Lavender Collective Grow Show

I’m utterly amazed how little presence these beans have had on the site after there arrival, I just smoked some my buddy had from last years outdoor and it smelled like candy, when he first pulled it it smelled very much like lavender dryer sheets but has aged to a sweet bubblegum type of smell, still tastes like hash.


I don’t know about presence but there is demand!
While I was away had a couple of dm’s asking me if I ever got my seeds from members looking to trade with me.


Thank God no authority, but I did panic for a bit.


Yeah man, I’m with you. I have a whole stash ill still eventually get to but grew out 1 pheno and was thoroughly impressed. Huge spears for colas and crazy unique terps. I can’t even try to describe them. I had a friend try some who was freaked out by the bud structure, swearing it had to be a sativa by how it looked. He washes a lot of bud in CO for live hash and rosin and he was thinking it’d be a nice change to what normally goes around the Grey market scene there. I’ll probably get into some more of it next year.


Sent a few out and still sitting on a few.


I have two beauties flowering right now out in the garden. I have to try and feed them today so, I’ll get fresh pics. I broke my leg, compound fracture, and having a hard time doing anything. I watered them all yesterday and today I’ll try and get food to each one and water again. I had 34 plants going before. Maybe a few less now as some in pots are getting left out. The ones in the ground are killing it.

I only have two Lavender, but they’re prety stout. Maybe 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall and fat. Man, I can’t wait! Thanks for this preservation @Heritagefarms! I wish we’d get back to preserving some legend stuff. Unfortunately, it seems like most of the co-op runs now are nothing more than making quick seeds for anything and everything. Using only a few plants isn’t really doing a preservation, imo…

Gotta go hop around on my crutches and try and get food to all of the girls. peace


That’s exactly what I look for in my plants, can’t wait to grow some of those out!


The yield on the lavender can be rather impressive, straight spears on a very nice Xmas tree type frame.


@Heritagefarms did you ever get around to the feminised run??? I’d like to give the lavender a try after reading all the comments about it. Don’t stress if you didn’t. I’ll buy the feminised version if needed. :+1:


No I’m not a big fan of feminized beans in general due to the misconceptions that typically surround them,


Here’s a few pics. They’re in a raised bed with five other plants. The sun had just gone behind the mountain so the light isn’t great. They look like they’ll yield real nice. The fan leaves were Jurassic large. Thanks @Heritagefarms and @misterbee !!

:space_invader: :sunglasses:


SORRYY, off topic, but just to let you know…ALL your expenses for the FALL BOX are paid!!! You don’t owe a thing, paid DIRECTLY to Gpas. Concentrate on getting well/better. Nice Lavender, btw!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s impressive how uniform the smells and structure of this line are considering it’s genetic background. Some get pink hairs some don’t and some go really purple while others don’t but besides those differences and and trichome production there rather stable.


Yeah that looks very close rto my pheno looking great


Same, mine looked very similar too.

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Just wanted to say thanks again for doing this seedrun! I hold them close to my heart. Thinking of doing a quick lavender dedicated run. All the seeds look fantastic!