Large brown sections, growth tips dying

Hi All,

Never thought I’d find myself here - but now I need some help.

I’m finding on some of my plants I’m getting large sections of leaf area dying off like this:

As well, the plants located on the edge of the tent, that previously had a fan blowing on them had the growth tips dying off - dropping and dying - without the other leaves lower dropping:

These are 2 different cultivars.

Other plants in the tent are unaffected.

Growing in ocean forest - all organic. Have amended with malted barley (mixed and watered in) and fed once 2-3 weeks ago with fish emulsion and biothrive bloom.

All pots irrigated with Blumats.

Anyone have any idea? This developed over the last week or so.

Edit - I have moved the fan from blowing direct on the plants that the growth tips dies on. This is only the plant on the tent side doing this - the rest of the growth seems ok.


Hemp russet mites, your in for a fight but they can be beat…
Here is my routine…
Get lost coast plant therapy, or old stage green cleaner.
Use recommended dosage and spray daily for 7 days, then every other day, making sure to saturate the entire plant, contrary to belief they do not lay eggs inside the plant, the bug it’s self is microscopic so the eggs are super tiny and hide in miniscule cracks and crevices…
Use sns 209 as directed in veg, makes it distasteful to bugs…
Get some amino acids and some calcium… I use nectar for the gods…
This should raise your brix and increase the pectin between cells making it more difficult for them to suck the life out of your plant…
DO NOT STOP spraying once your plants recover… life cycle of the bug is around 3 weeks,
The only other option is to shut down for a month or longer. Clean everything with bleach. they won’t survive without a cannabis plant around…


Holy shit! How the f did I get those??!

I’m 4 weeks into flower… can I spray at this point?

Can I not just kill off the plant showing issues?

I am shutting down for a few months after this crop… but jeez - I’m shocked.


Edit - reading more on this and I’m stunned… I keep a pretty clean grow. This is the first time I have used ocean forest soil - bought from a hydro store… could it have been in the soil?


It is not russet mites lol not a chance, russet mites make ur leaf taco and they eat ur pistils I am sure it isn’t russets. Doesn’t look like any type of insect imo


Those are only some of the symptoms of russets, actually early symptoms… In a progressed infection they will kill off new growth shoots, cause what looks to be a fungal disease or nute deficiency, I literally just went through this… If you have a 1000x scope and look at underside of the damaged leaves I’ll bet there are russet mites on them…
@man-bot the can be brought in on wind, new clones and possibly the soil though that is less likely… Green clean and plant therapy are technically safe to spray in flower, Dr zymes is another option,
Yes you can remove the infected plant to lessen the population, but they are likely on the other plants too… I forgot to mention remove all damaged plant material as well…

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No way this is russet mites without the taco and the dead eaten pistils. Dont go telling this guy wrong info getting him scared. I’d put money on it that it isn’t russet mites


U wont get some symptoms of mites lol it is like getting the webs without the leaf damage one goes hand in hand with the other. If u have russets u get all the symptoms and from what I see from ur pics I see mo symptoms of russets and I’ve had them outdoor 2 times and k ow what they look like

Literally just had the same symptoms as him, and this is a hemp russet mite at 1000x magnification on my own plant…


Well u musta had more then just russets. Please explain to me how he can have russets with all his pistils and now leaf taco? And also please explain to me how the mites are eating the plant and causing orange crispy spots? And I see the leaf ur magnifying is green why is that if they are making the plant have dry orange spots? Just curious we dont wanna spread misinformation when this guys plants are at stake. I’d say it is specific to the strain and may be a nute or ph thing but def not russets. Also if one plant has em then he would have multi plants with em russets spread

Here is a small clone trying to recover from russets… Leaves don’t always taco up

Russets inject a poison into the plant when feeding causing the leaf to die off,
Are you sure you’re not confusing hemp russet mites with broad mites? They have similar symptoms…
That particular section of the leaf was green, it was mottled like his…
Russets can’t move very far, spread is slow unless male mites carry the female to new locations, and some plants actually resist them, the space cake I have they don’t like, wedding cake they love…
I am not trying to scare him, I literally just went through this and learned a lot about these things…


That is not a plant and it is far from flower, he is in flower and if he had russet mites he would have leaf taco and pistils eaten. Always 100 percent of the time. I am not confusing it with anything I think u may be mistaken especially in the way u talk about fixing the problem. Russet mites are way smaller then spider mites and can be blown in from wind. They are no joke but I have never seen em indoor but I promise you the problem is not russets. Google russet mite damage in veg and u will see

Hemp Russet Mite Revision July 2018).pdf (305.5 KB)

@man-bot take my advice or don’t, I’m just trying to help…

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Yes initial signs are “curling among the edges of the leaf” he has none of that also I dont see any leaf snapping at the petiole do you? The later stages of infestations cause the discoloration also the discoloration or rust color is different then what he has u can Google it and see pics which ur page does not show so it is easy to misinterpret what u read

No need to get salty there buddy just trying to convince you. The link shows exactly what I described and am not seeing in his pics so u are strengthening my argument. But for real I am 100 percent sure he doesn’t have russets I am not saying u didnt have em as I never saw ur pics other then that clone u showed me.

You missed the “not expressed in all plants”…
I’m not debating any more…he can take my advice or not…

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If I were u I’d check ur ph of the soil and the runoff and go from there. Get a loupe to check ur leaf if u think he may be right but when I am unsure of an issue in my gardens I’ll google the problem first and then ask the forums if I cant figure it out from google. U will be wasting ur time trying to spray ur plant with pesticides/insecticides when u should be figuring out what’s really wrong. It’s cool he tried to help u but he really is wrong

I’ve never seen russet mites so I’m not sure either way, but I’d definitely get a magnifier and check for them first to be sure. If you do have them you want to know ASAP, if you don’t then you bought a bit of piece of mind and you can start looking at other things.

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@beacher Let me ask u a question tho if u google russet mites and look at the pic does it look similar or even close?

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