Large brown sections, growth tips dying

That’s great man!
Just to be sure. I would inspect more than the tips though… I would check the whole leaf especially the ones that are cupped…


Definitely will do.

@Dewb - thanks so much for your help!

U still looking for bugs? Thought we realized it wasnt busted but something else

I really don’t think it’s mites, even russets.

Most problems are environmental or pH related before pests.

Many problems look like other problems, but I’m with @Silversurfer on this one.


Just more covering off all suggestions - only thought it was fair to check one of the growth tips that died off. Just so all participants could see :slight_smile:

Certainly doesn’t point to bugs at all - more environment… which I have corrected.

So should be good from here out!


After reading this from the start, i reckon it’s been a combo of wind-burn ( from fan.) and ph off whack, but it seems that @man-bot‘s got it sorted now …:+1:. !?
Good luck with the rest of your grow. :crossed_fingers:.!!
Happy growing,

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