Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I’m surprised. It must have been a joke or misunderstanding. I’ve grown their east manipur and lolab valley and seen grows of some of their other stuff. As legit as can be. All of it. Manipur flowered over 20 weeks and Lolab is spot on too. Fast, purple and lemony with white pollen. Resiny. The Durand Afghan seeds are legit too. I grew Arghandhab Black. I’d say its as advertised. Never heard or read a single complaint actually, excepting the little money they give the farmers for the seed.
I think they intend to be Indias first hybrid seed company along with selling landraces so they trade for western style seed. I’d get their landraces before they are P-2’d indoors. That’s where trouble could arise.


I’ve grown the Manipur also and I’ve also checked satellite and there are literally fields of weed where they said it was collected from . It is everything they say and show it as , I think there are just people who have a hard time believing or accepting that there are landrace genetics around still and in the hands of more people then some people may have expected.
As for ace the Paki chitral kush is correct but it came from cannabiogen , can’t say much about the other besides I have some bangi haze seeds they sent as freebies I was considering mixing up with some other landrace at some point.
The South American and Mexican genetics are probably some of the most rare , the cartels bred faster finishing indices into the fields long ago but there are always some remote areas and people who hold onto and value the older lines, same thing happens in standard agriculture. The legit Panama red that some people have was brought in with the peace core and has been kept pure ever since , same as the Kona gold.


Yeah, he went a different way probably around 2017.
Ended up selling in situ seeds instead of his original idea to hybridize

It cost me to learn what you know. I bought the Malawi breeders pack from Ace around 5 years ago. It came with Purple Malawi, old Malawi Killer and New Malawi Killer. I grew some of the purple malawi 4 years ago, made seed and had one pop up on its own the following year. I saw those pinks mixed with purple in the bud that is unmistakably PCK/ Kashmiri. Smelled like strawbery chewing gum, their description for…PCK.
As you probably know, Malawi landrace is wellknown as the cocaine of Cannabis, with a crystal clear, upbeat euphoric and energetic high. That’s the opposite of the killers description. A White out trancelike stone that lays you out and takes up the day. When i saw that pck pop out of p malawi i began to look elsewhere and discovered real landraces.
I grew Panama from them the same year and was discouraged only one in 10 plants flowered more than 8 weeks except one and that one was picked late at week 10. Afterwards I found out landrace Panama flowers 18-24 weeks with what I assume are heavily worked versions coming in at 14-16 weeks.
They mentioned some of their gear was hybridized in their catalog and I stayed clear of those, Which is why it bothered me so much when I found out the seeds I did purchase were hybrids too. I wanted to grow landraces. The catalog said they were. I spent a lot of money that i would have spent elsewhere.


Panama is a mutt


Im pretty sure what ACE sells is the Panama CBD line from California and Spain.
Most plants are 8-11 weeks.

I played with Panama Black back in the day, before learning it was a Panama x Haze hybrid. Nice, but not what I was looking for.
Panama Gold is real nice, though. Zamalito had it and gave it to doc D. Once doc got the Gold line, he stopped breeding with Panama Black.
Interesingly, one of the most NLD hybrids I bred with was Panama Black x Cherry Cake. It was old school Haze type. Thats half of whats in Jaguar. The other half being Golden Tiger x Cherry Cake.

The reason ACE hybridized their lines from 2012-2018? was because Dubi went on the forums and posed as a preservationist. He got shit tons of seeds from Vibes to repro.
Thing is, Dubi aint a breeder so he had his closet-grow amateurs do the work. But, they dont know how to grow landrace sativas so all the males hermed real bad. Well, cant sell seeds from herm matings, so they outcrossed with PCK, Bangui Congo, and a couple more indica-dom lines to find stable males and then Bx to the sativa females.

Bangui/Bangi Haze came from a collab between Reeferman and Luiz from BSC…bred by Estai. Something you’ll never see on the ACE website. At least Tropical Seed Co lists who they got their stiff from, even if they do sell 2008 Durban as “70’s Durban”.
Canadians swear that Congo#3 is pure. But Reeferman and I talked back in 2016 and he told me about the NL and Mexi/Affy in there.
Just take a look at this Bangi Haze on IC’s ACE forum. Does that look like landrace Congolese x landrace Nepalese, or like some NL hybrid?![Screenshot_20221003-230054-806|379x500]
Also, Bangi is a great carrier for CBD, something that Congo is not known for.

I have a pack of Zamaldelica from 2011, when Kaiki was still part of the company, so im interested to see how those turn out.



interesting. anyone other read that ACE says their Landraces are hybrid? or source?

then show me realseedcompany, show me tlt seeds, show me any other that had the courage to test the seeds.


This is Since.
In order to understand Science one needs to be open minded, lets put it that way:
open minded: means listen to what a Paper, a Study say. Dont just say something, listen to the Data:
Its science…
Samples getting analysed,
what is getting measured in the analysis:
well, properties to put it simple–
hmm, properties…
how are they displayed?



means something like Patterns?
mens something likes, well, already close snough: Patterns.

So, a Thai per example shows similarities MORESO with columbian than with Super duper Skunk.
Yes, thats a good mindconstruct… similarities…

Hmm, what if landraces were fatleaved, despite some people claim theyre not.


Pattern of Fatleaved Landrace COULD show with Hybrids…

Because, well, beacuse similarities show in the Mesurements… The fat leaves the fat body, its similar like SuperduperKush. Right? Superduperkush has also fat leaves.

has also heaver smells.

HOWEVER, its possible this shows hybridisation.
well, because you can per example see that in all the Thais, the most common “inclusion” is Hemp. Wich overlays quiet well with what i suspected. I told it once, that i can imagine that Chocolate Thai was from choosing more Hempy Thais suddenly, choosing fater Plants… Hence they were often Hemp.

Go look up thais…

Go look up Mexicans: and you were probably right, that the 80s Mexican Strains changed in a different way, namely hybridisation…
How come i Hypothesize this? Look, one Mexican shows closest related is a Strain called Star, 2nd closest related is Afghani.

Why im all telling this:
Well, this might show something: IF Thai was showing Hemp, and IF Mexicans with inclusions showed Afghani relations, and rarely the Hemp-inclusion like in Thailand, then this might be the case that per example PAnama ACE has Afghani-inclusion, but i mean in the Landrace in the 80s …


No just that they selectively bred for shorter flowering. Doesn,t really matter love aces strains

Sorry i just unwatch the thread, this is too much speculative going, cant watch it peace–


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Phylos is crap and so are there testing methods , very flawed possibly intentionally corrupt there is a thread here detailing all the reasons they should not be referenced in any regard besides to warn people of there non sense.


Almost let the guy from BSC send me a bunch of gear , glad I dident considering all the attention that he wound up attracting shortly after or possibly at the same time as are conversations.
I did how ever threw a different source aquire both PR’s plus lemon verde and the cabeca de negro

You mean a pattern like flowering time? The one pattern you will not accept. The most repeatable and dependable pattern we have aside from terpenes.
Leaf width means very little. Sometimes fat or skinny just shows fertilizer use and length of time the plants have ben well bred.

I’ve been saying Se asian descends at least in part from Broadleaf Hemp. Before you actually😁
The Ace Panama Phylos means nothing unless you look at real Panama on Phylos. The only real Panama i am sure of out there is the 74 Red Cross Panama but there are 2 on Phylos. Robert Clarke and Dave Watson sent some in to be tested. (Cryptic labs could be pure as well but I haven’t grown it yet so I can’t say.)
Heres a couple phylos screenshots.

Notice the relationships to other regional Colombian and Haze strains. Ace panama has no relationship to anything from the region. Only to itself. Why? Because it is a unique hybrid that only they have.
@Heritagefarms yes. Phylos is mostly crap.


No one has sent in a Chinese Broadlead Hemp sample yet to Phylos. No way to tell yet.


That’s a beautiful Bangi Haze :kissing_heart:, those pink colours are because of the lights or natural? beer3|nullxnull


That is only if you trust there results , which I do not , they are in bed with some rather bad people and I wouldn’t doubt all the results are faked to show that nobody has landraces except a few people like Dave and his cohorts. That seems to be a big thing being pushed right now around the forums and community in general, you can’t patent or trademark landraces and there are people who do not want anybody to have breeding material they don’t own. It’s all propaganda bullshit with a much bigger objective. Don’t believe all you read or hear especially from places directly tied to those wanting to take control. Even if they don’t lie there tests are a small screenshot of the plants make up not all of it. The machines to actually completely map plant genetics are few and far between and very very expensive. I know what phylos is testing with and it only shows maybe 30% of what the plant contains and each test could be different from the same plant.
There results are useless and only ment to appease the common customer enough to make them think they got something when in reality they got you to pay them to collect a small slice of information they will stitch together with all the rest and sell to big agg to use against the very people who paid to send in the samples. It’s as bad as ancestory or 21and me , it’s a lie they can’t tell you what they say they can. Look into there equipment and learn about what it’s doing. A complete plant genome would cost you about $8 thousand dollars to obtain and only a few places in the world can do it. This combined with how genetics work in terms of deletion and recombination makes what they are showing absolutely worthless.
When people want to believe something they are much easier to fool just like when they don’t want to believe something they are much harder to convince.
The mind has a harder time excepting harsh reality then it does forming optimistic belief. These people are smart and know exactly what they are doing and laughing the entire time.
If any of you big agg control the industry types are reading this I hope the money you make fuels the flames that consume you.


LeD lights


Re: Phylos,

There are threads about Phylos where Vibes show what they submitted and what Phylos did over the years.
Vibes submitted more landraces than even RC Clarke and Skunkman.
The original Phylos Galaxy showed actual data points.
Then, Phylos changed the Galaxy to match the stories put out by Skunkman, Florida OG crew, Burner, and Cornbread. All top payers.
Dale Hunt and Sungrownmids also did a lot to expose how Phylos changed the galaxy over the years to fit the interests of those I listed in the paragraph above.


shit, here i go again, lol

can you find a source link or show us a Printscreen about Phylos changing the Data?
That would be insane

@Heritagefarms wow, thanks for your printscreens about vibes, very selveless,

thank you

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