Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Pretty accurate description of him. LOL

Normally a dog won’t go past the daylight into a hole not big enough to turn around in. He disappears and critters flee onto the surface.


My dog use to obsess on gopher holes, and if he had been smaller, I have no doubt he would’ve gone as far as he could in that hole. He used to get a huge bite on the earth and break it off since the holes seemed to run about 4-6 inches under the surface. I probably have some old pics of him with his head completely underground, :joy:.


The little dudes have such a good reverse gear they can just run backwards or flex into a noodle and turn around, I haven’t had a dog for years but my next is likely to be a dachshund or mix, I need something under 40lbs that’s spicy like the big working dogs I grew up with so I can carry them around on a bicycle rack, trailer, or backpack and go places with me. Dachshunds are high on the list along with small Aussie shepherd mixes and a few other dogs with outsized bravery and personality.

On a weed-related note, I can imagine that there must have been many landrace and heirloom growers around the world who kept packs of ratting/tunnel dogs to protect their plantations from the rodents that love to eat weed plants and hang out in irrigated soils. I know that here in New England most people don’t do it anymore but it was traditional to have terriers or something similar living at orchards to protect the fruit the same way some farmers put up raptor posts for hunting perches or nesting boxes to do the same sort of pest management.


Sounds like tropical sativa are the go for you then, I lived in an area for the last three years that was similar, I couldn’t grow any indica unfortunately so I just spend the time collecting high quality old school sativa from the local area. The monsoons make it difficult for sure, especially if you’re getting them twice a year!

I was thinking this morning that you may also be able to line the holes with shade cloth as a termite barrier that will still drain. Maybe a combination of the granite dust barrier and shade cloth?


Dachshunds are very cool. I have one and she’s solid black. It started out as dog-sitting, but neither she nor I wanted her to go back to my mother-in-law. She’s perfect about barking, which is to say she doesn’t bark unless something requires my attention. She’s also a merciless little hunter, who actually eats whole raw trout.


I know this is a bit off topic sorry but I have to tell this experience especially after reading about raptor poles. I was leaving sprouts yesterday and all of a sudden a bunch of pigeons flew into me and there was an explosion of feathers everywhere! Then I notice this beautiful red tailed hawk with a pigeon pinned to the ground under it’s talons. WTF it was so cool the hawk looked around at all the people kinda like ya I did that then flew up to the roof of the building with his meal. This was in the city and worst part is my phone died in sprouts signing up for @Rhai88 st. Patty day giveaway. My girl was like take a pic pulled my phone out DAMN IT it was still dead. Lmao


where did you find this weird A-type classification? Never heard of it-

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In this study, it’s in the second screenshot in the post:


Love Mandala’s service. Will see how their Ace Golden Tiger crosses with Malawi or Panama do.

Hard to beat Kwik Seeds too for mailing to the states or anywhere for that matter.

Moral of the story, “can’t kiss all the purty women but it’s sure fun to try”.



Haa, haa, haa! Very cool @OldUncleBen ! Now you’ve got me wondering about those Arunothai beans??? Well, we’re on the way to finding out!

By the way, these are the very first seeds of which I have not had to remove helmets off of a single seed!



Germ them in tall containers that don’t restrict the foot system.

Good luck!


Thanks @OldUncleBen ! Yep, due to numbers of things I’m germinating, I need to germ in plug trays. But they’re going straight into solo cups this morning! I have some very old Hawaiian Solo Sunrise Papaya seeds that I worked on the development of 45 years ago! (these are fresher than that :joy: , but still a couple years old) and they are likewise fast, deep taprooters, so multi-transplanting today! I’ll post progress! Those strains you mentioned are quite interesting, but I’m hot on finding them directly from the source location…so hoping there’s a tie-in to the Arunothai.



25 posts were merged into an existing topic: Citrus Tree Love

I think that must be the Carmagnola Gigante, given that study above that found Carmagnola to be a pure homozygous “A” genotype, uncrossed to anything since its ancient separation from common antecedents:

Italy Hemp collections.pdf (662.3 KB)

Italian hemp essential oil study .pdf (1.1 MB)

Found a good looking Italian hemp genetics study from the 90s in Agroindustria but can’t find a PDF other than author request on ResearchGate, and this Yumpu scan:


I want both yet have neither


Hey there all you landrace fanciers.
I recently received a decent pile of seeds collected from weed grown in the Odisha Valley, India.
“Seeds are sourced from the buds me and my friend bought directly from the guerrilla farmers"
The word is it’s super resistant to high humidity and the botrytis associated but is fairly wild. So regular landrace cautions would apply. Low germ rate, chance of intersex, long flower times, raggedy looking buds(with amazing effects :drooling_face:)
I gave a bunch out on the Landraces of India thread and have sent out my commitments there. Still have some to give out so if anyone here would like to have some, speak up, and I’ll get them out to you. I have enough to accommodate 10 members for now. :grin::v:
Thank you to my anonymous friend for getting these into the OG community!! I appreciate it!!


This sounds interesting. I wouldn’t mind a taste please.


I’ll jump on that. They sound very interesting.


Right on @Foreigner . Shoot me a message with an address.:v:


I’ll take a shot. I hope to run a number of landrace this summer. Do you have any other information on it? Is it sativa or sativa dom? I’ll dm an addy if it’s cool. Thanks! peace