My apologies if the research posts and ideas are too frequent, but I wanted to put this out to the group because I’ve never seen this before and it’s tickling my brain. So we’ve probably all heard the G13 story where a guy was THC testing the flowers from raw P1 Afghani seeds for Carlton Turner at UMiss and he sent Sandy at Sacred Seeds the selection of them with a note that #13 was incredibly powerful and testing off the charts. Etc, etc. I’m pretty suspicious of that story because it ties into the Sacred myth, which I don’t believe personally. I’ve heard enough from old growers in that area at the time to be convinced that there was no way a group was doing that kind of work without any other heads knowing and rememering. Leaving that question aside, I wanted to post this snippet of an old article I don’t have full access to, from 1974, testing the phytosterols of a cannabis sample from UMiss and a Thai sample. The Mississippi sample was coded MS-13 for Mississippi State/Sample #13, and this paper was published right around when the G13 is supposed to have started circulating. What do people think of the possiblity that the MS-13 cutting got loose in 1973 or so when they were doing this research and is what’s now known as G-13? Am I just trying too hard to find an answer to something that’s lost to history?