Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

These are great! Thank you, I never knew about Zomia

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@slain how was your septoria battle?

I think I acquired it from taking in a clone. All of the landscaping & native plants have septoria but there is a cannabis-specific one I guess; until I took in the clone I never saw it on the weed.

Grow bro at the store said itā€™s soil borne & I say :poop: but like you say, defoliating most of the plant seems foolish until itā€™s all done.

My only hope on getting rid of it is shutting down for a couple of months & cleaning as much as I can.



Well the copper/neem oil knocked the most of it on the head, I only had to deal with it during veg though so I donā€™t know if I would use the copper during flower timeā€¦.

I think it is soil borne as I got mine out of nowhere with all the plants being hatched from seed, but that doesnā€™t preclude you getting it via an infected clone if it was active on the leaves I would think anyway. I think the rain splash on the lower leaves is how it transfers to the top plant. I had some residual issues with it right through but once in full flower it didnā€™t seem to affect the growth and I didnā€™t want to be spraying anything on them.
It was the first time I had to deal with it after too many grows to count but once it is present I think eradication is difficult, at one point when it was available methyl bromide gas applied to the soil under a plastic sheet was the way to deal with it during the fallow months but you canā€™t get it here anymore and itā€™s super toxic and more or less completely sterilises the soil so itā€™s not ideal either. Supposedly field rotation with a long enough period for the spores to die (years) is the best way but like defoliating all affected leaves who even does that?


:sweat: I am using containers & pro-mix BX :thinking: & canā€™t say for sure if more recent bags of soil were used at the time it showed up but pretty damn sure after some not-great-looking clones came in.

Iā€™ll fight through it to finish 2022ā€™s weed & try to shut down for a while during the rainy seasonā€¦& bubblehash what I have to. The copper seems like a no-no in flower to me too.

The idea of sterilizing my hippie shack in the rainforest seems unrealistic too. :man_shrugging:

Thanks for the reply :slight_smile:


I believe the cycle is that the fungal spores are washed from the leaves onto the soil by the rain, and then they lie dormant waiting to be splashed back onto the lower leaves of any new plants, in a kind of self perpetuating loop.

I found that taking off the lower hanging leaves and branches was also beneficial, kinda semi lollipop style, presumably because it helps break that cycle.
Itā€™s possible that there are biosafe anti fungal agents available that may slow it down, what got me was the speed of progression, like one day I was wondering what was making the lowest leaves yellow and then the next day half the plant was effected.

Over here I have had some success with biological agents against other powdery mildew and botrytis fungi from these guys;

But unfortunately I didnā€™t know them until after my septoria battle. I suspect they might perform similarly against it.

there may be similar products available on your side of the pond?


This is the stuff, it used to be sold as Serenade but Bayer rebranded, itā€™s the same strain of Bacillus Subtilis and supposed to be very effective:

I have also read of people having success with using a combination of LABS solution and horticultural soap like a potassium one or PureCrop1


You are correct according to all the ag extension guides on how to manage septoria in orchards or tomato fields:

ā€œLife cycle
The biology and management of Septoria is similar to that of anthracnose. The fungi overwinter primarily in cankers and lesions in infected twigs. Spores are produced when infected tissue is wet. Spores spread by splashing and windborne rain, germinate, and infect new twigs and foliage. Disease can be common when prolonged, cool, rainy weather occurs during new leaf growth.ā€


Thanks guys. Dr Zymes seems to slow it down a little bit maybe but I keep using it to prevent PM & budrot.

LABS & IMO was on my mindā€¦ as it seems to me ā€œIMOā€s are what keep everything alive. :sweat_smile:



Makes sense given thatā€™s exactly the situation I was facing, I.e. prolonged wet drizzle in mid summer. I believe the septoria that infects cannabis is specific to it, which begs the question in my situation at least; how the did it even turn up in the first place? Wind borne maybe? I had mine planted in the ground in a area that I had cleared only a few months prior, and it had been uncleared scrub for decades before that, I also never introduced any live plants b/c I grew it all from seed, so there wasnā€™t really scope for the spores to be just lying in wait. I guess it could have come from other peeps crops in the wider area? I did import some composted chicken shit I guess so there is that routešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

Iā€™ve also read some interesting stuff on elevated brix levels reducing susceptibility to fungal infections as well as attacks from sucking insects, though Iā€™ve never done any testing of it myself.

There is also a product here called ā€˜Envyā€™ designed for reducing transpiration and raising frost and drought tolerance which is basically sprayed on the leaves to form a a thin polymer layer , something like this may also work in reverse by working like a kinda raincoat and reducing the favourable conditions for the septoria to get established. I think I may try some of this for drought tolerance in my place.


Just jumping in here in the middle of the thread :joy: with a couple thoughts - 1) You might want to throw a DM to Bob of BudBusterPro fameā€¦His commercial agricultural background, combined with his interest in helping cannabis growers here (and elsewhere) is a astounding. AND the degree he goes too to confirm his information and willingness to share insights has been a huge blessing to me and my plants! 2) Iā€™ve been wondering how much my EM/Fruit ferment foliar spraying has been helping me avoid fungal infections just due to low pH (3.5) coating of the leaves? 3) For Botrytis/Bud rot problems, read through Bobā€™s thread; ā€œHypoclourious Acid - A deep diveā€. I am extremely impressed by the results Iā€™ve seen since Bob turned me on to the whole thingā€¦itā€™s become a looong thread, but worth the read. Halfway (?) through he goes into some explanation about the little machines you can buy to produce it yourself for pennies if you happen to live waaay out in the sticks like me. I bought a few different machines and was worth the cost (especially the very inexpensive USB ones that only produce 100ml at a time or the 350 ml. unitā€¦they were like $2 & $15 and produce enough to head off things right at the start IF YOU CATCH IT AT THE START!



Sorry Dirt for not responding I donā€™t come here that often. The mexican is like a sativa hybrid. The Spin Ghar a bit different the buds when they start to form look like sativa buds. The effects are med-strong but not as sedative as a indica. I donā€™t like to describe effects too much because we all get effected differently from the same strain.


Thanks for posting that up, and I respect that, everyoneā€™s got different receptors and strains hit different. I got a cross of your PMH in a trade recently and Iā€™m excited to try it when I get a chance. Good looking stuff youā€™ve got, Iā€™m definitely going to keep a couple of those things in mind when Iā€™m back working again and thinking about buying seeds. I dig that your work seems to be a balance between preservation line breeding and original crosses, you probably have a good collection of puro types to be making big F1 vigor with.


My apologies if the research posts and ideas are too frequent, but I wanted to put this out to the group because Iā€™ve never seen this before and itā€™s tickling my brain. So weā€™ve probably all heard the G13 story where a guy was THC testing the flowers from raw P1 Afghani seeds for Carlton Turner at UMiss and he sent Sandy at Sacred Seeds the selection of them with a note that #13 was incredibly powerful and testing off the charts. Etc, etc. Iā€™m pretty suspicious of that story because it ties into the Sacred myth, which I donā€™t believe personally. Iā€™ve heard enough from old growers in that area at the time to be convinced that there was no way a group was doing that kind of work without any other heads knowing and rememering. Leaving that question aside, I wanted to post this snippet of an old article I donā€™t have full access to, from 1974, testing the phytosterols of a cannabis sample from UMiss and a Thai sample. The Mississippi sample was coded MS-13 for Mississippi State/Sample #13, and this paper was published right around when the G13 is supposed to have started circulating. What do people think of the possiblity that the MS-13 cutting got loose in 1973 or so when they were doing this research and is whatā€™s now known as G-13? Am I just trying too hard to find an answer to something thatā€™s lost to history?


Keep posting them. I read them all


This ended up getting posted first in another thread but I wanted to crosspost here because I originally intended it for this topic:


Iā€™m needing the newest discovery landraces and some rare , DM and letā€™s discuss what you got and need from me to have a nice set to work up.

I want to phenotype hunt through landraces to find the best ones.

Iā€™ll make sure youā€™re gifted back the landraces after I raise them too.

Hereā€™s the Turkish Hash plant I just did a landrace project with outdoors.


Am a little late to the party but am growing out the 1990 Master Kush X Afghaan90 now from The Real Seed Co. aka Kwik Seeds. Doing the root pruning thing again, this time with MicroKote - #32 by OldUncleBen


Absolutely gorgeous looking plant, makes me consider acquiring some of these genetics


Wowā€¦ Beautifull plant.


@GregOG Your Turkish Hash plant looks great. I wouldnā€™t mind growing it. :wink:
Whatā€™s the Sativa looking plant next to her?