Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I have a couple plants from near the equator and they are flowering Under 12 hours light cycle. Ethiopia is a bit north of the equator so these would definitely flower under that cycle if you choose to go that route. I usually start at 12 hours and knock 15 minutes off the light cycle each month…or try to anyway. Some days they get 12 hours, some days they get 11 and 1/2. Doesn’t seem to bother them. Starting at more hours of light and slowly giving them less light mimics what they’re used to in nature, but 10 and 1/2 half hours is what some people recommend for the whole cycle, so I’m curious to see your results. It would send the message to the plant that it’s time to flower, but I don’t think I would increase light hours as they grow… it could confuse the plant.
I don’t know that a short light cycle would get the plant to sex quicker. Tropical plants Show sex when they are old enough, regardless of light cycle, so far as I know, as long as its 12/12 or less.(edit… that made no sense. Smoke another one Upstate🤣)
Should have said as long as its 12/12 or less they will flower lol.


for the 5 weeks in veg i gave the plant 19 hours, i swear though its a female, but i could be wrong , time will tell, but yes i just dont want growth thats too over whelming. i still want to try for getting cuts on this, i was also thing if it is a female i can hit her with pollen from a different strain but i may try to spray one of the clones with sts, be cool to try to get this in female seeds, so thats a thought,
the pollen i would use perhaps, ghost train haze f2, or choclate thai, those would be the sativa strains i could use but not 100% sure yet


Sounds like a good plan regardless of what you do. The picture was a bit too blurry for me to see any sex parts. I would be surprised if it has sexed yet…4 to 8 weeks after the light change for most pure Sativas.


maybe im hoping. yeah i will keep you updated when i see for sure


I’m good been making female pollen and seeds for 2 years use 240ppm CS spray works a treat


I was reading over my conversation with the guy you got the ShashaMane from. It has a 5 month life cycle. Probably flowers around 16 weeks?

Thai plants coming along.


those are filling in nicely , your going to be happy come harvest time


Very beautiful sativa there!


Lovely plant!


First time growing Thai. They are quite unique plants for sure. Crazy resin for a tropical variety. Quite manageable. Grown in a 2 gallon pot til 2 weeks ago. Transplanted into 5 gallon to help with yield. Those( larger)buds have seen a foot of rain fall on them. Resin still intact.


Has anyone grown the Tirah from RSC? Just found some in my collection that I don’t even remember ordering


so i lost my Shashamne sativa this morning. she had small bud sites going as i looked at her just the other day, i thought yes a female. well today i look and she hermed out bad, so i chopped as i have other ladies in the tent.
i have a question
is it normal for land race strains to push herms?
i am disappointed but i will get over it.
i also took a few cuts that im waiting to get roots on, do you guys think the cuts will herm out as well?


Most definitely I’d say clones will probably do the same.


yeah, pretty normal, for tropical landraces. In the end, smoke it before you discharged even the last plant. cause i find it looks like quiet happy smoke. Probably you could outcros later on to similar Lines


thank you @ShiskaberrySavior i have been told the same, and i should toss them
Thank you @romanoweed i was hoping for a good run with out the herms but…

so ive been told i should toss the cuts as like you guys said they will herm,
so i may do just that or keep one and see how it works out. i guess in the future when i try this strain again ill see what happens.
ive run indica land races and some s. American, well maybe 2 or 3, and never tried anything from Africa, at least now i know. i had my hopes set high on this strain so im kind of bummed but ill get over it.
Thank you Guys


What size container was the plant in? Small containers can cause hermaphrodite tendencies, as can too much nitrogen and putting the plant straight into flower mode. If you have the space what can it hurt to give a Clone a shot? Give it a larger container and keep the nitrogen level low. If you pissed the plant off somehow, it should only throw out male flowers for a week or two. If it is a true hermaphrodite there is nothing you can do. Toss it in that case. I will always pull off the first flowers to give the plant a chance to recover (I’m fanatical searching the plant over, and I’ve never had that situation in a room full of seedless flowers.) Some plants throw out a quick burst of male flowers and then no more.
I grew an Indian sativa this summer and I had it in a very small container because it was a male and I intended to use its pollen. A month into the flowering cycle it began throwing out female flowers, probably in response to stress. The plant ended up pollinating itself and then became predominantly female . I really wanted to try this land race, and I only got the one plant from my pack of seeds , so I up potted the plant. I began picking off the male flowers so I could get some bud to smoke. Now it is a “pure” female and I haven’t seen any male flowers in well over a month. Probably 6 weeks. I’m going to grow the seed from it to see what they are. I’m hoping somehow they are normal seeds, but I’m realistic too. Good chance they will all be hermaphrodite . But, if it is stress induced according to some well respected breeders I can get male and female plants from these seeds. That’s my hope.
Landrace plants can react in many ways due to the shock of their new environment, not only climate-wise, but being grown in a container and without the soil microbes they are used to coexisting with. Very stressful. So I would say go for it myself. I would actually keep the big plant alive. If you can thoroughly check it twice a day and pull all male flowers off and eat them😁 I guarantee you won’t have any seeds. If you take all of them off the plant, making sure you get that little stem that attaches the male flowers to the main stalk the first time it should give you a good week before you have to deal with it again. It’s when you have male flowers popping out of the female flowers that you get issues because they are hard to find. Almost every strain I have grown the male flowers take at least twenty-four hours to fully develop and open although I have seen quicker… you’ll have to have your shit together if you decide to keep it


it was blowing out flowers every where,
i chopped and topssed the clones, i had though i may have stressed it yes, but the flows and bananas where mixed as in they where coming out of the flower sites and the stalk.
she was in a 5 gal , i think she was stressed but i could be wrong,
, ill be trying again soon once i finish up with this run here in around 5 weeks.
i vegged her for only 5 weeks and i feel from what i seen ill try for a 6 week next time,
i dont think i was over feeding nitrogen, if anything i i was doing water and a once a week feed, real light too, 1/2 teaspoon to a gal of npk, grow. ill have to look at the numbers again on the package.
i have a lambs bread im running now that threw out a few that ive picked off, awhile back i want to say booth hermed out, the shashamane was real bad though, the lambs bread had a few here and there, nothing that a little picking couldnt take care of. ill run a few seeds next time so i have more to choices on what one(s) to keep.
i wont be giving up but since i have a whole garden going i just needed to be safe on my part


Always a shame to have to give in to reality and kill a plant. Sounds like you did the right thing. You had it in better conditions than i would have, with a longer veg, too. What kind of light? My Oaxaca doesn’t care for hps…so it appears. I’m trying to figure out if this is the case or i did something else…I switched from veg( blue light cfl) to 1000 watt hps for flowering, and a plant threw bananas out for a week or two. This summer a different plant was outdoors, brought in on a wet day under hps and male flowers again a week later. Anything similar happen with yours? @blendmedmedman


That would drive me crazy


I tend to believe that the environments that we stuff landraces/IBL’s into, are one stresser for sure. If it’s special, work with it and you may be surprised. Give it a better growing environment, not giving it any reason to be stressed. As hungry growers, we tend to try and fit things into our own environment, and our own schedules.

I’ve had plants herm on me and was even warned about it. But, when i put extra work into them, I’ve had success growing them again with no issues. One I’ve crossed it to has shown no herm issues since. Cannabis is wired to survive and if it has some indication it may not, it will work to reproduce itself. It’s not always a dominant thing, imo.