Ok, learnign from Phylos, GO:
note that the Name of Strain is in the Printscreen, just need to look closely:
First lets try to get a basic Impression what a “Landrace” can look like.
We have the luckk that Mel Frak sent quiet a few Samples:
He is said to have a few Landraces from the 70s, i doubt he sent in many modern Samples, probably as Comparison some… that wouldnt do him justice,
Anyway, most , not all, of his Samples show like 99 or whatever percent “inclusionfree” like that:
So, and i didnt find them before , but actually a Seedbank that collects modern Landraces sent a few Examples (indian Landrace Exchange). Most look aswell quiet “inclusion-free”, like that:
a few inclusions in some samples, SIMILAR TO Mel Franks Landraces are still in there:
There are other modern Samples from unknown Sources:
Nepal 2019:
So, i would conclude, that in the 70s, and in todays Time we find Samples with virtually no “inclusions” in most of Samples, and every 4th Sample has a tiny bit like 10 percent of the “Skunk” similarities. Thats what i most often look for. Hemp similatities in yellow , im not so shure if thats hybridisation. Because of a Panama Red74 wich was sent in showed alot of “Hemp” . And thats common believe that in old Times there Weed wasnt always for smoking, sometimes multipurposal. ITs not the main point, so… Further
Good, now all the Samples from ACEs Malawi:
Malawi #2 ACE:
Malawi Standard P2 ACE:
Old Killer Malawi ACE:
Malawi x PCK:
So, we see lot more “inclusion” in most Malawis, one actually shows pure, but most strong inclusions.
SO, Conclusion.
I saw the old Killer Malawi was the worst of all. So i was short pretty firm that this one looks worst. The others were more on that level of the 2010 2019 Nepalese Samples with like 10 Percent inclusions (for the Time beeing call it similar Levels).
Point is, i thought, well there is really much inclusion in Old Killer Malawi so i looked it up.
And first i dint find info, cause oldkiller Malawi was never sold on its own, but it is in some Descriptions.
Then i found Mustafunk explaining what is
So, this says OldkillerMalawi was from Afropips, a pretty respected defunkt African Landrace-mostly vendor.
It also says that the same line was sold as Seedsmans African Buzz.
And that rung a bell. Because i googled African Buzz long ago, took me a while but after some Time somebody stated it MUST be outcrossed. he was very frim.Its so indica he said.
So, Mustafunk also sais they only had a female clone of this Afropips Line, so they litterally had to outcross it to whater. another Malawi, or hybrid…
And what the other thing was we dont know. Right? right.
So: first of all , i recall the people loved African Buzz Seedsman, i recall this very well, somebody found it quiet psychedelic… that was a certain “consenus”, i mean Afropips Lines are respected… But they just found, man this stuff is indica…
So, yeah, that alone might well explain why ACEs Malawi is so indica.
And leaves the open minded Guys with:
we dont know, wether ACE Seeds:
- included their own Junked up Genetics
- simply outcrossed to a rather pure other Malawi line, wich would match if we look at one of the 4 Malawi Samples from ACE, one shows pure.
- knowingly, or unknowingly used Afropips very “indicaish” Malawi. If it was on purpose , if they had signifficant Knowledge that it was outcrossed for a Fact, or not. (it doesent sound on first sight that anyone colud tell afropips malawi is “fake” , i mean Mustafunk is very knowledgable. he would rant around if he knew. he didnt.)
So, and people might think “those ACE Guys need to propperly spot these Fake Landrace lines” . Thats where open Mindedness comes in.
Open Minded Persons might counter and say: there is no must, nobody has to do this or to to that… because in order to dicdate whats right, or wrong for ACE Seeds to do, one needs evidence what is right, or wrong.
Atleast thats my thinking, only an oppinion of me, counting for only myselve .
So as i would say: aslong as the didnt know well enough that their Lines had inclusions when they started relasing the stuff a century ago… then… i dunno why to shout at ACE. Ok, one reason:
they lied about Banghi Haze (transparent lying). And probably about OT Haze?.
Says the Printscreen of heritagefarms? All i knew was the Banghi HAze story.
So, its for whoever reads this to think, believe whatever he does.
Oh, and for the Panama are also “inclusions” showing. i dont wanna go trough it, its pretty much a similar reading.