Large brown sections, growth tips dying

Not really, but there are a few pics that are somewhat similar like this:

Worst case Ontario he spends a couple bucks on a microscope that he’ll be glad to have in his garden for years to come.


U ain’t lying it is definitely something good to have in ur garden that’s for sure.


We can all agree on that I think…


I’m going to check PH.

I have a jewellers loupe - but I don’t think that will do the job. I’ll see if I can get a scope off Amazon.

Thanks everyone - I do appreciate the feedback!


Should be a digital 1000x one that plugs to your phone for pretty cheap… That’s what I used…
And I do agree with @Silversurfer on checking ph its a good thing to do often and is probably one of the first thing to check when you have a problem you can’t immediately figure out…
@Silversurfer please don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to come off as salty, I think we’re just debating… and I’m pretty confident in my assessment… as you are yours… So we’ll have to agree to disagree on this one… Cool?


Of course no problem in that


Just as a follow up - scope came today so I checked one of the browning leaves… doesn’t appear to be mites on it:

There was one questionable thing - but I think it’s just something on the leaf not a mite:

I’ll have to check on one of the leaf tips that died back… will get pics and report back.

Will be checking ph this weekend too.


Is the new growth exhibiting the orange dry spots too?

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No - that’s what’s weird… I’ve never had anything like this.

It doesn’t seem to be getting worse either so maybe there was an issue previously that’s now resolved?

The side where the leaf tips died back seem happy now they’ve been cut back, blumats adjusted and fan not blowing on them directly.

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Send a full canopy shot if possible and another shot of the infected plant. It didnt look like something that would kill the plant or any type of insect, I’d expect it is as u said and it just got fixed unknowingly


Will do when lights come on tomorrow AM.

Thanks everyone for the help!

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Well, maybe not a whole month but good advice I learned the hard way.

I have a lot less mold, bugs, problems since I switched to mylar tents from my cabinet.


what magnification is that? looks like it’s 50x-100x at most

Scope says 50x to 1000x. The first 2 pics are closer to 50 and the last is cranked right up.

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Still look clean as a whistle regardless of what x it is

you wouldn’t see them at 50x is why i was asking

I see the confusion now…I’m looking at the damage on the left side of the second picture…
The dead growth tips, the curled and distorted leaves… Honestly didn’t see the first pic… Yeah I call that a PH issue or something similar…
Hope you don’t mind I grab the pic to illustrate…
This is what I’m looking at


Yup - that damage looks a lot more like russet mites. I have to get in there and grab some of the dead tips tomorrow and I’ll scope them and share!

The other leaf things are just odd. Plants are super healthy otherwise.


Ok - here we go, closeup shot of the wilted tips:

I don’t see any bugs - anyone else?

I think this may have been a combo of fan and heater location and just drying out the growth tips.

Thanks everyone for your help