Yakattack03's Garden

New member here and first time grower. Her is a backstory on these plants. Now into week 5 of veg and my ladies (hopefully ladies) are doing well but seem to be a little stunted possibly from stress. these bag seed plants have been doing incredible until I had a slight issue with lockout during my first transplant due to me not regulating my ph in new grow medium. Got that fixed and been steady doing LST and some topping omg got a little carried away with one thought I was going to kill her after I looked down and had taken 8 tops off one plant in one sitting. Okay so now to the delima I have now. Transplanted into 5 gal fabric pots and only need to water once a week until she starts filling up the pot and drinking more. It’s been a few days since transplant and they are doing good but not quite the growth they had before. should I foliar feed to give feeding due to not wanting to overwater. Or just use LIFTA omg lifta is so hard. I can help but thinking there is something I could do to better them. Here are some pics from the get go oh and these are some mystery bag seeds I have pics of bud seeds came from.

Medium is 20% mushroom compost but not the used stuff this is the pasteurized stuff right before being used in mushroom beds. So it’s sterile and has bunch of mycelium in it.
Peat moss dried and microbial enrichment peat moss
Did not use per light due to the mushroom compost being very coarse and has good aeration along with the fabric pots.
When I transplanted the first time water was flowing right through so I got good flow through medium.

Sorry last pic is yesterday and I didn’t get one with light off.


So my pics didn’t load in order many of y’all can figure it out. Here are the pics of the bud I got seeds from. Oh and growing in 2x4x5 tent, 4” intake , 8” exaust ,1000w king plus led, fox farms trio, foliar spray( molasses, aloe flesh, epsom salt, ph’d water).


if soil is still wet, give them some time to recoop after the stress
they will let you know when they need a drink


Yeah, they will take a week to settle in and start growing again. You could foliar feed them, but they look good, so Litfa.


Okay I will lifta except for giving them some love and some soothing music. I figured on the week of recovery to have two weeks of fine tuning before the flip. Anybody got ideas on strain I know it’s not much to go on but was told that it was called skor from Amsterdam but really who knows and I couldn’t find any info on that strain but from research might be purple god.


LITFA the first bottle is on me. :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:


@Yakattack03 better make that free jug of LITFA last ya, @ReikoX charges a fortune for that stuff…


Ok so plants looked all good this morning when I peaked in on them two days ago i picked a leaf that had some yellowing and obviously been eaten on by bugs so I have sprayed neem oil two days in a row and now got a serious problem only 12 hours later from looking good.


Omg now finally calmed down i can describe what’s going on so I get home from work after a 12hr shift and bam yellow leaves starting from the bottom going up and from real yellow to faded yellow also noticed slight tip burn on leaves plant on left not so affected no major yellowing. Haven’t gave nutrients in week and a half that’s the reason for the post earlier I had a feeling that they needed nutrients. No mite webs found or bugs seen I don’t have a magnifying glass but can get one in the morning the what looks like specks or mold that’s just Demetrius earth for the bugs kinda went a little crazy with it. Please help s@$t has hit the fan.

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Can you take a photo with normal day light?

I believe they are nitrogen deficient. Guess I learned my lesson not giving nutrients when transplanting because if you do need to feed them you will have to overwater to do so. It only affected new growth opened from LST the night before.


Really not a big deal. Even healthy plants will have yellow leaves here and there. As before just wait for them to be dry and then give them a feeding!

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This stuff works wonders

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If you check my grow out in the organic section, you will see I did exactly the same as you did nearly 2 weeks ago, except I watered them in too much on transplant, even with food they still did the same thing. The plants go into shock and until they get their roots back in action, they will cannabolize there leaves. So don’t panic they will pick up, I haven’t done anything with mine no food or water for 10 days now and they are just starting to pick up. The last couple of days the leaves have raised a bit.

Also the diatomaceous earth has sodium in it, you have to be careful how much you use. If it gets wet it turns into a horrible sticky mess, not nice.

Too much water will suffocate the plants roots and the the leaves will look terrible. They will pick up you just have to Litfa, and the will bounce back.


When I transplant I water the new ones in with 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutes and they never miss a beat. No reason to use just plain water when repotting.



Problem solved now that I got a new ph meter bc I dropped and broke the one I had when doing runoff from transplant and my ph was slightly off at 6.9. Flushed with some 6.0 ph water and bam runoff at 6.4 now. They should bounce back now.


Good to hear you’re back on track!

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I should have read more about the medium youre growing in.
Having the right ph is top priority everytime you water
Ph your water first before adding nutrients
Check again once the feed has been added and mixed thoroughly

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Just wondering why you would bother to pick prior to adding your nutrients as my nutrients tend to lower the PH if my rain water and then I only have to make a small adjustment to PH afterwards?


Its just more information so you can know what your water is at before and after adding feed to it and the changes in ph that the feed makes. Didnt mean it as an every time occurence or that you must ph up/down before adding feed

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