Leaves changing colors

I would never do such a thing. That said, 5 gallons of Fox Farm does not a living soil make! :bear::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I stand by my statements (as somebody who never misses an update in your thread, and loves your style)!

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Well, it’s alive, or the plant would not have grown this much. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Just messing with you though, I thought it was a good idea to pick it apart for OP.

But there’s a lot of room for improvement, all of which is written down, now it’s up to @Familytradition to decide.

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Always honored and humbled by your perspective brother

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No need for humble.

do it dewit


Never look up to anyone, and never look down on anyone.

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Bake eggs shells and add to good apple cider vinegar ground up to a powder and watch it fizz for a minute then let it sit for a month or two.When it calms down it’s a nice Calmag supplement with a kiss of some Epsom salts.Speeds things up a bit breaking those shells into something bio available use in moderate dose unless you have a pig on your hands in that case go hog wild :pig2:.I imagine with the vinegar it could double as a ph supplement and not be like lemon juice and make everything taste like lemons because of the oils.

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Yep! I’m a KNF/JADAM Gardener, so I’ve got all of the ferments and mixtures. Just didn’t want to muddy the waters with a bunch of unsolicited advice. :bear::+1:

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I get mine by word of Coots.If Jim speaks I listen.So much knowledge