Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Yeah, the only Drug-Type Samples they have from Peru, Northamerica and Germany :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Just joking… But go figure.


According with my personal Gen guy … Robert CC


Since I have no journal, I’ll update here. NY has been dry almost a week, hallelujah! Hopefully my nitrogen nightmares are ended for now. I never had so much trouble keeping nitrogen available to plants in a container. Next time I’ll make some sort of soil cover to prevent leaching of nutes by rain. Despite everything, the plants are coming along nicely. Here are a few pics…
Goroka Highland…

Secret Thai…


@Upstate Always enjoy checking out your posts, always an informative read. Love your work with the sativas too. I also wanted to say thanks for making the Malana available.


Hi guys … brief report from South America …

We have Colombia … 3 Landraces …Top Gold Top Coke Top Coffe Top Roses

The best buds goes to Chile … In recent years the Colombinha aka Skank after a big market research kkk Put this comodity avaible in all south east Brasil … 15 years ago = Never imagine … the future ?

Brasil have 1 Landrace … Manga Rosa … 12 weeks plus … North Bahia … Cabrobó … Pernambuco
Another triangle … Huge production … Not for sale in the Paraguayan and Colombian market =Rio and São Paulo … Land of the pressed … not the loose .

Uruguay is legal and home of the BR dealers …Good flowers goes to the south of Brasil . Not here .

Paraguay rules the mass … Try to trim 5 football fields … Ufa the wings is from Vespas not Croachs .

Japanese man with 1000 seeds from Seedsman … The polen the wind …

Kushayo my personal … Paraguay and Rio same 23°S

Both very unstable



In my opinion Sudan is related to Moroccan. There is a nearly branchless phenotype ( 3rd photo down) that is very resinous and reminds me so much of the Moroccan I grew Last Summer. The “Autoflower” trait is also explained by this relation I believe exists. The question is, how far down into the tropics were these genetics carried? Is there a Central African “Autoflower” waiting to be found?
So far absolutely zero mold or fungus of any kind on these plants. And we have had an extremely wet summer


Looking great they seem to be liking your weather . Some nice buds in the making.

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Thats a beauty, definitely need to add her to my garden


I’m really liking these plants. The real Seed Company description called them a semi dwarf variety and thought between 3 to 6 ft tall for a finished height, which seems accurate. I think the plants have been budding around a month now, and they have just hit turbo mode. I’m hoping to harvest in 8 weeks or so, just before our weather turns.
I found a couple really nice males and I’ll be making some seeds. Not a ton of them, but enough to pass a few out…


Couple more shots…


I’m pleasantly surprised how well they’re holding up to the damp. Today my wife and I were talking about how pleasant it is and that the humidity had dropped along with the temperature. So I took a look and its still up at 68% humidity LOL. It’s been about 90% for a long time. I don’t know how long this variety has been in Sudan, but long enough to add two weeks to the flowering time, increase the branching, and apparently also getting used to a more wet and humid climate than Morocco.


this is SHASHAMANI SATIVA (Ethiopian sativa)
i had 2 going but didnt like one, this one seems to be female and is indoors flowering now i think 2 weeks, should be fun so ill see how this goes.
The seeds are from east Africa genetics,
thanks to @Upstate for letting me know about the seed company


im bending the plant down to expose more light on the lower branches so i can try to get cuts from this one


Funny enough this just arrived from my mate in Europe

Pakistani Chitral Kush
Only bad thing about them are their regular seeds lol,don’t know what I’m going to do with them yet


[quote=“Irishrocker, post:1078, topic:13660”]
Chitral Kush
Only bad thing about them are their regular seeds lol,don’t know what I’m going to do with them yet
[/quote] Well, you should grow them of course, LOL. I would be happy to personally help you identify any male plants, and should you decide to do so I would be happy to help you make your first seeds, in very limited quantity, or open pollination.


Looking good! I always loved watching sativas grow. Sometimes they start off really Indica looking and the leaves get narrower and narrower as the plant gains age. What light cycle are you on? How are you growing it?


i want to say i am on 10 1/2 on but it could be 11 on. ill look later. i have her in a rock wool cube that ill put another under it in around 4 weeks, she is under led lighting.
yes they are fun, i put her in flower about 2 weeks ago, i am not 100% if she is in the flowering cycle yet.
i want to make sure she gets in flower. i expect this to get around 6 ft or so, i vegged this one for only 5 1/2 weeks. or until i started seeing the roots coming from the bottom so i know the root system is good. i have awhile to go on this one but it will turn out nice.


Sativas generally take at least four weeks before they will even show sex after the lights are flipped. Maybe it will be quicker with shorter light cycle, I don’t know. Sometimes they can take six weeks, or even 8. Original lambsbread flowered 20 weeks oh, so I would say the longer the better


Goroka. Not quite sure how long this one has been flowering. It began its life with a 12-12 cycle back in March, but at one point I thought it was a male so I put it outside sometime in June for at least a week or two at which time I noticed it was a female and not a male. So I put it back on the 12/12 cycle. So my guess is it’s been flowering somewhere between 16 and 20 weeks… I’m pleasantly surprised it didn’t throw male flowers from the abuse It suffered under my care. Tough plant. Easiest sativa I ever grew.


yeah im not 100% sure if its a female im 75% sure it is though since its been under the cycle now for 2 weeks, i just change it from 11 to 10h and 35 mins. i figure it should show with this, then ill slowing adjust back to 11 so i get those extra minutes cause they add up.
ill look at the Ethiopian light cycle so i can get it close. would love to stay on the 12/12 but have to be sure its flowering as im inside, i ran a punta roja the same way under 11 hours, big stretch on that one. im also running a female lambs bred by pev seeds, and started seeing herms here and there, is that normal for that strain to do? and do you think this shashamne sativa may do the same? since it could be lambs bred, but i would say no since its a true land race, but you never do know