Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Hey there all you landrace fanciers.
I recently received a decent pile of seeds collected from weed grown in the Odisha Valley, India.
“Seeds are sourced from the buds me and my friend bought directly from the guerrilla farmers"
The word is it’s super resistant to high humidity and the botrytis associated but is fairly wild. So regular landrace cautions would apply. Low germ rate, chance of intersex, long flower times, raggedy looking buds(with amazing effects :drooling_face:)
I gave a bunch out on the Landraces of India thread and have sent out my commitments there. Still have some to give out so if anyone here would like to have some, speak up, and I’ll get them out to you. I have enough to accommodate 10 members for now. :grin::v:
Thank you to my anonymous friend for getting these into the OG community!! I appreciate it!!