Landscape photos. Show your beautiful bits!

Mmmm Sweet Tooth. Those old Dutch genetics make my mouth water. Is that from Barney’s, or somewhere else?

I did Varanasi, Kolkata, and Jodhpur as well. Varanasi was absolutely nuts. The entire town is filled with narrow mazes of alleys. Got so lost there multiple times. The funeral pyres never stop burning there. I distinctly remember sitting in a little stall drinking a lassi and a group of 6 guys came walking by carrying a corpse wrapped in a white sheet on the way to be cremated. Also, I had been in Rishikesh earlier in the trip and had swam in the Ganges there as the water is “clean” since it’s close to the source of the glacier. In Varanasi, you couldn’t pay me enough to dip a toe in the same river.


It was a freebie from Canuk Seeds - the house brand of True North. It was a 6 hour trim - a larfy stretched plant with a lot of immature seeds. A poor pollen chucker’s product at best. But it smells great & the buds are seriously sticky.

@Panamajock These you may recognize . . . scans from cheap film cameras '95 - '96 . . .

Panama City. You posted a similar photo with fewer buildings. :wink:

A Kuna village in the San Blas


Interesting… Ye back in time… They have added a lot of high rises since then (the biggest ones seem to be big banking companies).

Tourism is spoiling San Blas… The Kuna Indians don’t want no more, they are very independent people… And. The amount of yachts, even cruise Liners anchoring of there islands are causing big problems on there environment.

Thanks for posting

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The San Blas was just getting warmed up. We flew into El Porvenir - it was just a grass strip then & we motored around in a modified dugout - without any lifejackets of course . . . You haven’t lived until you hopped over a mountain in a Twin Otter . . .

ps . . . I know it is not a landscape photo. I will try to do better . . . :woozy_face:


Not at all …I have a strong feeling for the indigenous Indians of Panama…especially the Kuna…and Kuna yala is a paradise…you know the Kuna woman are the head of the household…if she wants you out…you go lol

Only once have they married outside there clan and that was a missionary.

The Knobe Indians are different here in Chiriqui…they are used in agriculture here…cheap labor…yet back in the day …they repelled Christopher Columbus from Bocas de Tora and chiriqui.

Nobody would ever own or persecute the Kuna.

The Embera also known as the Choco Indians who share Colombia and Panama …there a different story.

The Kuna Molas are exceptional …not the cheap tourist tat you buy…

A bought this Kuna one in Puerto Obalada ,border with Colombia about ten year ago. They put there dreams into needle work, mostly about food…the Mola has fish,crabs etc…maybe that’s why they say Panama is the land of fishes.

When you look at that mola…it’s very hard to see any stitching…Kuna women wear them like a apron.
Air Panama used to fly there …hard to get to now.!
Sos…about the edits…but when I review and see my spelling…I need to edit.


Kuna yala flag and a other mola.

All about fish (food)


I spent some time in the Punjab - Armritsar, Batala and a few other small villages.
Amazing place!


Hey bud. Amritsar is groovy right? I’m guessing you went to the Sikh Golden Temple while there. I spent a couple days there and crashed in a dorm they have across the street. Really cool experience. Amazing lot friendly ppl there. Had a killer meal at a bus stop stall in Amritsar also. Good times man :v:t2:


Please do not apologize about that photo.
While not a classic “Landscape” - I think it speaks volumes…
The boat’s gunwale, the water, plane and the people - I feel like I can almost smell the air and feel the breeze.

Nice shot!


The Golden Temple was cool - ate at “The Crystal” across the street afterwards.
I missed the bus stop, almost got mugged by a kid gang, got lost up by Pakistan and ended up on the roof of a bus smoking something STRONG with some old men while riding on the roof rack back to Batala - Bhang mixed with opium if the effects could describe it.

That trip was entirely surreal. What a blast! :grinning:


Right on! India is wild! I have a bunch of gnarly stories from my time there too. It truly is it’s own world, especially with the population, castes and cultures, etc.


Early morning on the outskirts of Göreme, Turkey. Some of the strange rock formations.


Yes, we bought molas from the Kuna women who were selling their work from the doorway of their huts in the village. $1 - $2 - crazy cheap once you haggled a bit. I remember that they had calculators to show you the price . . .


Whits Lakes Spring
West Yellowstone, Montana


This rather dismal photo was taken out of the van window on the way back to Beijing from Badaling on a very cold, cloudy February day.


Partial eclipse of the moon off my deck early morning looking south west .P5251987


Right after a rain storm blew threw the in-laws place tonight .


Some dude relaxing in the water taxi to Soufrière, St. Lucia on a fine February day. He got in the boat & flamed a joint that he thoroughly enjoyed. I was somewhat jealous. The Pitons were dead head.

This is the view of Petit Piton from the Tet Paul trail.


Looks to be a beautiful spot to be relaxing and having a smoke break.


Rio Puerco