Layering trimmings of Foliage and plants

Hello everyone,your friendly neighbour noob asking for a question.I read that you could put a layer of some organic matters,like some leaves of Basil or other compainion plants that I can collect outside,or kitchen scrap fruit,like apples,Bananas etc,to put Them in the top of my soil since I use biobizz and their nutes are claimed to act via bacteria and organic processes…Would It cause mold If I put a layer of leaves or fruit scrap on top of my lightmix soil?Would It be beneficial?
Growing autos indoor.


Your plants look OK, I wouldn’t risk the mold to add anything.


For my next run,what would you Say?Compainion plant Is impossible in those Little pots.Organic Is the way I want to go, can’t stand anymore bottled nutes and having Always issues @Heliosphear


I would suggest starting a worm bin. Put your leaves and kitchen scraps (no meat or dairy) in there and then use the harvested castings for your plants.


Is It going to stink?I live in a flat with my family

Not in my experience.

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Organics for me is a higher level, if you have issues with the basics (bottled nutes) it would be much more difficult to control any deficiency or excess with organics.

Do a long read in the organics grow threads, I have much respect for those growers because you have to be half scientist - half magician, not easy to know what’s already in your soil and how to prepare and amend it. The theory sounds good but the reality may become a PITA.

Autos are low feeders, don’t think they need those additions ATM, keep in control with what you already have before doing further steps … beer3|nullxnull


The worm bin sounds easier though,I Heard you cannot really burn Them with a handful of fresh worm casting from your bin and that It would only be a replenishment for the plant.Obviously I am saying a handful top dress now and then

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Currently I have a thin layer of mold all over my soil. That’s the whole point, you want mold to break it down so it becomes available to your plants.

Smell is minimal and always temporary (few days until it dies back again).
If the smell is disturbing then you can just throw another layer on top. Non-sweet stuff like grass or tree leaves. Mold really loves carbohydrates. Bitter tasting stuff like dandelion (10% calcium) doesn’t stimulate mold as much.

Water from the bottom if you do this to keep insects to a minimum.
I water only once or twice a week but my fabric pot is sitting inside a bigger container of the same height, that seems to slow down evaporaton as well due to lack of air movement.


I am scared of mold,since I don’t understand what is good and bad mold


Every type of mold has its own specific function. You gotta understand that there’s hundreds of thousands of different types of mold in soil. And we’ve only mapped maybe 10-15% of it. And yet… everything grows anyway. :wink:


I have been leaving my trimmings in my 55gal tote/bed. To get eaten by my worms in the soil, along with cover crop that gets cut when it’s too tall. I have some mold on the soil, yes. On the soil. Not the cannabis plant. But mind you this is a large healthy plant. Smaller plants might be overtaken by the mold, I’m not sure.

The big thing with living soil is bigger soil mass equals bigger bigger buffer. I have maybe 45-50 gallons of soil in there that regulates everything. If there is mold on top, it doesn’t bother the plant because the microorganisms in the soil protect it. Smaller soil mass means your have less protection. So take it slow at first.


So,basically in my 12 liter pots I could fit something for fixing nitrogen in my next run?So I could give only blooming nutes when needed?
Maybe some small roots crop to fix nitrogen and Calcium,I don’t know.A friend of mine told me It s no sense to do It in my size pot

Look for plants with 6-8” root zones as this in not utilized by cannabis.

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I have fabric 3 gallons pots= 12 liters

Dont let things rot or grow novelties with your weed indoors organic or not it make a mess and more work. compost first like they said or use organic dry light ferts with dr. Earth has all the microbes and fixing u need.


I can’t buy dr Earth here,even Amazon italy doesn’t have it

Italy…grapes…must have a commercial provider of organics…
Look at dr earth microbes on the back and notice they use alfalfa as a base (has trace triacanatol) and humic acids. No heavy poops (that shit is for ourdoors guerilla growing).
See if you can copy paste the bacteria names into Italian search engine.


For nitrogen fixing clover is great, I’ve used vetch too (one or two beans per cannabis plant).

Clover makes most sense if you don’t wanna top dress, because it covers all the surface.

With vetch you can still topdress, chop and drop it when it starts flowering.
And then you can topdress some more with other stuff too.

You can also throw in some basalt/rockdust if the mold gets too much.

Also earth worm castings or compost can get just as moldy as when you topdress with fresh organic matter.

I don’t really chop my clover.


Thank you,your knowdoledge has no price,very Happy to hear your words,I would liste the entire week,and so on

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