under collectors … you never was on cannabiscafe net? never was googlich gor 7 years like an idiot like me, to find unicorns? reading icmag threads up down, gooing watch every single pic on an interesting album of an interesting user? no trust?
ok. thats ok.
but im telling you many of their lines are circulating with very similar features in spenish forums and such…

Can i know the truth? no, im not claiming anything.

Well, probably theyre silencing you cause yoiure talking of things that may be wrong. i just not shure … i just dont get how a person can claim a single line is “fake” without having something substential. And in some cases people scream loder than their inner voice allows. haha not saying i know thats the case.

For me, ACE are more interesting than others. Thats only cause their lines, look like the insider lines that ive all together found on extended long ass hunts for unicorn weed.

I dont wanna defend them for no reason… i wanna defend them, well, cause i see no good proove. Probablythe new Chef dubi faked something, like i tried to say, Probably ! But does he now fake every sinle line? besides the 4 mentioned Lines,? why do you think that?
And i wanna defend thenm, cause old LAndraces are special, they have depht. (well most of them are not soooo old, but older than realseecomp and such (collected in 2000, 2005, 1995 probbly)


Dude, ive been on the forums since 2005. So, you’re not special or alone in how many hours you’ve spent scrolling.

I know the people Dubi got his lines from, and they all say theyre either not pure when they got them, or Dubi hired them or their friends to hybridize them.
I would say, likes were mostly pure before 2012, when Kaki split ways because of what Dubi was doing behind the scenes.
There are many of us who have exposed Dubi. So why dont you post evidence from Dubi’s old partner, Kaiki, that Dubi only sells pure landraces



kaiki, coastal seeds i recall? or tropical seed company? might be another one tho…

im interested to ask him.

In no way wanted i claim the one way or another, but…
I can imagine coastal seeds himselve might have heard that ?
i can imagine vibes collective per example , they always claim all guys who got one of their lines, its just outcrossed… i was ever unshure if i believe them…

i can imagine , that a guy hears from others that his Lines that he works with are outcrossed, and spreads this rumor.

im really open to critique, but with substance. and ive seen cases where seeds were claimed fake, almost every seed i adore, like oldschoolbas - Hoabac, oldschoolba Thai69 , pua mana ohamas - Hawaiian Elephant per example, have some people screaming theyre fake theyre fake. but ive bought them. lol grew some of them. they feel real.

So, its also a bit a personal History, why i just like to defend the ones, that got so many claims of faking surrounding them, but so few substencial things.

But again, now you atleast mentioned a “knowledgable insider” . im interested in talking to him, i like the truth, bad or good. but what i dont really enjoy is people bringing no verification. thank you therefore for verification. thanks. i dint mean to fight, but again:

their lines that were previously under private collectors:

  • Thaistick Gypsy Nirvana
  • Luang prabang Gps Nirvana
  • Midvietnam
  • Laos Muang sing
  • Vietblack
  • Thai (Chian mai)
  • Meao Thai
  • Philipine (that one wasent relased, cause mustafunk came into a thread, telling ACE to stop selling their seeds. )
  • Burma
  • Kashmir lolab

Ive seen all of them before in a lone abundant album. or even a thread over the years… i just rather think , they are simply the lines that cursate under the spanish community atleast under “short” inspection. (im not talking of seeing a burma, and thinking: oh i seen a burma lately, now its the same. no i talk of they use the exact name, and show pics of very very exactly similar looking lines… hmmm… like the colors match, the growth, everything, its just the probably the same line as the collectors line… very exact features seen in Aces stuff overall.

@noknees yeah sorry if that nerves you, but i find it interesting , i in no way am angry, im just thinking, upstates statement is very unaccurate.
I can theorize like in this post that kaki (kalki?) has heard things, that he dont know soo shure.
However, its good you give me a name, i try to find him and ask him if he really knows this well.

a special Note on the Panama:

  • an insider came up and said that 4 Middleamericans were used , and he knows two lines very well, one he has heard of, the 4th he dont know… and he said atleast the 3 that he knows are not known as outcrossed. WELL, we dont know the 4th one.
    Found this interesting, well it leaves room in bouth directions of interpretation

Making him Dubi…ous?

Couldn’t resist.


I’ve grown there eastern Manipur Burma and it is exactly as pictured and described , there is more then one source for there gear makes me wonder if dude you spoke with was not actually affiliated , the beans I got from them came straight from India.
It’s kind of hard to fake a 20+ week high elevation sativa like that…


Not sure what it is, old friend who was a grower years ago, gave me a jar of seeds that were apparently from the 70’s. Out of 200+ seeds got one to pop and it was a female. Looks central American, has 9/11 leaf fan leaves and lots of red and purple stems. Smells funky and woody, with a lemony twist.

Little worried about the yellow leaves that keep falling, seems happy but keeps shedding older leaves.