Large fan leaves

I’m not sure how to approach this. The strain is blue fire and it’s in its 5th week of veg from from seed. The fan leaves are monstrous and block the bottom nodes a fair bit. How should I manage this

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Tuck them under and behind with bread ties or defoliate a bit so light gets where it’s needed. Not to much though! :smiley:


She’s in veg. Just let her do her thing. When you flip to 12/12 and she starts to stretch the node spacing will increase and more light will be available to the lower portion of the plant :+1:


Took your advice man and shes now 19 days into flower and fucking booming. Thanks my dude @esrgood4u


Nice one. LITFA always works. They grow fine without our help in the wild so why mess with them?? You should upload a picture of her for others to see what (L)eaving (I)t (T)he (F)uck (A)lone can achieve :+1:


It’s the one on the left on the right is blue dream which I also applied your advice. I’ll try and get better pics later


She’s flying. The stretch allows more light to the nodes. But it’s the leafs that use the light for energy so unless the leafs are blocking bud sites leave them alone. In a couple of weeks I’d be trimming the lower bud sites that don’t seem to be growing as well as the rest. Basically the skinny small stems I’d get rid of if it’s budding or not so it can transfer the energy into the bigger important buds. She’s looking as good as any grow I’ve ever had. :+1:


Thanks man first time doing all this shit I’ve definitely had my set backs in the last 3 months with breaking some stems and shit but I’ve realized how resilient these plants are lol. Now I just gotta find a way to knock down the electric bill lol.


Solstrips :wink: my best grow buy ever :+1:

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Looks like they are stacking pretty well for days 19? What’s your opinion


Yeah them colas will fill right up. Shes a lovely shade of green and healthy so she should stretch for around 3 - 4 weeks then start putting on weight. Keep doing what your doing. :+1:

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nice images




Looks great! Definitely a good chunkiness for 19 days. I can’t believe how sativa that Blue dream looks.

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Yea man I thought I was doing something wrong at first because of how light the plant is and I just realized over time this thing just wants to grow to the moon. Plant stretched a ton I had to work hard to keep her down. Bud sites literally everywhere and chunky. Very happy at the moment for my first grow really waiting to see how much I yield from her

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