Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

There base set is all garbage and will constantly change relations based on new sample sets , this is why sites like ancestory and me update what you are over time. Your 50% German 50% Dutch , umm actually you 40% German 50% Dutch and 10% Austrian. They have people believing all kinds of nonsense and some to the detriment of there mental health.


Phylos exists for two reasons, and Mowgli even talked about this in his early investor meetings:

1: To establish commonality and ancestry to Skunkman’s strains.
In this way, if you use an Afghan in your breeding, there is now legal recourse to say you used Skunkman(Monsanto) genetics in your work and now you owe him royalties

2: To fast-track corporate breeding.
The Phylos testing establishes locci of genetic markers so that when they do their own breeding, they’ve used your genetics to show them what to select for/against in order to get a finished product in just a few generations as opposed to F8+


This is 100% there game and I’ve been screaming about it sense day one , nobody wants to listen.


Like i said, you can do your own homework. Google works.
Also, as you said, youve spent more hours than anyone else scouring ICmag forum


bring me more substance guys about Phylos… like you present it, its pretty hard to lean the one wa or another. Just yesterday i went phylos youtube watching, they admitted they will do breeding. or something is the matter . i know. and mostly it sounds as they did an U turn . But where is the concrete thing that makes me believe the Data is wrong too… They mentioned wich company does the Data Analysis, wait, i search video. here;

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That was actually another member who posted those conversations but as I’ve said many of times before the seed industry is a much darker and competitive place then people realize. The amount of backstabbing, lie telling and general manipulation that goes on behind the scenes would make most people cringe.
Large scale commercial agriculture has the mindset to run over anybody and anything in there way, the main motivation is profits and control and anybody who thinks it’s a bunch of friendly farmers hanging out is horribly mistaken.


I wonder how many of these new lines and plants have terminator genes in them and how many people will realize far to late what went wrong.
Look into normal agriculture and how people have been spreading bad pollen, burning each other’s farms , ratting each other out, and pretty much all out waging war against each other , unfortunately that is what the cannabis industry has in store for it and it’s going to catch a lot of people off guard


but you see, its about the Bangi Haze wich had other lineage. But if you read the Describtion ACE sais Congo x Nepal.
Atleast for a longer hunter, it was indicating Congo x Paki x Nepal… right? Because they describe their Congo Relase as Congo x Paki.



So that speaks for me for not too much of a “Story Change”. (depends if youre Amateur Hunter or not… for beginners its a bit bad).
IT IS A STORYCHANGE, but not soo big. Ok, now they have no nepali in it says your printscreen-conversation… well, quiet a change, but again, it was never seen from longtime hunters as Indicafree, and ever seen as Hybrid… so, dunno.

So, you see, that there is no concrete evidence that ACE Hybridized their Landraces Seeds.(i mean something factual, or atleast a post where someone printscreened it for us, where it says the ACE Landr. are hybredized. Its, mostly, some insider said so… ) .

Its mostly surrounding the Bangi haze and OT Haze? never heard of the OT Haze beeing hybredized. (it was hard to make out if Hybridisation Claims included the OT Haze ? )

You have the Phylos readings, and im willing to make some last Phylos session. to concince you why its questionable to think most ACE LAndraces they were outcrossed. gimme minute.

Also @Upstate i ask again, where did ACE Advertise or they hybredized something, or what you ment.

Seed finder is flawed also , tons of wrong lineage shown , I submitted strain info to them and they listed it related to skunk 1 when I very very clearly showed it was not. They refuse to change it , take from that what you will


I heard Greenhouse has already started releasing seeds with Terminator genes.

Also, having lived in SoOR and Norcal for half a decade, ai have many stories about neighbors ratting out neighbors, big companies ratting out craft farms. The many, many bodies throughout the woods and down the Eel river. Trimmigrants dying from pesticides and other exposures on the farms and trimming weed (I remember back in the 2000’s there was a group of nuns who trimmed weed to give out free medicine - a few of them got multiple cancers from pesticide exposure). And many more stories I can’t ever tell.
Shit, I’ve even been chased off a hill by neighbors pulling up in a convoy of trucks - all armed - telling me I got 30 minutes to pack up and leave the mountain.
There have been many times I almost walked away from this Path.


Wouldn’t surprise me at all that guy is realy something special and would have never became what he is with out yacht money…
Also sterile female plants are going to become the hot new thing , will be the only way to combat pollen spread and profit loss.


…Russian mob

So they took Congo #3 and crossed it to PCK. Then crossed that to Bangi Congo.
Congo 3 is Congo x NL x Mexi x Affy
Bangi Congo is Congo #3 x White Widow

So, Bangi Haze is
Congo x NL x Mexi x Affy x White Widow X (Congo x NL x Mexi x Affy X Paki)

Yup, thats definitely a landrace hybrid.


Dude, there absolutely is evidence by the breeder Dubi hired to do the hybridization for him.

There is also evidence i listed above of Dubi getting already established hybrids and calling them landraces.

I get it, tho. You want more seeds from Dubi. Cool. But at least be honest about shilling.


That’s the NorCal I lived in not what most would expect , there is no way to convey how much of the Wild West it is with out living it. Lots of time spent in and around round valley. Entire communities patrolled by armed members on dirt bikes. Clubs in Sonoma were bragging in the news paper about ratting each other out.
I would still take the old days over what corporate America is going to do .


Oh man, Round Valley in Covelo is one of my favorite spots. As well as the road from Willits out that way, all along that river.

Honestly, if I were to do it all over again, I think perhaps it would have been better to just be a lowly trimmer and not try to run crews or do white label breeding for the big guys.

For as bad as MurderMountain on Netflix looks, its prolly capturing 10%
Acht, its almost tempting to write a book and then change my name and retire in SE Asia


damn it, of corse should have taken ACE s Website,but i couldnt get the title banghi haze and the lineage on one Picture…

well can you atleast trust me on that merge? its a 30 secounds ACE Bangi Haze google entry…? lol I could imagine on they edited the main description on first page, cause it states all sorts of crosserys… this one i could understand on the “additional information” i guess its the original .

Bangi haze, the one side of it should come from congo haze as in congo x ssh. There should be some threads around from the time of its development.


I wish I would have just trimmed 7 days a week and take. The money bought the land that nobody used to want , sold it when rec flipped and retired , instead I’m saving pennies hoping to one day have a measly cottage license smh