Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Looks wonderful, hope you decided to keep some clones of her!


Yea, just cut some yesterday. I’m new at all this, hadn’t considered. Hopefully can get a few to root.


I have questions, I hope you guys dont mind

I am trying different stock and I disagree with many things I am reading
Who is validating strains? many strains and stories dont match real life

Wuachuma, Sinai is indica?
I was living there in the desert during the timeframe of the supposed accession
Sinai was always sativa, airy buds. I am reading in the description it is a hash plant so I have doubts. I just sprouted a few of them
The foreign illegal workers in Sinai at that time were sudanese. They love to smoke
The weed in Sinai was a lot levels better than the hash the sudanese brought from home at great risk with them which was highless.

The weed in Sinai was a lot levels better than the hash the sudanese brought from home at great risk with them which was highless. So it makes sense the sudanese brought Sinai weed back home, it is all the same desertic environment, the same Red Sea

What Myanmar are you guys talking about? Is this a collector line? What line you are talking about and if you have posted this previously, could you point me out to the post?. Thank you

Muang Sing is IBL. I doubt it is from there, I think is a made up story and it is a plant coming from someones private garden

Luang Prabang is very bad quality weed, a disaster. A huge dissapointment. I understand it culturally why they gave their worst. I guess in his second trip in Thailand Gypsy learnt from the mistakes of his first trip and had better luck sourcing. I have an hybrid of it and most of it is in the jar, I dont think is good as all the breeding of pure tropical sativas done indoors

Purple Haze is not landrace. Green Haze/ oldtimer haze or all hazes in general are not landrace. Purple Haze is a narcotic pheno of a sativa line made in Sacramento in the 70s according to this old post left at Icmag from someone quoting Oldtimer:

Posts: 1,032
Budm, to answer your question no, this haze line is from a commune north of Sacramento and evolved separately but at the same time as Dutchmen haze lines. I hope this helps a bit Budm, I hope i don’t owe you any mail I’ve been ill gain and have lost track a bit. cha cal I for one would appreciate hearing about your developing scrog system and come to that any further developments with scuffing.
All the best Ot1

Guys, what is the story with the Thai release by Ace? According to pictures the strain seems real, only smoke test will tell
Is this a collectors line? If yes, could you provide some info, you are commenting from 1985?

@Wuachuma why were you banned from Icmag? Best PR you mean best Punto Rojo? All the southamerican weed I tried from the commercial banks is mediocre at best. A disaster. The weed preparaquat seems to be gone. All food from the 80s is gone as well, today is all glyphosateland
I agree with you, these guys are not breeders, they are businessmen. If they sell pure sativas only, they bankrupt. They have only one untamed cross and the rest is mostly tamed weed. And now they have these supposed landrace asian seeds which are a lottery ticket at very expensive prices
I see same problem with strains from Kaiki. They were worried a lot about people copying so what I see is something has been done to prevent this and if you want to keep the strain, the only thing you can do is keep the cut because all progeny sucks, inbreeding depression big time

From what I see in general, most strain names are just fantasy names for commercial purposes. Very few things can be validated as real and most is Hollywood tales or stuff is changed names

Another strain Ace is offering is real landrace: Lebanese. the only little problem is this is not from Lebanon Bekaa Valley but from a desert about 300 kms south at lat 30N. It is a sativa from the 90s which was probably grown by bedouins and was never made hash, same like Sinai. Sinai weed in real life was stronger

I see a lot of inbreeding depression in pure sativas coming from Spain or other places. Or there is a very heavy sexual pressure, culling the most potent ones not adapting to their desertic spanish environment or their indoor environment and they tame it with something so homegrowers can make it indoors or they reproduce everything indoors in a perfect lab environment and when you put it in nature it is a disaster, all landrace resistence is gone.

Traceability and verification of strains in the cannaworld is a disaster, sucks real bad


first of all Strains in the list with strains in circulation before ACE i ment serious… ive seen each and every of those strains, like said before in a forum, in an album, on different forums. And as said, not that i just seen a burma before and just thought: “oh thats the same as ACE, just because its a burma”. No, i speak of distinct Feature, be it the Look, well most often the name… Simply Lines out private collectors circles .

  • The burmese i have seen on an Instagram account that is private. so i cant link you the post of that burmese , wich was posted before ACE sold it.
    (or atleast im to lazy go search that post. Just because people anyway dont believe me and talk to me like im easy believer, im not. like said)

  • Same for the ACE Laos Muang Sing, i explicit heard that this Line came from bodhi.
    The Line was before posted on Icmag in an Album. I cant find the Album now, its 3 years later…

  • Thai ACE Chiang Mai, is simply on icmag. reported couple years earlyer.

Again, best you read the meaning and how i wrote it already… I didnt CLAIM anyything, however… i see many lines in collectors circles. unmistakeable. same name, same features, and i theorized that if ACE was to outcross those, that they would generate such an Uproar in the community EVENTUALLY, unless they add just a tiny breeze of Indica probably…

I didnt mean to claim, is that clear… so you can literally not disagree with me, cause i make no statement. no claiming, open mind.

People then come, “ohh, you imply this”, or literally : “ooh you claim this”… well, probably i implied. i could have used even longer ass posts to make clear that i just have lots of explicit similarities seen.

you can disagree with others but not with me. i just wanted to share my view.

and i even highlighted someone said ACE is faking… thats all i can do. Pinpoint to my observation. And my observation includes what people say, some say theyre all fake, an insider told this…

thats part of the equation.
However, i myselv physically , with my eyes, over yers hard work, have seen enough similarities to atleast think: “oh wait, many of ACE Lines i know circulated, so, could they really outcross em without being completly outsidered”. I have enough buddy.

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And wether or not Muang Sing is outcrossed to beginn with (at source, in Laos) thats another side-question. Most importantly i tried to share my observation about ACE seeds…

Hell you can find 10 weeker fat bushes everywhere in Tropics.
I just wanted to split this, wich would then not be necessarly ACE seeds fault if they sold that… i wanted to split thi. And say: yes, many lines are with similar features seen in community. or you just havent reserched enough… or i am stupid. other possibility.

I dunno man…

(really i cant copy paste you a private instagramm acounts pic. thats agains my principles… sorry… stuff was anyway ages ago. Simply put, i have many lines seen on the net. believe me/ or dont. … )

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ok, lets waste my precious time:
Again, most stuff is ages ago, so i lost the pics on old computers… these are remains i painfully search to convince you.

Nah trang x Meao thai ACE:

The Vietnam Nah Trang alone:

So, and the source of the Seeds, says he collected a nah trang and sent to spain to cannabiogen:

this guy said that one post before dubi (ACE) surprisingly posted his Nah Trang on the same thread… hmm… could it be that dubi used just that Line? probably.

SO @funkyhorse can you ask for another Line i that said was in community, cause the Burmese im not willing to put up private accounts pictures.


From what they explain in this interesting post you took the time to search. Multumesc mersi

So according to what they explain, it looks like what I always thought according to what I experienced in Asia, that south vietnam weed from the beginning of this century was similar to cambodian

Ace sold a burmese strain in the past? What company, what burmese accession you are talking about?

I have seen the pictures Bodhi left of the Muang Sing at a forum called breedbay. It looks like a private garden, just one plant shown

The only thing you can claim is that strains, names and marketing is a mixture in most cases of Bollywood and Hollywood stories when the facts and reality is a lot more simple than that

Thank you very much for taking you time to post this romano


fyi - burmese has been in BC Canada - forever…

Here is a description :

Easy to grow, easy to clone. Very stable, we’ve kept the pure Burmese since the early nineties as well, VISC has used Burmese to breed some of the best Hybrids around. Burmese took first place in the Tokers Bowl 2000. Dont keep Burmese in the veg. state too long or possible height problems as the elongation during the flowering transition is impressive. For Sea-of-Green flip to bud as soon as the clones have roots. The smell is wonderfully amazing and very aromatic. One of the taller plants in your garden, exceptional results from a Flowering time of 8-10 weeks but many growers harvest after only 7 weeks for that early cerebral high. Indoors experienced growers can expect 2 to 4 ounce yields in a 2 Gallon pot indoors.

Flowering Time: 8 - 10 weeks
Yield: 110 - 140 grams

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Highland Thai by RC Colas, from BODHI collected im so shure… cause a guy showed coexidentally also a Bodhi highland laos, with same features… Actually i should convince you with his post , but i cant find them cause my computer died with all those hints and pics.:

Laos MuangSing ACE:

They came so mega shure from Khalifa , their partner, and khalifa mentioned it was collected by Bodhi.

Why are you asking about burmese sold before. What i think i said is that burmese was in circulation before ace sold it…


GN Thaistick before ACE relased it i guess:

ACE Thaistick. the guy said somewher its from ACE seeds:


I should have clarified. Just the ones from that list above my post


Philipine Kalinga from a Collector (he literally writes, i sent you dubi this line)

ACE Kalinga (well it wasnt relased, cause Mustafunk complained this Line is not allowed to be relased… however, we see Dubi sometimes reporting his Breeding Work, by opening a Thread, and later it gets relased) Ok, ACE Kalinga:

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I’ve grown it and I’m telling you there’s Indica in there. For sure. Absolutely no doubt in my mind there is pck paki genes in their purple Malawi. I still loved it.


This is the post I was referring to i think… I didn’t see the Lebanese and Japan in there. Those are both Landrace
Ace carries lots of other people’s pure landraces now
@funkyhorse Sinai has both indica and sativa phenotypes just like lebanese, sudan,.syrian… I haven’t grown Syrian but I’ve grown the three others. You must have been lucky enough to have a cultivar that was selected towards the sativa phenotype. It must have been great. Traditional hashplants were sativas many times in earlier history.
Muang Sing most likely came South with the people that moved into Northern Myanmar from places like yunnan China. Whether it’s pure or it has been hybridized is open to discussion. If it has been hybridized I believe it was in Laos and was between Northern Laotian and Yunnanese landraces.
Luang Prabang… I haven’t grown that one but I’ve grown a related Thai strain and some of the plants were crappy, some were kick ass. It’s the luck of the draw sometimes. I’ve seen pics of luang prabang that looked super potent but may have been cbd/ thc plants… would explain lack of potency.
Old Timers Haze tests as a pure Colombian on phylos. Shows as a pure landrace. I won’t call it definitive proof but until I see something else that shows otherwise I’m thinking it is indeed Colombian. It wasn’t professional breeders that were making Haze.

Are you thinking of landrace team moroccan here? It’s been grown south of Morocco at 31

° latitude


Wether or not some lines ARE outcrossed Malawi? Panama?, i cant say. Im not holy god. lol, i have very few research on malawi to offer.

So, ok we got a slight missunderstanding, i thought you implied most ACE Stuff is fake…

I can imagine they sneaked some Indica into a few, assorted Lines . I can imagine theyre very conscious what the Consumers buy the most. They literally knew they cant sell Thai, but that what i can also imagine, that they have a heart and passion. NOBODY wants to sell thai, because nobody buys it… The desinteresse is obvoius… One of the lowest responses in history of ACE Seeds are for Thai.

So, i can imagine they have a Heart, and i can imagine the have bad Intensions at times. Bouth together.

To sneak a 4th Indica into every line without creating uproars i think they would rather do this with a few lines…Like malawi, who knows. A guy sais it. However it reminds me sometimes of Mustafunk telling all is fake…

He told Snowhighs Vietblack is fake. I smoked it, i cant spot any Indica in the effect… really… its different to an Afghani. i dunno. man.

I would conclude like that, in respect to you and me guys: Watch out when buying ACE Seeds, someone told he is insider and its outcrossed, However, be assured that some things speak for queit a few lines purity. Probably a few Lines where they could sneak an indica into it MAY be outcrossed. and most are ok?

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Viet Black is and has always been Vietnamese Sativa x Chinese Indica. But you say you cant spot Any indica.

Bangi/Bangui Congo is Congo x NL x Mexican x Afghan. Also true for Bangi Haze

Killer Malawi is Malawi x (Malawi x PCK)

Sinai has a range of phenos - as landraces do - so you can find 8week hashplants and 14 week durban-like sativas.

Recently, pure lines are offered on Ace website, but they are merely distributing pure lines made by other people.

If you dig around, you can find Vibes members exposing Dubi for copying strain descriptions they had written years before.



Looks S. Mexican


i said i cant spot any indica in the Effect.
could have been preciser tho, its rather midlle in effect/balanced, but it feels very different than afghani x sativa. its is not as Confusing as Afghani x Sativa Effects have prooven to be .
But thats subjective. and only ment as oppinion.
not very much CBD-or cloudy effects, very intense -clear kinda, swordsharp

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yes, Vibes Collective guys tell, that: Snowhighs Vibes Lines are fake, that dubis stuff is fake, that x, y, z is fake youre absolutely right. They mostly come to forums to expose someone. lol . No proby musta, but thats still to note.

what you wanna tell. **i rely on my observations, that very intelligent, right? Cause observations are not biased. they are what they are. Depending wether or not one isnt sweettlking. **
If a line had a certain name, and later relased by ACE has a certain name per example, is a fact, its biasfree


Thanks man! Almost certainly so Mexico, apparently he favored Oaxacan and Michoacán strains. Not sure I can call it landrace, but whatever it is, hasn’t been grown in 40+ years. That much I know.